HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1973-07-26 Regular FPZC-M-7-26-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANK G AND ZONING COMMISSION I July 26 , 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, July 26, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice-Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C . C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears , Vice-Chairman C . C. Bost, Chairman Leah North, Secretary Charles Coe Robert Phillips Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Clyde Raney James Be Shore 1. MINUTES No minutes were available for approval. 2 . BUILDING PERMITS BP# Mrs. Marie Dawson, owner, and Mr. Thomas Rives , • (Village architect were present to present plans for a Interiors ) commercial building at 105 S . Friendswood Drive. After discussion, Raney moved, seconded by Phillips , that tentaive approval be given, with final approval contingent on compliance with the following three corrections : (1) Permit for entrances is to be obtained from the Highway Department. (2 ) Number of parking spaces are to be reduced to a total of eleven. (3) Area of the sign is to be reduced to thirty-six square feet total for two sides. Motion passed unanimously. The parking for this building has been planned carefully around the existing pecan trees on the site so that none will have to be cut. National Mr. Charles Parkinson, First Assistant Chief, Investors' Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department, presented Attachment Fence a letter expressing the concern of the Department #1 in regard to the proposed design of the fence (Fire Dept. ) planned to screen the back of the Captain' s Corner Shopping Center buildings which front on Heritage Drive. The Department is concerned that the fence as now proposed would hinder access as well as possibly trapping firemen in the event of a fire at the center. He suggested that shrubbery would be easier for firemen to go through. Gates were also discussed; width and spacing are of importance to the Fire Department. L 2 FPZC-M-7-26-?3 MOTION WAS MADE b North, seconded b Shore, Attachment Y Y #2 that a letter be transmitted to City Manager Morgan urgently requesting that: (1 ) No Certificates of 'Zoning Compliance be issued or occupancy permitted in the National Investor' s Center until the fence requirements have been resolved. (2 ) Final building inspection approval be withheld. ( 3) National Investors be contacted and asked to come next Thursday to our meeting to discuss the fence and bring their drawings showing the fence. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment Simpson Mr. Wilbur Simpson appeared again to receive #3 Apartments information regarding his request to build apartments in a Commercial Zone Aich does not permit apartments at the present time. AfachmeAt Reference was made to the City Council minutes #7 of September 18, 1972 which reflect that Mr. Simpson was told that he could obtain a permit up until the time the ordinance was changed. (Which he did not do. ) Reference was made to Commission' s minutes of ` September 21, 197 , at which time then-Chairman Koppa was to conffer with the attorney regarding this situation which involved the legality of guaranteeing Mr. Simpson the right to build apartments in a zone which, although presently zoned for apartments as well as commercial , would not permit apartments at the time Mr. Simpson wished to build, which would not be until next year. No further record was found in the Commission' s minutes. Reference was made to the "special legislation" included in the revision of Ordinance 132 (now Ordinance 174) which, under the Schedule of District Regulations , C-1 (Business) District, includes a note "d" under permitted uses which stated that "provided a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is issued for an apartment prior to December 31 , 1972 , such certificate shall expire for pusposes of obtaining; a Building Permit one year from date of issue." No such Certificate was issued. Ordinance 174 was passed on final reading on January 15, 1973- Si_nce the last official action in this series of events consisted of the Zoning Adminstrator' s refusal of Mr. Simpson' s request on the grounds 3 FPZC-M-7-26-73 that such building was not now permitted in a ( Commercial zone, MOTION ,YVAS MADE by Phillips , seconded by Raney, that Mr. Simpson be directed to appeal to the Board of Adjustment. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attention is called to Ordinance 174, Section 9, Paragraph 2 , which states that the Administrative Official cannot issue a permit that is not in conformaance with the ordinance. Attention is also called to Ordinance 174, Section 10, Paragraph 2 , which states that appeals may be taken to the Board of Adjustment by any . person aggrieved by any decision of the Administrative Official (Zoning Administrator) . Also, Section 11 , Paragraph 1, states that one of the duties of the Board of Adjustment is to f hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Administrative Official. (Note should be taken that the appeal time is limited to sixty days in Section 10, Paragraph 2.; . 3. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren of Municipal Engineering Company was present to discuss the changing of the f entrance after plans had been approved by the Commission. Although the plat itself was not affected by the change in entrance design, which Mr. Bogren stated had been dictated by the Highway Department, the Commission felt strongly that the new entrance was extremely dangerous since it was blind from one side. When asked if Mr. Heaney, City Engineer, had approved the change, Mr. Bogren stated that he had voiced no objections , so he (Mr. Bogren) thought it was all right. The propriety of changing plans without consulting the Commission as well as changing plans while retaining an earlier signature and date of approval was discussed with Mr. Bogren. r A++achment A DECISION WAS MADE by general consent to write a letter to Mr. Lipscomb of the Traffic Division requesting that he or his representatives meet with Planning Commission members on the site to discuss the location of the entry, since the ` Commission feels that present entrance is extremely hazardous. In addition, a question exists regarding the necessity or advisibility of requiring grates on the culvert inlets. A copy of the entrance was submitted to Chief Wright by the Secretary. The Chief will study it on site. Pollv Ranch See Item 6. Miscellaneous business . 4 FPZC-M-7-26-73 111 4. INFORMATION REPORTS A . Pipeline Ordinance. Mr. Raney reported that he attended a meeting with Council and eight representatives of several oil companies on Monday evening to discuss the ordinance. Mr. Raney and Councilman Patton met again with the oil companies on Wednesday evening (Exxon, Crown, Amoco) . They reviewed all points of the ordinance. Phraseology was added which cleared up the ordinance from the oil companies' point of view. One of the points of discussion was in regard to the noise level . Mr. Raney has been doing some study with a decibel meter measuring noise levels at noisy locations. The ordinance will be rewritten and resubmitted within two weeks as a new ordinance. AA. Sign Ordinance. This will be workshopped Monday evening with Council members at Mr. Windler' s request. , Mrs. North expressed the feeling that, after study, she feels that the • prohibition against neon signs should be reinstated, as well as the lower height limitation of 20 feet. Size and color combinations were also discussed. 11/ B. Zoning Map Status: No new information. C . Zoning Regulation Changes. Notice has been published for the hearing to be held on August 9. D. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment. No new information. E. Herit .ge Estates Subdivision. No new information. F. Renwick Subdivision, No new information. G. Fox Meadows Subdivision. See action taken this meeting. H. Building Permits. The Secretary did not get a list from Mr. Jones . I . Coward Creek Subdivision. Mrs. North reported that the linen had been completed and given to the City, but that the street had not been included in the Subdivision, although the Action paving on the street had been discussed. The Secretary was instructed to check with the City Manager regarding street acceptance procedure. J. Books. The Secretary reported the receipt of three soft-back books on planning and zoning. Spears took thee "Zoning Primer:" Shore took " The Citizens Guide to Planning; " and Phillips took "The Citizens Guide to Zoning." Since these are inexpensive, additional. books may be ordered if the Commissione consider it worthwhile. K. Law Books. The Secretary reported the receipt of four volumes of "American Law of Zoning" by Anderson. The Secretary took these copies to study. d FPZC-M-7-26-73 L. Greenbriar/Briarmeadow Arterial. The Secretary reported that she had contacted Mr. Oliver Stork of the Highway Department III who is Director of the Harris and Galveston Counties Transportation Study. A map showing the arterial routes as shown in the Bovay report and with our suggested alternate routes was submitted to him for comment, which should be received by next week. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Budget MOTION WAS MADE by Shore , seconded by North, to adopt the following budget for next year: Legal Advisor and Professional Planner $1800.00 Books 200. 00 Office Supplies 100.00 Secretarial Help (Two to four hours a week. ) MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment The Secretary will transmit this budget 5 request to the City Manager. A chment Polly Ranch Mr. Billie McAninch, who had been present Estates earlier in the evening,was not present to present the plat of Polly Ranch, but the Secretary reported that three sets of plans and four additional plats had been received from Mr. Gartrell. Preliminary comments from the Commission concerning the plat included the following: Water Supply. Two eight-inch lines are shown supplying the subdivision, but one has no present connection with a City main and the other single supply line connects to a line that is already insufficient to maintain fire pressure for the houses already there. Arterial Highway. Friendswood' s Highway Plan indicate that an arterial highway passes through this subdivision, but no provision has been made for the right-of-way. 100-Year Flood. No indication had been made of the 100-year flood elevation. Drainage Easement. No allowance has been made for drainage easements along Clear Creek. Mr. Shore recommended 150' . 6 FPZC-M-7-26-73 In the absence of the City Manager the Secretary will transmit two copies of the plans to the City Engineer. LSecy note: Upon study of the plans submitted, it was discovered that plans for the streets and drainage were missing from all three copies although Mr. Gartrell' s letter indicated that the plans were complete. 1 7. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of the City Secretary' s report on the depth of Commercial Zoning "strips" was postponed and the meeting adjourned. Secretary Approveds • MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE 'FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL ' ~ , September 18, 1972 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at City Hall at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, September 18, with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Milton Windler Councilman William Patton Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Benny Baker a Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: • READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of September 5 , 1972 approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . The Mayor and Councilman Baker met this week with people from the Cowart Creek area to discuss annexation by request of the residents . The proposed annexation program is to be called "Operation Wrap-Around. " 2. Following a public hearing on September 14, the Council adopted a budget for the coming fiscal year totaling $661 ,169. 3. The Police Department is now preparing the necessary paper work requesting grant money to expand and furnish equipment for police facilities . 9 4. Walsh Engineering has submitted an interim report on engineering work for the sewer project. PETITIONS — -- Cily OF FRIENDSWOOT) 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 462 - 3323 September 24, 1973 ' i Mr. W. F. Simrson 204 Carey Lane FrienaQwood, '.^ex,'3 77546 Dear Mr. Simpson: This letter, will confirm to you the action taken by the Friandswood Board of Ad4ustment on Thursday, September 6, 1973 . After hearing your testimony and that of the two members of the PlanninF and Zonir-F CamAssion, we voted unanimously to reverse the decision of the Planninc and Zoning Commission and allow you to apply for a Certificate of Compliance to build apartments on property you own at the intersection of WindinF Way and FM 525 . We are notifying the Planning Commission and City Manager of this action with a copy of this letter. The Board of Ad,iustment vote in your favor was contingent on your applying for, and receiving, the Certificate of Compliance and Building Permit before December 31, 1973. It is understood that you must comply with the Friendswood regulations in all respects before these two documents are issued , with the one exception our Board has made allowing apartments. on this land that is zoned C-2 Commercial District . We suggest you make your applications as soon as possible so that the people who issue same will have ample time to take action. Yours very truly, George W. Fummel , Se(-retary Friendswood P,oard of Adjustment GWR:or cc :Planning Commission Mayor City Manager City Administrator File f- e _ August 8, 1973 r' Mr. W. R. Simpson s: 3219 Regal Jars 's Pearland, Texas 77531 ''• Dear Mr. Siripson: I afi returning to you your application for certificate of zoning coMpliance, dated 8-2-73 concerning rile property located at the corner of 523 and ;Minding May, described as lots 54 and 55, Voss Subdivision. This application is being rcfuseu on the grounds that the land is zoned E-1 and apartments are: not allowed on C-1 zoned property. You .should direct a request to the City of Friendswood Board of Adjustment, whose Chairman is tIrs. Ivy Fossler, setting forth your reasons for wanting to appeal this decision. If you have any questions, please let me know. Yours very truly, E , i . t� t James C. Morgan City P'anager ` JCM:mw Enclosure Y s P S h , N L ' H LP APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE (Use Permit) Name y' Q Date y Address l 4d� av es Phone I (we) the undersigned owner(s) of the following property W/ r g . vVa Li/ �� 1 �s w a Oj located at�.�a ail/ - i/,�ay dr[�✓ (Zegdl description) (street address, if any) as shown on the accompanying plat hereby apply for permission to use the afore- said property for the following use(s) only in accordance with Ordinance 132, City of Friendswood, Texas, and its amendments / V U A l4 ` E F Signed Rece ' d (date) , City of FriendswoodL I hereby certify that the property as described above is situated in the Use District according to the Official Zoning Map dated which is in force as of the date of this application. Signed: Administrative Official for Zoning City of Friendewood, Texas Date Permission refused on basis of land presently zoned as C-1 , and apartments are now allowed only on land zoned as R-2. SIGN 1" 1 A { CY OF FRIENDSWOOD log Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 September 24, 1973 Mr. W. R. Simpson 20`� Carey Lane Frienaswood, Texas 77-"46 Dear Mr. Simpson: This letter will confirm to you the action t- ken the Friendswood Board of A��uatment on Thursday, Eepte: per 6, 1973. Aft:�r hearing your testimony and that of the .two members of the Planning and Zoning Cacdssion, . we vote. � unanimou,;ly, to reverse the decision, of the Flannira a- Zonina Commission and allow you to arply for a Cer of ite of Compliance to buil^l apartments onr.ro^erty you own : the intersec" ion of Winding Way and FM 529 . he are nc`_if: ,E the Plar,Ang Commission and City Manager of this ecti, with a cony o ' this letter. The Board of Ad uetment vote in your favor w= s contingent on your applying for, and receiving, t"e Cer••tific-ate of Comaliance and Building Permit before December -Al, 1973. It is understood that you must comPIT with the Friendswood regulations in all respects :)efore these twD documents are issued , with the one exce- tion ol:r Board hes made allowing apartments . on this land t=:at is zoned C- ? Commercial District . We -zuwg est you make your applications as soon as nossiblE so that the people who issue sane will heve e time to take action. Yours very truly, i Gec rge W. Frummel , Ser-r et • ry Fri endswc od Poard of Ad' _ist•lent GirR:nr cc :Planning Comml 3sion Mayor j City M.a -)aaer �crw 7 �y Ad : inistratc � F' le o griendswood PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONi 100 WILLOWICK.FRIENDSWOOD.TEXAS 77348 482-3323 MAYOR COUNCILMEN RALPH L.LOWE DENNY R.BAKER CITY MANAGER RALPH G.GONZALEZ JAMES C.MORGAN RICHARD L.HAKEN WILLIAM B.PATTON MILTON L.WINDLER EDWARD O.ZEITLER Nove nib,cr 26, 1973 NIr. David Strickler 5633 Richmond Houston, Texas Dear Mr. Strickler: Minutes of the last Planning Commission meeting are enclosed as you requested. A problem remains , however. It was brought to my personal attention that the Planning Commission, although empowered to grant variances to subdivisions , does not have the authority to grant variances to zoning requirements . This latter authority rests with the Board of Adjustment. I have alerted the Chairman of the Board (Mrs . Ivy Fossler, 482-1530; Office: 483-2237) to expect a request from you regarcing the variances which, we thought we had granted. I am enclosing a copy of the Zoning regulations which pertain to the granting of variances. I have also starred the items in the minutes on which, in my opinion, you need to file a variance request with the Board of Adjustment. Si rerely yours , Leah P. North SECRETARY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FPZC-7-26-73 .1 Attachment #3 To: City Manager James Morgan; 'Zoning Administrator Cline > 4299-9;X-3 From: Planning Commission Dates July 31, 1973 Subject: Wilbur Simpson: Request to build apartments in Commercial Zone which does not permit apartments. At its regul ar meeting of July 26, 1973, the Planning and Zoning Commission took the position that since : (1) Mr. Simpson had requested of the Zoning Administrator Mr. Cline that he be permitted to build apartments in a Commercial Zone on Winding Way. (2 ) Mr. Cline had refused te�esbuoildsngcofa Commercial apartments , and does not at this time perms •F ( 3 ) Since the Zoning Ordinance 174, in Section 9, Paragraph 2 , states that the Zoning Administrator shall not give permission to build excepiL in conformance with the ordinance unless he receives a written order from the Board of Adjustment, and (4) Since Ordinance 174 also sets up an appeals procedure in Section 10, Paragraph 2 , which states that appeals from the decision of the Administrative Official are to be taken to. the Board of Adjustment, THE the proper course for Mr. Simpson to take was to ' appeal to the Board of Adjustment. And he was so advised. A motion to this effect passed unanimously (Bost and Coe absent) . FOR COWIMISSION �7�E 4, � � a l% Leah North, Secretary 7