February 7, 1972
A special meeting of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment was held at the
City Hall on Monday, February 7, 1972. The following members were present:
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
Mr. George Rummel , Secretary
Mr. Truman Taylor
Mr. William Dykes
Mrs. Leah North
Mr. Bruce Foster
Also present:
Mrs. Greg Hughes
Mr. Robert Markowitz, Attorney
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lowdermilk
This meeting was called to continue consideration of the use of a mobile
home on the Hughe's property at 206 E. P
a as Ed ewood lace of business and
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Fossler at 8:15 P.M. Minutes of the
previous two (2) meetings on this case were read by the Secretary.
In the period since the last meeting, it was learned that the Mobile Home
Ordinance #129 prohibits the use of a mobile home for any other purpose
except as a private dwelling, Article XIX, page 14. Also, the Planning and
Zoning Commission is the Mobile Homes Review Board, Article VIII , page 7.
Mr. Markowitz, Attorney for Mrs. Hughes, had presented to the Board of
Adjustment an intended usage of this mobile home as primarily a place of
business and secondarilya private dwelling. Approval as a lace of
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business has already been granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission
(see letter from Mr. L. B. Cline to Mrs. Hughes, dated September 27, 1971 ) .
The Board of Adjustment felt that this usage as a place of business could
not be decided upon by them as the Planning and Zoning Commission made the
initial decision and is also the Review Board for Ordinance #129. The only
usage the Board of Adjustment could decide upon was as a private dwelling.
Motion was made by Trumen Taylor that the Board of Adjustment affirm
Mr. Cline' s ruling that the permit granted Mrs. Hughes did not include
using this mobile home as a dwelling on the basis that Ordinance #132 does
not include mobile homes except in a mobile home park.
Seconded by William Dykes.
Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.
Mr. Lowdermilk stated that he presently does not have any income nor any
money to move the mobile home from its present location.
Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
orge W. umme , Se etary