HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1975-01-16 Regularr l
( FPZC-M-1-16-75 Notice
Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East W1llowick, Friendswood, Texas, on:
THURSDAY JANUARY 16, 1975 7:30 P.M.
at which time the following items of business will be considered:
l.Minutes of previous meetings.
2.Information reports.
3.Rou�ine building permits.
4.REzoning requests.
8:00 P.M. HEARING: RR-1974-12 and RR-1974-13. Request by Crown Central Petroleum to rezone two four-acre tracts of land out of the E. D. Mills, et ux, 250 acre tract in the I&GN RR survey, A-624, from R-1 Single Family to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures.
Yancey tract on Me rriewood Tract on 2351 opposite Melody lane Dr. Boone 6.Miscellaneous business
Swearing in of new members Goals for 1975 Contract: Planning Consultant Any routine business which may come before the Commission
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I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board on the twelfth day of January, 1975, at 10:30�dlo��-
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·January·15� ·1975
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on January 16, 1975. Chairman Tracy Spears presided.
Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice-Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fassler Bob Phi 11 i ps James Shore John Tirado
Signing the register were:
Tom Manison, Camp Manison, 482-1251 Rev. D. C. Herrin, 801 Lockmoor, 482-2946 0.K. Haynie, 1400 First City East, 224-8550Joe E. Adams, Jr., 1400 First City East, 224-8550George M. Cason, Jr., Box 590, League City, 332-2444 (representing Dino D. Nadkarni)Roberta Segelquist Harper, Rt. Box 1-B, Fredricksburg, 997-5782Raymond Segelquist, Alvin, Texas, 585-2261Billy Verkin, Houston, Texas, 666-6666M.L. Powers, Houston, Texas, 666-6666Charles E. Odom, Houston, Texas, 667-3764
January 2, 1975 -Page One: Paragraph 2-E. Raney, not Fassler, reported on the Galveston County Water Authority. Approved as corrected.
GCWA Tirado reported that the Galveston County Water Authority was scheduled to give its report to the City Council this coming Mond ay.
Pentacostal Church
Rev. Herrin presented his approved plans from the Texas Highway Department for access to F. M. 2351 from the proposed Pentacostal Church. He stated that Mr. Holsenbach in rovin said that the Highway department had no plans to widen F. M. 2351, but that he would consider setting the church back further anyway, which is what the Commission recommended.
He asked if he could move in prior to completion. This question was referred to the Building Cfficial. He was referred to the City Manager for a City culvert permit. He was referred to the Building Official for a sign permit.
Shore commented that the Commission could recommend that the
building not be occupied until the parking was completed to City
FPZC-M-1-16-75 2
Pentacostal Church (continued)
specifications. Raney added that sanitary facilities would have to be adequate, also, before occupancy.
The original of the Highway Department permit was returned to Rev. Herrin, with a copy kept for the Commission files.
The oath of office was administered to Commissioners John Tirado and Leah North, whowere recently reappointed for three year terms expiring November l, 1977.
Chairman Tracy Spears called the �earing.to order on a request by Crown Central Petroleum to rezone two four-acre tracts out of the E.D. Mills., et ux, 250 acre tract in the I&GN RR survey, A-624,from R-1 Single Family to Specific Use: Oil .Well and relatedstructures. Mr. 0. K. Haynie and Joe Adams, Jr., representing theoil company and Billy Verkin and Charles E. Odom, representing thesurface owners, were present.
Mr. Haynie stated that Crown did not yet have a letter of agreement, but that they were ready to commit to writing any agreement made tonight.
Fossler arrived.
Haynie stated that they would like to change the proposed location of the wells and that eventually they would like four additional tracts on the Mills tract and one additional location on each of two adjacent 110 acre tracts of land. They would then sign a release on the other acreage.
Verkin stated that they would like to develop or sell the land, but that they cannot get financing for a subdivision unless they get a release of the rest of the surface rights. He gave two copies of a flood and utility study done for the subdivision to the Commission for its files.
Odom stated that the developer was at a disadvantage until Crown determines where the rest of -the we 11 s wi 11 be. Unless this is done, orderly development of the area is not possible and undue hardship is caused the surface owners. They would have to oppose any permits until these locations are determined.
Additional discussion followed, until it was evident that the two parties could not reach an agreement during this meeting. Spears asked if anyone else wished to speak. No one did. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Tirado, to table (postpone) any decision until additional information is forthcoming.
Mr. George CAson appeared on behalf of Mr. Nadkarni to state that Mr. Nadkarnia wished to request that only so much land as is necessary be rezoned from his tract and permit the rest of the tract to be single family. Mr. Raney explained that Mr. Nadkarni. received a
Nadkarni (continued)
3 FPZC-M-1-16-75
notice of the rezoning hearing mly because his land was within 200 feet of the land requested to be rezoned, that his acreage is still zoned single family and that no Specific Use Permit has been requested. The tank batteries, seperator, and well head on his land existed prior to annexation by the City. Raney will answer his letter and talk to the Tax Assessor/Collector in regard to the taxing of the area. Four tanks are to be removed, which will lessen the surface use by two-thirds.
Carol Boone
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F.M. 2351
Dr. Carol Boone presented a request to consider rezoning of land at the intersection of Briarmeadow�and Winding Way. He would like to be able t'o build town houses in the entire area from the intersection with F. M. 518 to the Creek. Proposed zoning is now R-3 and R-1. The Chairman called Dr. Boone's attention to the'hearings pl�nned for March. The feeling of the Commission was thata PUD with a density maximum of five units per acre might beconsidered, but Not townhouses with a greater density.
North brought before the Commission a problem which had been referred to the Commission by the principles involved in a land transaction involving three out of four tracts of land, being a part of Lot 4, Block 9, Friendswood Subdivision. This tract of land was surveyed and divided by metes and bounds in a survey dated April l, 1971. Although not approved by the Commission or recorded, a building permit was granted to build a house on Tract Bin 1972. The new owner of Tract B would now like to buy Tracts A and C, but would like to know if he would have any trouble in the future selling them for building lots.
Each lot is 75' frontage, which met -the zoning requirements when it was surveyed and 280 feet deep, being 0.482 Acre in area.
After considerable discussion , Raney pointed out paragraph 6 under the Single Family Residential Use District of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for variation in lot widths by the Commission if the dwelling density is equal to or less that 2.7 per acre.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that, in compliance with developer Walter Wainwright's request of May 23, 1973, that under Paragraph 6 of the Single Family District REgulations building per permits may be issued on this property for single-family dwellings with set-backs as required by the Zoning Ordinance in existance at the time the building permit application is made.
Did not attend. No action taken.
Brigadoon and 2351
Spears informed that Commission that Mr. Buck Hausman hasrequested that the Commission considered rezoning a tractof land on F. M. 2351 between Stadium Lane and Brigadoonfrom Single Family Residential to Commercial C-1. The Commission strongly and unanimously opposed such a change.
The hour being late, all further items of business on the agenda were deferred untila later meeting and the meeting adjourned.
;flJ Y, )&,:U Secretary
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