HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-10-03 Regularr ! I ! (') (' NOTICE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: l.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2.INFORMATION REPORTS. 3.BUILDING PERMITS Any routine building permits.Request for temporary building -Sun Meadow Construction.Antique Shop parking -Larry Tait.Trailer on Wilderness Trail -Mr. Forsberg. 4.SUB DIVISIONS. Heritage Estates, SEction Four -Up for Final approval.Wedgewood, Section 6 Replat -Presentation of preliminary plans.Discussion of adjacent acreage. 5.MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Any routine business.Term expirations on November l of North and Tirado. 6.ADJOURNMENT. sf&.�l?� 1--1 FPZC-M-10-3-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 3, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on Thursday, October 3, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. Chainnan Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice-Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler (left early) Bob Phillips James Shore John Tirado AUDIENCE The following people signed the register: Mrs. John M. Kerr, 121 Imperial, 482-1593. John M. (Buzz ) Kerr, 121 Imperial, 482-1593. Joe McKenzie, 15338 Wandering Trail MEMBERS ABSENT J. W. Gartrell, Jr., P. 0. Box 382, La Marque, Texas. Jerry Phillips, Sun Meadow. I I 1.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. I -- No minutes were available. 2.BUILDING PERMITS. McVey Antiques Sun Meadow Sales Office Mr. Larry Tait appeared before the Commission to present a parking plan for McVey's Antiques on Laurel Drive. After discussion, Mr. Tait was advised that the following additional information would be needed: 1.Drainage should be shown.2.Type of paving should be indicated.3.The design wind load should be indicated on the plans.4.An engineer's seal is needed.5.Dimensions of the driveway should be indicated. Ken Fossler left. Mr. Jerry Phillips presented a survey and a request to place a temporary building on the west corner of the intersection of Sun Meadow Boulevard and West Parkwood (F. M. 528). The building will be used as a temporary sales office for Sun Meadow Subdivision. During the discussion, it was agreed that there would be no parking on Sun Meadow Boulevard. Mr. Phillips is to bring a plot plan showing the location, which will have a thirty foot set-back from Sun Meadow Boulew.ard. FPZC-M-10-3-74 2 Sun Meadow Sales Office (continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Tirado, that the Commission recommend approval contingent on (l) submittal of a plot plan to the Buildin9 Inspector, (2) 30 foot set-back fromSun Meadow Boulevard, and (3) a one year recommended time limit on the permit. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The copy of the building plans, the survey, and the check were returned to the Building Inspector. 3.REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM FLOOD INSURANCE ORDINANCE. 121 Imperial Drive Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kerr, of 121 Imperial Drive requested a variance from the required slab height for an enclosed patio 4.SUBDIVISIONS Heritage EstatesSection Four which they are building at 121 Imperial Drive. Mr. Kerr stated that he had found out that he was in violation of the City Code because he had not poured his slab above the 100-year flood level. Mrs. North, then Building Inspector, referred him to the Planning Commission for a variance before issuing a building permit. Spears asked if he was running air-conditioning ducts to the enclosure. Kerr answered that he was not. Tirado asked what the use was to be. Kerr stated that it was to be a playroom. Kerr stated that the Building Department seemed to feel that an elevation was required, although Kerr feels that it is a patio and not covered by Flood Insurance. North was absent briefly at this point to answer a fire call. North stated that she was aware of at least one extenuating circumstance in this case, which was that after the flood of June, 1973, when all but about three houses in Imperial Estates Subdivision underwent repair work, only one home was required to obtain a building permit and that one home got a permit only after the neighbors became concerned that it was building too close to the property line. She objected to the Commission's taking action this evening because the item was not on the agenda since Mrs. Kerr had stated Sunday evening that they did not want on the agenda at this time. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, Seconded by Phillips, that the requested variance from the requirement be granted because the structure was not of a habitable nature and not under the Flood Insurance Act. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1. For: Spears, Raney, Phillips, Tirado, Shore. Against: North. Mr. James Gartrell was present to request final approval for Heritage Estates, SEction Four. In response to a question by Mrs. North, he stated that the final plans were the same plans as approved for Preliminary Plans. It was discovered by Mr. Gartrell that 1 Mr. Heaney had not signed the plat as approved. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Tirado, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the final plat after all signatures are affixed. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. [ ·1 [ I u Subdivisions (continued) Wedgewood Village Section 6 Replat 3 FPZC-M-10-3-74 Mr. Charles Beyer presented three copies of the plat, three copies of the plat and plans, one copy of deed restrictions of the proposed Wedgewood Village, SEction 6, Replat. No copy of the title report was available at this time. No objections to the plat were noted by the Planning Commission. Plats will be given to the Fire and Police Departments for comment. Plats and plans will be given to the Utility and Engineering departments for comment. Mr. Beyer asked about the possible uses of an approximately 20 acre rectangular section surrounded by Section Six and fronting on Friendswood-Link Road. FHA has required them to erect a fence around the peni1rileter of this property because there is no assurance of its eventual use. He was informed that the Commission has said that there shou ld be no Commercial in this area and that there should be a limit to the density if Townhouses were planned. Planning Commission can enforce this, however, only through threat of annexation, which is dependent upon the City Council's action. 5.MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Forsberg Trail er Meeting Schedule 6.ADJOURNMENT Phillips read the letter from Mr. Forsberg to Mr. Cline and dated September 12, 1974. Since Mr. Forsberg was not present, however, the Commission agreed to postpone discussion until he was present. MOTION WAS MADE by Tirado, seconded by Phillips, that regular meetings of the Commission be held on the first and third Thursdays only, leaving other Thursday evenings for workshops or special meetings. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. se¥daoJ'f-� r Approved: / 0 -/ 7 -71/ {l(), lvl�