HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-11-07 Regularr· l 11 I._ n (, NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FPZC-11-7-74 Notice Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSD/W NOVEMBER 7, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2.INFORMATION REPORTS. 3.ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS Red-Top SignAny other routine building permits. 4.REZONING REQUESTS. RR-1974-7 and RR-1974-8. Decision on request from Crown Central to rezone toSpecific Use: Oil Well and related structures. Hearing S was held May 23, 1974. 5.SUBDIVISIONS. Wedgewood Village, Section Six re-plat. Final approval. 6.MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS E.Heritage trailerAny other routine business. 7.ADJOURNMENT. ���� Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on the third day of November, 1974, at 11:55 o'clock P.M. iJJ.�� Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission FPZC-M-11-7-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING O F THE FRIENDS L rnOD PLANNINA AND ZONING COMMISSION November 7, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 Fast \•Jillowick, on Thursday, November 7, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Tracy Spears presii<ded. .. jJ MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Soears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice-Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fassler Bob Phi 11 i ps AUDIENCE Signing the register were: MEMBERS ABSENT ,lames B. Shore (at Clear Creek hearing) tlohn Tirado Ed Zeitler, Council Representative Raymond E. Segelquist, Rt. 3, Box 141, Nlvin, Texas, 585-2261 Larrv 0• Tait, �r., 309 Stratmore, Friendswood, 48�-2265 D.D. Mounce, Mananer, Eastern District, Crm•m Central �etroleum Comnany,1400 1st City East Building, Houston, 224-8550 · Joseph E. Adams, Jr., Senior Landman, Crown Central Petroleum Company H. E. McAndrews, Jr., Land Manager, Crown Central Petroleum Company l.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. No minutes were available. 2.PLANNING CONSULTANT. Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson was present. The Commission discussed his recommendations for proposed zoninq map changes and for a proposed realignment of the intersection of Hhisper.i.nq Pines and' F. ·M. 518. Atkinson irecommended, amonq other thinns, that plans be made for obtaining the rights-of-way and/or establishing building lines with adequate set-backs in the Whispering Pines/ S. Friendswood Drive (F. M. 518) intersection area under study. The Commissionagreed that a letter be sent to the Texas Highway Department asking their recommendation on this intersection. 3.BUILDING PERMITS McVey Antiques Mr. Larry Tate 11as in attendance in order to present the latest narkina nlans for the McVey Antique Shop on Laurel Drive. Two sets of plans were oresented. These were red-lined to show wheel stoos across the front of the ii ·· property line, so that cars.would not park in front of the building. Al�o, the foundation plan did not meet Southern Buildina Code requirements and was marked out. The pavement will be asphalt, 1 1/2 inches think, with Type D, MCl tack coat. FPZC-M-11-7-74 2 Building Permits (continued) 4.REZON J.NG RR-1974-7 RR-1974-8 Crown Centra 1Decision 5.SUBDIVISIONS l;Jedgewood Vi 11 aqeSection 6 Re-olat MnTrnN 1•1AS ��AnE b.v Raney, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend that the building permit be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Representative s from Crown Central Petroleum were present to hear the Commission consider a decision reqarding the rezoning to Soecific Use: Oil Hell, two tracts of land originally considered in ahearina on May 23, 1974. Mr. Raymon� Segelquist, representing the surface owners of the land which Crown Central is requesting rezoning on was also nresent. Of the two original sites, one was moved to his land anrl one was moved to 13 acres already rezoned for the Slateper-Peterson well. Both sites were originally on land owned by Billy Verkin and Mel Powers. Raney informed the representatives that a legal question had been raised a'.>out 5:30 this afternoon as to whether Crown Central eoulq leg ally request rezoning since they were not surface owners and therefore had oossibly requested rezoning on someone else's property. Raney recommended that Crown Central and the surface owners aet tonether and have the surface owner request rezoning. Mr. Seqelquist stated that he had iust heard about the rezoning at 6 P.M. this evening. He indicated that he had received no notice of the hearing when the original request involved the Verkin-Powers land. Mr. McAnrlrews answered a question by Mrs. North by stating that the new location was within 200 1 of the north pro!)erty line. North questio ned whP.t.her a new hearinq would be necessary, even after the other legal question was resolved, since the location of the well area had been moved enough to affect different nronerty owners. Raney recom mended that the Commi ssion not act until we get the City Attorney 1 s opinion. The Commission agreed. The location of the road into the well site was discu ssed. It could be located on (l) the Verkin-Powers property, (2)the hiqh-line easement, (3) an existing private road, or(4)along the bayou. No further action was taken. MOTION WAS MADE by Fassler, seconded by Phillips, that approval be qiven to the Final !Jlat as submitted for t•Jedgewood Village, Section Six Re-olat. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Mobile HomesVariances and Violations Procedures for Enforcement 7.ADJOURNMENT 3 ,.... . ... FPZC-M-11-7-74 Spears reported a conversation with City Attorney Bi 11 Olson concerninn the granting of variances for violations of the ordinances regarding mobile homes. Mr. Olson stated thait the Planning Commission has no authority to grant variances for mobile homes. Neither has the Board of Adjustment. According to Mr. Olson, when a violation occurs, Mr. Cline should send a letter infe:rming the··owneri,.that"he is in violation and instructing him that the mobile home should be moved within a certain number of days. If this moving is not done, then the City Council can instruct the City Manager to request that the City Attorney file in Municipal Court. The fine is then $200 per day each day the violation persists. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. ?/lJL_'o?Y&Ji Secretary r Approved: //-/ Jf-7 t/ CU.V �w