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FPZC-9-12-74 Notice
Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on:
at which time the following items of business will be considered:
RR-1974-9 Request to rezone 3.8541 acre tract at corner of Sunset and Briarmeadow from R-1 Single family residential to C-1 Commercial (Hearing held on September 5).
Heritage Estates, SEction Four -Up for preliminary approval.
Ad 'eY!M Secretary
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board on the eighth day of September, 1974, at 10:30 P.M. "J1 oJl rl Yltlf.Planning and zoning Commission Secretary
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September 12, 1974
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on Thursday, September 12, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided.
Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice-Chiarman Leah North, Secretary
Kenneth Fossler
Bob Phi 11 i ps James Shore John Tirado
Members of the audience siging the register were:
E.Lamar Jaokson, 400 Briarmeadow, 482-3918.E.Lillian Jackson, 400 Briarmeadow, 482-3918.Jalna Westerfield, 523 Heather Lane, 482-1717.Ken Westerfield, 523 Heather Lane, 482-1717.Grace Baker, 811 Merriebrook, 482-7094.Cathy Raney, Box 347, Friendswood.R.L. Vandiver, 110 Annette, 482-2350.Nancy A. Vandiver, 110 Annette, 482-2350. Steve N. Martin, 505 Heather Lane, 482-1734. Gerald H. SmitD,610 Heather Lane, 482-2920. L.D. Kissinger, 501 Heather Lane, 482-6702.
No minutes were presented.
Zoning Status
Heritage Estates,Section Four
Marian West appeared to ask about possible uses of a house which appears to be partly in a Commercial Zone and partly in a single-family residential zone. This is an area where the Commission would like to have the Commercial areas reduced in size. Also, the depth of the Commercial Zone in this area has not been accurately determined. Ms. West was informed that she would need an accurate survey on the building's location on the lot before an determination could be made.
Mr. James Gartrell appeared before the Commission to request preliminar y approval of Heritage Estates, Section Four. He was given a memo received from �ty Manager Morgan stating that no changes from the plans of May 18, 1973 had been approved and -requesting that any changes desired from these plans be made·in writing. (Attachment #1 .) This procedure would relieve Citypersonnel of the necessity of studying all the details of eachrevised sheet every time a change is requested. (12 sheets inthis case.)
FPZC-M-9-12-74 2
Heritage Estates, Section Four (continued)
This item will be rescheduled for next week's agenda.
Discussion was continued on the request to rezone approximately four acres on the corner of Sunset and Briarmeadow from R-1 to C-1 in order to build commercial tennis courts.
A petition was presented and read by Mr. R. L Vandiver protesting the rezoning and listing reasons. This was signed by twenty-four persons and was completed in two hours time. This petition is attached and made part of the minutes.
Tirado asked applicant Bill Murphy if he had gotten any comments from the City Attorney Bill Olsen regarding any way that the City could effectively guarantee that the area would be used for a tennis court. Mr. Murphy replied that he had been told that if this requiremnt is in the deed, only the seller can enforce it and that the City Attorney felt that there was no way that the restriction (to confine the use to tennis) could be done legally.
Tirado stated that he did not think that any member of the Commission was against tennis courts, but he objected bec�use the City has no guarantee that it would be a 'tennis ·court and for that reason he would vote against the rezoning. Traffic could also be a problem at that location. The only other alternate, and he understood that Mr. Murphy was not willing to wait, would be to change the zoning ordinance and put eemmercial recreation in specific use.
��/2,.__Mr. Murphy stated that he felt there would be objections even if this were done.
Ken Westerfield, tan avid tennis player, recommended that the the Commission amend the Zoning Ordinance to includedrecreational facilities under the Specific Use provision.
Grace Baker, a member of the City's C.A.R.E Committee, stated that the Committee is trying to get matching grants for tennis courts for the City Parks, but that the earliest time possible for this is two years at this time.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend disapproval of the request to rezone because it is not in complaince with the comprehensive zoning plan.
MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1. For: Against: None. Abstaining: Raney, Shore, Spears, North. Phillips.
North stated that she wished the record to show that one of her objections to rezoning which had not been mentioned tonight was that the City already has an oversupply of available C-1 land which would be legal to use for tennis courts without rezoning.
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Rezoning (continued )
Building CommitteeReport
Street renamed
Imperial Estates
3 FPZC-M-9-12-74
Raney stated that the petition had pretty well covered the reasons for opposing the rezoning. In addition, he felt that an over-sized metal building at that location would have an adverse effect on the property values in the neighborhood.
Spears stated that the Commission could not consider the price a person has to pay for the land in determining our decision. Spot zoning is also a problem and rezoning of this piece of land in an otherwise residentially zoned area could cause a precident to be set.
Tirado reiterated that the City could have no guarantee that the land would continue to be used as tennis courts once the rezoning to Commercial use were granted.
Raney, Chairman of the Building Committee, stated that he would like to see discussion of the Committee Report referred to the Planning Commission by Mayor Lowe deferred until next meeting. The Commission agreed that this was acceptable.
North informed the Commission that the City Council had voted to rename a section of Briarmeadow. That portion of Briarmeadow which runs fr om the intersection of Briarmeadow and Greenbriar toward the southeast and which is naturally an extension of Greenbriar has been renamed Greenbriar. From the point where this extension makes a sharp right turn to the southwest and to its intersection with West Parkwood (F.M. 528) Briarmeadow will be named Briarcreek. This was done at the request of Offenhausers, who live on Brjarcreek.
North reported that it had been brought to her attention by a member of the Police Department that Mills Lane was still incorrectly designated on its street sign as Richmond Lane, which is a duplication of a street in Heritage Estates. He had brought this before the Commission previously.
Raney asked if the SEcretary had written a memo the last time this question1 ;had come up. The Secretary could not remember. The SEcretary was instructed to write a memo to the City Manager informing him of the problem.
Shore asked if we had had any reply from the Police Department regarding restricting the traffic in Imperial Estates. The Secretary will check the status of this.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
�Jf?Y&}L Secretary
Approved: � (J,(Jvt,lrl:r �
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To: Friendswood Planning Commission
Attached is a copy of a petition which is self-explanatory. These signatures were obtained in about two hours with only one person passing the petition. Virtually everyone contacted signed with enthusiasm, which indicates the general op position to the proposed tennis courts.
We hope that you will give due consideration to this opposition when you finalize your decision.
The original petition will be presented to you at the next Planning Commission meeting on September 12, ]974.
Robert L. Vandiver llO Annette Ln Friendswood, Texas 77546
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The undersigned Briarmeadow/Sunset Area Property Owners are opposed to the rezoning of the Southeast corner of Briarmeadow and Sunset from R-1 residential to C-1 commercial for the following reasons:
1.The only reason for selecting this residential property for a tennis centeris that it is inexpensive when compared to commercial property. It is notjustified for the city of Friendswood to subsidize a private venture byrezoning residential land,, when commercial property is readily availablewith much better locations.
2.The party sponsoring this venture has stated that the courts may be enclosed.This means a one acre metal building will be required. We feel that thiswould be ..an eyesore and would l 01t1er the property values in the Bri armeadowSunset Area.
3.The party sponsoring this venture has stated that there will be a deedrestriction placed on the land if the property is rezoned. We submitthat after rezoning, a new contract can be drawn allowing any type ofcommercial.activity. The city may have no control of the property.
4.It has been indicated by the sponsoring party, that there are certainfinancial risks involved in a venture of this nature. We believe thatif the venture is economi ca 11 y sound, it could be pl aced on prop ertywhich is already zoned commercial. If it is not economica.lly sound,Friendswood may find a defunct business and a one acre empty buildingon the corner of Briarmeadow and Sunset.
�Jheather or not the tennis co urts will be "good" for Friendswood is questionable,since it is planned as a "semi-private" club, requiring yearly dues as well ashourly charges.
The sponsoring party has stated that he plans to hold tennis matches at thissite. He submit that there is not adequate parking for this type of activity,
th t matches wo ld create a danger and a nuisance to area property owners.
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The undersigned Briarmeadow/Sunset Area Property Owners are opposed to the rezoning of the Southeast corner of Briarmeadow and Sunset from R-1 residential to C-1 commercial for the following reasons:
l.The only reason for selecting this residential property for a tennis centeris that it is inexpensive when comp a red to commercial pro perty. It is notjustified for the city of Friendswood to subsidize a private venture byrezoning residential land,. when commercial property is readily availablewith much better locations.
2.The party sponsoring this venture has stated that the courts may be enclosed.This means a one acre metal building will be required. We feel that thiswould be .en eyesore and would lower the property values in the BriarmeadowSunset Area.
3.The party sponsoring this venture has stated that there will be a deed restriction placed on the land if the property is rezoned. We submitthat after rezoning, a new contract can be drawn allowing any type ofcommercial activity. The city may have no control of the property.
4.It has been indicated by the sponsoring party, that there are certainfinancial risks involved in a venture of this nature. We believe thatif the venture is economi ca 11 y sound, it could be pl aced on propertywhich is al ready zoned commercial. If it is not economically sound,Friendswood may find a defunct business and a one acre empty buildingon the corner of Briarmeadow and Sunset.
5.Hheather or not the tennis courts will be "good" for Friendswood is questionable,since it is planned as a "semi-private" club, requiring yearly dues as well ashourly charges.
6.The sponsoring party has stated that he plans to hold tennis matches at thissite. We submit that there is not adequate parking for this type of activity,and that matches would create a dan jler and a nuisance to a�ea pr�perty JWners.
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109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546
482 -3323
Planning and Zoning Commission
Jim Mo rgan
Septenber 12, 1974
Heritage Estates
FPZG --9-12-lL{
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Any variation from the signed plans of May 18, 1973 should be requested in writing and the City will answer in writing. No other changes from these plans dated May 18, 1973 have been approved by either the Ci� Engineer or the Water and Sewer Superintendent.
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