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HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-03-22 Regular FP'LC-Ivl-3-22-73
March 22. 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held on Thursday, March 22 , 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall.
Chairman C . G . Bost presided.
C. C . Most Bob Phillips (not sworn in)
Tracy Spears
Leah North
Charles Coe
Clyde Raney
James Shore
James Morgan (City Manager)
Ed Zeitler (Council Rep. )
Ted A Guillory, 2323 S. Burke, Pasadena
A. J. Peterson
Jim Gartrell
Dixie Gartrell
Dr. Fairleigh
Ted Bogren
March 1, 1973 - Approved with the following corrections :
(1 Add James Shore to the members present.
(2 ) Delete Ed Zeitler from the members present.
(3) Add " or section thereof" after the word
" subdivision" and before the words ' has been
completed" in the motion regarding building
permits in new subdivisions (page 4) .
March 15, 1973 - Approved with the followin corrections Change
Atkins to Atkinson (page 21.
Utilities : Mr. Ted Guillory, who is planning to build a home
Linson Lane on Linson Lane appeared to ask if Planning
Commission is going to require Mustang Meadows to
install water or sewer lines. He is interested
because , at the present time, he will have to pay
the initial cost of 900 feet of water and sewer
(less the first 100 feet, which the City nays)
to service his home. Since part of this g00 feet
would extend toward Mustang Meadovs, he was
hoping that part of the initial cost could be
shared. Mr. Bost informed him that we could not
give him a definite answer at this time.
2 FNZC-M-3-22-73
Renwick Mr. A. J. Peterson gave Planning Commission two
S/D final copies of the Renwick plat for signing. No
action was taken since the plat had not yet been
signed by the City engineer.
Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren presented the final linen of
Foxmeadows subdivision for approval. Mr. Spears
asked him why the required slab height was listed
on the plat as 26' , instead of 27' as Planning
Commission had previously stated it should be.
Mr. Bogren explained that he had received a
100-year flood level from the Corps of Engineers
which indicated the height in that area to be
24. 5 feet and that he therefore felt that 26' was
a reasonable requirement. Mrs. North confirmed
his report. She had received the same information
from Mr. Different of the Corps of Engineers
hydrology section, as had Mr. Shore, also.
Mrs. North moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that
since the Commission has received figures from
the Corps of Engineers indicating the 100-year
flood level in the Foxmeadows area is 24. 5 feet,
that we approve the change in slab height from
27' to 26' . Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Raney moved, seconded by Mr. Coe, that the
final plat be approved, Motion passed by a four
to two vote. Fors Spears , Coe, Bost, Raney.
Againstt North, Shore.
Mrs. North stated that her negative vote was based
on her opinion that the fire hydrant placement
does not meet with State Board of Insurance
requirements that in residential areas hydrants
shall be placed every 600 feet, so that every
building shall be within 500' of a hydrant.
Cook Ranch Mr. Gartrell returned with another lot layout of
Cook Ranch plus a lot layout superimposed on
CH RlvAcnC contour lines. He stated that the gully in lots
15 and 13 will be filled, but the gully in lots
sT(�T�s 6 and 7 will be left in. Lot 11 needs clearing
and fill. Lots 15 and 16 will be cleared and
filled to the 24' elevation.
Street layout. Mr. Gartrell stated that they
could not live with building the streets at the
24' flood elevation. He would like to hold the
level at 21-22 feet. The streets need to be 12'
below the lots in order to drain. The streets
will be concrete curb and gutter, with the
manholes sealed (against flood waters) .
a FPZC-14-3-22-73
Flood level. Mrs . North asked that -the 100-year
flood level line be indicated on the plat. Mr.
Gartrell stated that this should be put in an
ordinance first before he would do it. He did
agree to indicate on the plat that the flood level
is 241 .
Mrs. North requested an access from this subdivision
to the undivided land adjacent to it, but the
general consensus was not in favor of this proposal.
Water. Mrs. North asked the possibility of,linking
the water line with the line on Clearview A enue
since the water pressure is a problem with that line
Mr. Gartrell stated that he did not think that
there should be any problem with water pressure on
a six inch line - that there was no reason why the
pressure should be less on this dead-end line, but
that he had told Mr. Heaney that the City could
use the sewer easement for a water line from
the Clearview line into Cook Ranch.
Street e_levatians_. Mr. Spears moved, seconded by
Mr. Raney, that the Commission accept the 212'
elevation for streets, the street layout, the
general plan, and lot sizes. Motion passed.
Ou lot. Mrs. North asked the reason for a section
of the original tract being omitted from the
subdivision. Mr. Gartrell explained that this is
a very high piece of property with a 40' private
road going to it.
Agenda Mr. Gartrell stated that he would be back with
the pre-preliminary plat next week. Mrs. North
ask him to please include all the things which are
called for in Ordinance 23-A, so that we do not
have to have any more meetings on the pre-prelimina
plans unnecessarily.
Procedures for Councilman Zeitler stated that he felt the Commi.ssi
Plat Approval needed a definite procede ure o with
for processing plats.
e plats
could be farmed out through the City Manager.
Planning Commission wholeheartedly agreed on the
need for tighter procedures and a lengthy discuBsic
followed, with the following procedures tentatively
agreed upon. (See attachment #1. )
Workshop It was agreed that the G ommission should meet in
Meeting workshop session next Wednesday evening at City ha:
to continue discussion on the procedures . Specifi-
cations may be discussed at that time , also.
4 FPZC-14-3-22-73
Greenbriar/ Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Coe, that the
Briarmeadow routing of the Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial
Arterial (alternate route) through the subdivisions of
Alternative Hidden Valley, Mustang Meadows , and Coward Creek
Subdivision be approved from F. M. 528 to
F. M. 2351 as drawn by Mr. Heaney as of this date.
Motion passed unanimously.
Road Mr. Shore brought to our attention a public notice
Abandonment asking the County Commissioners to abandon a public
road right-of-way between Wilderness Trail and
A Chigger Creek. Mrs. North was directed by Mr. Bost
to contact our County Commissioner PaulHcpkins for
information. Planning Commission wishes to protest
said abandonment and to request that the Commissione:
require approval of the Planning Commission before
and roads are abo-npdoned.
Flood levels. Mr. Shore reported on conversations which he has
had with Mr. Differ.ont, of the Corps of Engineers ,
and with Turner,Collie, and Braden regarding the
establishment of 100-year flood levels in the area
of possible, but undetermined flood hazards. He
stated that the Corps of Engineers will give us a
figure for any piece of land if we specifically
ask for it. This service is also available to
individuals. These figures are especially needed in
the Sunmeadows area at this time. Also, Turner,
Collie and Braden estimated that a study of the
Chigger Greek watershed to determine the 100-year
flood level would run about $5000.
Mr. Raney stated that a study of thecontours was
made about 1938 or 1939 with one foot increments
and that this information should be in the Galveston
4. NEW BUSINESS County records.
Architectural Councilman Zeitler wondered if the Commission had
Control considered architectural control. Mr. Bost said
that he felt we needed to solve our present problem.
Mr. Zeitler left early at 12, 50 A. M.
After some more discussion; but no action, the meeting adjourned
at 1315 A. M.
Approved] j)a D, S9 /979 _
Attachment #1
Plat Approval Procedure (rough draft)
1 . Pre=application conference. (General development plan sketch)
A. Three copies presented to FPZC; reviewed.
B. Passed on to City Engineer through City Manager.
c. Returned to FPZC in one week. (With specs on water, sewer, streets ,
drainage. )
2. FPZC returns to developer (or engineer) with specs on water, sewer, streets,
3. Preliminary Plans presented to FPZC.
A. Two week minimum revue by City.
B Flow from Dept. to dept. through Cty Manager.
c. Back to FPZC through City Manager.
D. Conferences with develper' s engineer left to discretion of City Engineer.
4. Final Plat goes to City Manager for City Department' s approval and signature.
A. Must be into City at least five working days prior to FPZC meeting.
B. After signed by City Department and signed and approved by FPZC.
C. Returned to City Manager for recording and filing.