HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-04-19 Regular rYzc-m-4-19-73
April 19, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
on Thursday, April 19, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall . Chairman C. C. Bost
called the meeting to order at 7 :45 P.M.
Members Present
Audiance Members Absent
John H. Taylor, Jr. Leah North
C. C. Bost Charles Coe
Tracy Spears Thomas G. Rives
Bob Phillips Gary W. Goff
Clyde Raney Dr. J . F. Fairleigh
Jim Shore Jim Gartrell
Ed Zeitler (Council Rep. ) Dixie Gartrell
Joe Lossen
1 . No minutes of last meeting available. Secretary North out of town.
2. Request for building permit for garage at Friends Church. Mr. Cec it
Brown appeared before the Commission to request the approval of an applicat was
from the Friends Church for a building permit for a garage. A p plan
presented for study. roved. Motion
Spears moved, Raney seconded that the application be app
passed unanimously.
No drawings or plans were retained by the Commission.
3. Request for building permit for office building on Edgewood. Mr. Joe
Lossen, Losco Building Systems, 216 Winkler Drive, Houston, Texas (representing
Mr. Tom Kent) appeared before the Commission to request the approval of an
application fora building permit for an office building on part of Lot 2,
sion. Prints of floor/elevation plan and foundation
Block 2, Friendswood Subdivi
plan were part of presentation.
Spears moved, Phillips seconded o that application be approved contingent
on the following changes being made plans:
a. Reduce parking areas to ten - no trees to be removed .
b. Concrete car stops to be installed to separate parking for the
proposed building from the parking of an already existing building
(also owned by Mr. Kent) .
c. All references to the adjoining tract of land to be removed from
d. Slab height above mean sea level to be added to elevation plan.
Mr. Lossen agreed to changes and marked up and initialed one set of
prints as per Commission' s requests. He
also agreed Ci to in corpo a tInspchangesector into
original drawings before presenting prints
Motion to approve passed unanimously.
Marked up prints of floor/elevation plan and foundation plan retained
by Commission.
4. Request for building permit - residence of Joe D. Barlow
arl oap n Clear
red Creek
Drive. Mr. John Taylor, 102 Parkwood Drive, Friendswood ,
Texas Conunission to request approval of an application for a building permit for the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
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residence of Joe D. Barlow, El Camino Real , Clear Lake City. House plans were
part of presentation.
Approval granted contingent on:
a. Slab height above mean sea level to be added to drawing prior to
submission to City Building Inspector.
b. A memo being written by Commission Secretary to City Manager asking
him to instruct the City Building Inspector to inspect slabs forms prior to pour-
ing and to obtain certification of slab height from contractor.
No drawings retained by Commission.
(Note: Acting Secretary was remiss in that names of persons who
made and seconded motion for approval were not recorded) .
5. Request for building permit - residence of Jay Browning on Greenbriar.
Mr. Jay Browning appeared before the Commission to request approval of an appli-
cation for a building permit for his residence on Greenbriar Ave. A set of
building plans were a part of his presentation.
Spears moved, Raney seconded that application be approved contingent on
the following being added to drawings:
a. Slab height with respect to mean sea level and identification of
bench mark used as reference.
Motion to approve passed unanimously
(Note: Planning Commission will obtain from Corp of Engineer
100 year flood plain data for this area before construction can
begin. No drawings retained by Commission. )
6. Request for building permit - office building on S. Friendswood Drive.
Mr. John Taylor, 102 Parkwood Drive, Friendswood, Texas and Mr. Thomas Rives,
427 Holley Vale #3, Houston, Texas 77037 appeared before the Commission to re-
quest approval of an application for a building permit for an office building
on S. Friendswood Drive. Plot plan and building plans were art of presentation.
Plans showing 9 parking places (only 5 are required but having no
provisions for future traffic circulation if proposed additional office space
is ever built were deemed best of two alternatives presented . (At time of any
future expansion, 3 parking spaces can be sacrificed to provide traffic circula-
tion) .
Spears moved, Philips seconded that application be approved, contingent
on the following items being complied with:
a . Slab height above mean sea level be added to drawing and bench mark
reference be be identified on drawing.
b. Plans be altered to comply with above mentioned parking plan.
No drawings were retained by the Commission.
7 . Informal discussion of Mustang Meadows. Mr. Jim Gartrell , Gulf Coast
Engineering, and Dr. J. F. Fairleigh, Developer, appeared before the Commission
to informally discuss the status of Mustang Meadows Subdivision. Mr. Gartrell
stated that the subdivision is projected to have:
a. Roads with lime stabilized base; roads will conform to minimum
county standards.
b. No provisions for water or sewer systems .
c . No provisions for the major traffic artery now under study by
Planning Commission.
Mr. Gartrell will return next week with a letter formally presenting the
above information to the Commission and seeking a compromise plan whereby such a
subdivision might be approved although it does not meet the City requirements.
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
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Dr. Fairleigh stated that legal action might be necessary to clarify the City's
and/or Developer's rights and obligations in cases such as this .
No action taken.
8. Informal discussion of Heritage Estates Subdivision (Cook Ranch property) .
Mr. Gartrell and Dr. Fairleigh appeared before Commission to informally
discuss the status of Heritage Estates.
Planning Commission has received a letter from City Manager with comments
on preliminary plat and working drawing of Heritage Estates Subdivision. Also,
a second letter from the City Manager was received which mentions the possibility
of including some city drainage within the drainage plans of Heritage Estates.
Mr. Gartrell reviewed the comments and stated that there was no serious
objection to the comments, but would argue on a point or two with the City
Engineer, He will contact Engineer directly on this matter. As to drainage,
Gartrell stated that "they" (he and client?) would agree to participate but would
want to study situation along with City before making a committment.
Mention was made as to failure of City to provide main sewer line thru
Subdivision. Gartrell stated that developer may be forced to "go it alone" with
8 inch line to Empere Chateau connection.
No action taken on this item.
enants and working drawings of Heritage
Marked-up preliminary plat, cov
Estates as well as two letters from City Manager to Planning Commission are
attached to and are part of these minutes.
9. Informal discussion on Park Committee as proposed by City Council .
City Councilmen Ed Zeitler and Dick Haken discussed with the Commission the idea
of a Park Committee to find city park land and study ways to finance same. No
action taken.
10. Requested approval of design of bridge in Dunbar Estates. A letter was
received from the City Manager stating that a design by Gulf Coast Engineering
for a proposed bridge across Mary' s Creek in Dunbar Estates met with City
Engineer' s approval contingent on approval by Planning Commission. Drawings and
letter returned to City Manager with note stating that bridge design is not
responsibility of Planning Commission.
11 . Discussion of building permit for O' Farrell Realty. Issuance of building
permit for expansion of O'Farrell Realty was questioned as to whether or not
parking requirements as set oulnemo to in zoning
City Managererequestin�g were psuch ied Wnformationnand
Secretary instructed to write
to request that a list of building permits issued each week (cut-off time to be
close of business day each Wednesday) be supplied to Planning Commission.
12. A check for $80.00 and two requests for zoning changes were received
from Mr. Cecil Brown, Jr.
a. Request #1 - Corner of Sunset Drive and FM 2351 - Rezone from R-1
to C-1 .
b. Request #2 - Along FM 2351 northeast of Brazoria/Galveston County
line - Rezone from R-1 to R-2.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James B. Shore
Acting Secretary
m c-m-4-19-73
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
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Attachments : 1 . Plans - Kent' s Office Building
2. Preliminary Plat, Working Drawings and Covenants of Heritage
3 . Letter from City Manager - Comments on Heritage Estates
4. Letter from City Manager - City/Heritage Estates Drainage
5. Letter and check from Cecil Brown, Jr.
6. Copy of memo to City Manager
Attachment #4
log Willowick Avenue
482 • 3323
TO: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: City Manager
DATE: April 17, 1973
SUBJECT: City Drainage through Heritage Estates
Mrs. North and Gentlemen:
In reviewing the plans for the Heritage Estates Subdivision it has come
to our attention that at one time the Cook Ranch had a natural drainage
area through which a large part of the City of Friendswood was drained .
We would like for you to explore, with the developer, the possibility
of including some necessary city drainage within the drainage facilities
provided Heritage Estates Subdivision. The area contributing the addi -
tional drainage to be discharged through the proposed storm sewer system
through Heritage Estates to Clear Creek is as follows:
The area bounded on the Southeasterly by Skyview; on
the Southwesterly by the limits of the State Highway
518; the Northwesterly by Willowick and the North-
easterly by Quaker Drive.
This will provide the provision of additional sizing on the storm sewers
as well as additional depth to handle the additional area. There is a
map of the proposed area included for your review.
Your consideration of this request will be appreciated.
Yours very truly,
James C. Morgan
City Manager
Attachment #6
TO: City Manager
FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission
DATE: April 25, 1973
SUBJECT: Action Items froiii Meeting of April 19, 1973
The following iteiiis were discussed at the regular meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Commission on April 19, 1973 and are forwarded to you for appro-
priate action.
Item 1 . A building permit for the office building on Edgewood Drive (Tom
Kant, owner, Losco Building Systems, builder) should not be issued until the
ollowing features are incorporated into the final plans.
a. Parking areas are to be reduced to ten (10) .
b. Drawing to show concrete car stops in parking area along N. E.
property line.
c. All references to adjoining tract of property (to N.E) to be
removed from drawing.
d. Slab height above mean sea level to be added to elevation plan.
Item 2. A building permit for the residence of Joe D. Barlow on Clear Creek
rive should not be issued until the drawing shows the slab height above mean
sea level . Also, the City Building Inspector should be instructed to inspect
slab forms before pouring and to obtain certification from contractor as to slab
height. Contractor was informed of this requirement and agreed to it.
Item 3. A building permit for residence of Jay Browning for residence on
Greenbriar should not be issued until the slab height above mean sea level and
the identification of the referenced bench mark is added to the drawings.
Itern 4. A building permit for an office building on Friendswood Drive
(John Taylor, Owner) should not be issued until the slab height above mean sea
level and the identification of the referenced bench mark is added to the draw-
ings. Also, the approved plans call for 9 parking spaces.
Item 5. Building permit for expansion of O'Farrell Realty on Edgewood
Drive. A question has arisen as to whether or not the expansion of O' Farrell
Realty is in compliance with the city ordinance regarding parking space. Please
provide the Planning and Zoning Commission with a sketch showing original build-
ing and parking arrangement and a similar sketch showing arrangement after current
construction is completed.
In addition to the above items, the Planning Commission also requests
that it be supplied with a weekly list of building permits issued. The cut-off
time for the preparation of this list should be available to the Commission in
time for consideration at its regular Thursday night meeting.
James B. Shore, Acting Secretary
Planning and Zoning Commission
cc: Morgan. Cline, Jones