HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-04-26 Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 26, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, April 26 , 1973, at the Friendswood City hall. Chairman C . Co Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C . Bost Ed Zeitler (Council Rep. ) Tracy Spears Leah North Charles Coe Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE Jay Browning, 110 Clearview; Don E. Frantz , 17 Wilderness Trail; A. J. Novelli, 8127 De Leon, Houston; T. H. Barnes, 141 St. Andrews Drive ; J. H. Dabbs, 104 St. Andrews Srive; L. E. Miller, 145 St. Andrews Drive; Cecil Brown, Jr. , 405 Spreading Oaks; R. L. Giles , 201 East Castle Harbour; Dean E. Anderson, 103 Dorado Drive; Dr. J. F. Fairleigh, Jr. , 7603 Belfort, Suite 400, Houston 77017. 1. HEARING - REZONING (SUNMEADOW AREA) Chairman Bost called to order a public hearing regarding rezoning of nine parcels of land within the newly annexed Sun Meadow area& Parcel 1 - 11.9 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to commercial (C-1) Parcel 2 - 5.983 acres , presently zoned single family, rezoning re uested to multiple-family �TowkY tin US ES3.R,v Parcel 3 - .88 acres, presently zoned single family, rezonin requested to multiple-family(jowN1jausp, Parcel 4 - . 53 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple-family(Towdttooses)p (eight non-conforming townhouses exist Parcel 5 - •756 acres , presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple-family(TOwow&s) (eight non-conforming townhouses ex is t Parcel 6 - .648 acres, presently zoned single-camily, rezoning requested to multiple family(Towivitooso-Ji Parcel 7 - 3.12 acres , presently zoned single-family rezonin requested to multiple familyQ6,1(o v-6mc-Sk Parcel 8 - 4. 066 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple-family(eP,-V(okAaMBj 2 n,zc-M-4-26-73 Parcel 9 - 2 .75 acres , presently zoned single-family, rezoning 'to commercial (C-1) requested. Requests for rezoning of parcels one through eight were made by Bill Crawford, owner/developer, through his agent , Bob Atkinson. Request for parcel nine was made by Sun Meadow Golf Club through Ralph L. Lowe, President of the Club. Reasons M for the request, as stated in the applications , were "to conform to existing ddvel.opment patterns in a newly annexed area of the city." Mr. Bost stated that each person wishing to speak for or against the rezoning would be given five minutes each to make a presenta- tion. Planning Commission will hear the reasons tonight and make it' s recommendation at a later date . Mr., Dean Anderson, 103 Dorado Drive , appeared to speak against the re oning of arcel ,IL6. Mr. Anderson stated that he had bought his lot in July of 1971. In November of 1971 he bought additional lots near the proposed townhouse area. In approximately May, 1972 , the owner from whom he had bought the lots sold the parcel #6 to Bill Crawford. The owner had intended to build a single home there. This parcel was not in Crawford' s Master Plan. In addition, he feels that townhousestend to devalue single houses in the area. They also add to the congestion. His own home is approximately 220 feet from the proposed townhouses , but he is building a speculative house next to the proposed townhouses . lie did not remember whether tracts seven and eight were in the original. plans , thought tract #4 was an afterthought. Parcels #5 and #6 were not in the original plans. lie moved in about January of 1972 . The Secretary read a petition which had been submitted at the previous meeting by Prlr. Anderson opposing the rezoning of this parcel. This petition was signed by fifteen homewoners . Mr. Anderson stated that he could have gotten more names , but was told by the Chairman to keep the names confined to those within the 200 foot distance from the townhouses. Mr. Bob Giles , 201 Last Castle Harbour, President of the Sun Meadows Homeowners Association, moved in in August of 1970 , appeared to oppose the rezoning requests for parcels 3,.L 6 , 7, and 8. He stated that the developer' s original plat showed Parcel #1 and Commercial, surrounded by townhouses . lie reiterated Mr. Anderson' s statement that an executive-type home was shown on the corner of Sun Meadow and Castelharbour on Parcel #4. he feels that townhouse downgrade a subdivision and the increased concentration of families would cause problems with traffic , parking, and other environmental problems. He did not think that parcels #7 and #8 were shown on the original plans. In addition, he made mention of the tremendous amount of traffic at the one existing subdivision entrance. Mr. John Dabbs stated 'that the deed restrictions in section one would not have permitted the type of buildings now proposed. -1 FPZC-M-4-26-73 Mr. Dabbs, who lives at 104 St. Andrews Drive in Section one stated that they were told that the restrictions for Section Two and additional sections would be like the restrictions in Section One. There being no further testimony offered, Chairman Bost closed the hearing and opened the regular meeting. Mr. Coe asked flooding in the area in the last flood. Indication of water problems in the streets was given at the entrance, as well as other areas. Water did not get into any homes , so far was was known. One house did ave water up to the flashing on the door. 2. MINUTES April 19, 1973 - Approved as read. April 12 , 1973 - Left with City Secretary; not yet available. 3. OLD BUSINESS Greenbriar/ Dr. Don Frantz , 17 Wilderness Trail, appeared to Briarmeadow voice objection to the proposed re-routing of the Arterial Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial, which is shown as running through his property on Wilderness Trail. Since purchasing the property, he has decided to divide it. The proposed division has been filed with O' Farrell Realty. Dr. Frantz was told to return next week when the official hearing would be held. He also was informed that he should bring any proposed subdivision plans before the Planning Commission, since filing with a Realty Company did not meet City requirements. Heritage Dr. Fairleigh, who was in the audience, had nothing Estates S/D to present, but stated that he wished to be on (Cook Ranch) the agenda next week for resubmission of the Preliminary Plat. Mrs. North questioned whether the problem of the trunk line sewer had been resolved. Mr. Bost stated he did not think this was our problem, but we would discuss this later. City Council is working on it. Jim Shore asked regarding the drainage needed through the subdivision. (A fifty-foot easement is shown on the Master Drainage Plan. ) Mr. Bost said that the Council is also working on this - to see if they have enough money to pay for the over-size pipe. Mr. Bost and Dr. Fairleigh felt that all requested corrections had been made except for one junction box, which they wished to discuss. Mrs. North asked about a ten foot strip of land needed for the evening out of the Quaker Drive right-of-way which was not taken off of a tract L't uv-ui-'r-L.v 1 .l 14 A to 72 of land from this Cook tract before it was sold to i:allus ' s in Empere Chateau. Dr. Fairleigh stated that this strip of land would be obtained. Mustang Dr . Fairleigh and A. J. Novelli appeared to Meadows discuss Mustang Meadows . A letter was read by Mr. Bost from Dr. Fairleigh and Mr. Novelli requesting approval without city water and sewer services because of the extreme cost of casing and ditching around all of the existing pipe lines. They felt that approval based on this must be received or they would have to resort to court action immediately. Mrs. North brought out that sufficient information to make a decision on this , including submission of plats showing the pipeline easements had not been submitted. Mr. Bost brought out that easements for future utilities and drainage might be required by the City Engineer. These would be spelled out as was done in Heritage Estates . Mr. Novelli stated that the flow lines have an undefined easement, but that the pipeline easements do show on a plat which they will submit. Mr. Bost stated that some notice needs to be given to purchasers of lots regarding the flow lines . Streets . Mr. Bost stated that he disagreed with the width of paving as required by the Subdivision Ordinance . He suggests that the paving width be increased from 16' to 24' and the base be cut in width to 28' . Mr. Novelli stated that the deed restrictions prohibit on-street parking. Procedures . Since Dr. Fairleigh wished to see the form which should be followed in obtaining approval, Mrs . North will get the Plat Approval Procedures to him. Streets . Mrs . North asked regarding a street which presently continues into the next area. Dr. Fairleigh said it would be cut through. 4. BUILDIIG PERMIT REFERRALS Browning, Jay Mr. Jay Browning appeared to present a request Greenbiar for a building permit. His lot is outside an unapproved subdivision and the 100-yeas flood has not been delineated. Since Mr. Shore had talked with the Corps of Engineers we were able to tell Mr. Browning that his slab elevation should be at approximately 2?j? feet. Mr. Browning was willing to build 8 inches above the road, which would his slab above 29' Mr . Raney moved, Mr. Spears seconder that the permit be approved by Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. Brown investment Mr. Leon Brown appeared to resubmit his plan for Company enlargement of the Brown Investment Company Building in order to put in an art studio. After an extended discussion centered around the parking requirements , Mr. Haney moved, seconded by Mr. Phillips , that the Commission approved the building permit with the following condi.tionst (l) Future parking arrangement to be approved at a later date. (2) All additional parking to be off-street. (3) Parking arrangement to be approved by Planning Commission prior to approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Motion passed, six to one, with Mrs. forth dissentin A Mrs. North will get him parking requirements. Frances Tye Rejected becauue of inadequate information. See attached sheet. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Renwick S/D No action taken because plans and profiles could not be located. W. B. Wood The City Council has taken action to write the Road County Commissioners opposing the abandonment. Abandonment A Building Permit Mr. Spears suggested that the builders name be Info. Sheet included on the. information sheet. Earlier in the evening a suggestion had been made that room be left for suggestions . Architectural Mr. Raney will meet with Mr. Spears on this. Control Plat Procedure Mr. Shore requested that the plat procedure be re-typed to proof-read. Buildin Permit It was agreed that the following wording should be Info. Sheet incorporatedi " Plat of property showing buildings, additions , parking area, etc . , by regestered engineer or licensed surveyor." Lunday Tower Mr. Bost reported that a land sale was being negotiated in order to install a radio tower (88 acres) . He told the questioner that this was not presently zoned to permit this. That it permission were given, it would probably be as a specific use. 6. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late, the meeting adjourned at 11: 50, with the remaining agenda items postponed until next week. W 'i �oZAA Secretary !V .7-7 .