May 24, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held on May 24, 1973, at Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C . C . Bost
called the meeting to order at 7155 P. M.
C . C . Bost, Chairman Charles Coe
Tracy Spears , Vice?Chairman
Leah North, Secretary
Robert Phillips
Clyde Raney
James Shore
Minutes of May 10, 1973 and May 17, 1973 were presented, but
were not approved because the Commission had not had time to
read them.
Public notice having been given of a hearing to consider two
alternate routes for the Breenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial,
the Chairman called the official public hearing to order.
Alternate route #1 was outlined in red on the aerial photograph;
alternate route #2 was outlined in green. Route #1 is located
just to the southeast of the property line running southeast of the
High School stadium. Route #2 is located further to the southeast
and follows the right-of-way of a present 60' right-of-way from
Route 528 across Chigger Creek and running along the north-east
line of Clover Field Airport.
Mr. Robert A. Bludworth. Mr. Bludworth stated that he had no
objection to Route #2 , but that he did object to Route #1 because
his house is right there. Mr. Spears ssked him if he would give
60' more right of way adjacent to route #2. Mr. Bludworth ,said
he would if he were paid for it.
Mr. Cecil Brown, Jr. , Mr. Brown stated that he would like to
protest Route #1 because it crosses the Coward Creek at a terrible
angle. He would not like to see another main road. He has already
given 80' to Greenbriar right-of-way. He would be happy to move t)
route on out.
There being no .further requests to speak, the Chairman decalred
the hearing closed, and announced that a decision would be reached
at the next meeting.
Mr. John Moore. Later in the evening Mr. John Moore arrived and
asked to speak regarding the alternate routes. Since the meeting
notice had not specified that the hearing was to be held at 700
he was allowed to speak. Mr. Moore objected to the #2 route. He
stated that Humble has a pipeline close to the surface and
parallel to the Coward Creek about where the road is planned.
This line has at least 700# pressure per square inch. Humble
has a forty year easement. Ile also felt that route #2 would
be below the flood plain in that are. Ile favored Route #1.
Attach Taylor Mr. Jim Taylor presented a plan for an 80' x 60'
#1 Auto Parts metallic building to be located at the corner of
F. M. 518 and West Spreading Oaks , across from the
Friends Church.
Parking. Since the building contains 4800 square
feet, he was told he would need 24 parking spaces
(Automobile, accessory and supply store) . He
stated that he would have plenty of room for parking
Facade. Mr. Spears suggested that a mansard roof
be considered with wood-like appearance for the
shingles (not red) . Mr. Bost stated that he hated
to see a blank wall opposite the Friends Church.
Mr. Taylor suggested that he might put a display
window on the side facing the Church in order toe
break the solid wall.
Side set-back. A problem regarding the set-back
from the side street was encountered. The Zoning
ordinance requires a 30' set-back, but the present
plans only call for 15' . The most agreeable
solution to this to Mr. Taylor appeared to be to
change his building size to 70' x 70' and move it
to the property line on the northwest side.
Firewalls. Moving the building to the property line
brought up the problem of firewalls. Mr. Spears
suggested that the wall on the propoerty line
should have a two-hour fire resistance at least.
Mr. Jones, the Building Official may require more.
Culvert permit. Mr. Taylor will consult with the
Highway Department regarding a culvert permit. It
was stated that the Highway Department is issuing
no permits on F.M. 518 during the present
construction period (making it four-lane) .
Information sheet. Mr. Taylor was given the form
" Information to Accompany Building Permit Referrals"
to submit with his revised application.
Attach Benson Mr. Bensen stated that he did not understand
#2 Townhouses comment 11 in the staff review of the Township
Village Twonhouse Project dated May 24. lie was
referred back to the engineer for the answer.
Mr. Zeitler, who is part-owner stated that they
would like the drainage to be toward the back of
the lot. Mr. Bensen emphasized that the shopping
center to be built on F.M. 518 would have to
provide enough pipe to take care of the drainage.
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They were again referred back to the engineer (city)
Simpson Mr. Wilbur Simpson appeared to receive the
Apartments/ information requested at the May 10 meeting
Mobile Home: regarding his use of a mobile home at his proposed
Temporary Use apartment site on a temporary basis. Mrs. North
reported that his only out seemed to be if he
would go to the Board of Adjustment and get it
approved as a temporary (structure) facility.
The question of his legal right to build apartments
in a Commercial Zone (C-1) was brought up. Mr.
Spears and Mr. Bost stated that the plat was
approved by the Commission although no record of
this appears in the minutes . The only reference
to the apartments appears in the minutes of
September 21, 1972. He stated that he filed the
plat with Mr. Cline. lie does not have an approved
copy in his file.
Mrs . North stated that it was her impression,
although she had been out of town during this
period, that Note "d" in Paragraph 4, under
C-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICT regulations of Ordinance 174
would have taken care of his problem. It
reads as follows :
"Any use permitted in an R-1 or R-2 District
except apartments .d
Note d: Provided a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
is issued for an apartment prior to December 31 , 197
such certificate shall expire for purposes of
obtaining a Building Permit one year from date of
Mrs. North asked him if he had obtained the
Certificate of Zoning Compliance. lie stated that
he had not. N6 record of issuance appeared in
the Zoning Administrator' s files , according to the.
Mrs . North stated that she felt that Mr. Simpson
could not legally obtain a building permit for
apartments after the zoning was changed and that
she had stated this to Mr. Simpson in Septmenber;
that a special paragraph had been put into the
amended zoning ordinance especially to take care
of Mr. Simpson; that Mr. Simpson had not taken
advantage of that paragraph and obtained a
Certificate of Zoning Compliance before Dec . 31,
1972 ; and that she still felt that he could not
legally build apartments at that location.
Mr. Bost advised Mr. Simpson to obtain a Certificate
of Zoning Compliance from Mr. Cline and get on the
agenda of the Board of Adjustment in regard to use
of the mobile home.
Attach Johnson' s Case #101, located at 214 E. Edgewood and referred
# 3 Kiddie by Zoning Administrator Cline was considered.
Corner The Secretary was instructed to fill out form PZ-3
ennumerating the application' s deficiencies and
indicating that the application needed more
information for approval.
tit;tach 107 Case #102 , a request submitted for the building of
#4 Winding Flay a single-family residence at 107 Winding Way,
referred by Zoning Administrator Cline was considere
The Secretary was instructed to fill out Form
PZ-3 enumerating the deficiencies and to indicate
that the Planning Commission thinks this area
should be submitted as a subdivision. (The lots
are believed to have been subdivided after the
subdivision ordinance was passed. In this case,
the lots are under 100 feet wide on an open
ditch street.
Attach 201 East Case #102 , referred by Zoning Zdministrator Cline,
#5 Spreading Oaks for a duplex. The builder requested in a letter
that they be allowed to build at a 25' set-back.
The Commission does not think that deed restrictions
in that area will permit this. No survey was
submitted. The Secretary was instructed to fill
out Form PZ-3.
Bensen Mrs . Ledford Hicks appeared before the Commission
Townhouse to protest the rezoning of land adjacent to the
Rezoning Hicks ' for Multiple-Family. She asked how many
times this tract was going to be submitted. She
stated that she could not put the effort into
(opposing) it that she did the last time, since she
would be out of town for the hearing. She stated
that in the summer they are short on water; that
right after the trailer court went int they had a
fire on a near-by utility pole caused by overloading
that she was concerned about an increase in school
taxes caused by added children which would be more
dense per acre. Mr. Bost asked her if she were
objecting to the whole area being townhouses. She
answered that she was objecting to mass housing
in any form whatsoever.
Chairman Bost asked that she put her comments in
writing and submit them for the hearing next week.
oil Well Mr. Raney asked for comments on an oil well ordinanc
Ordinance he is looking at. Ivir. Shore had made some notes on
Zoning Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance were discussed,
Ordinance particularly in regard to townhouses.
tack Plat Approval The Secretary distributed a memo from the City
#6 Procedures Manager dated May 23, 1973 stating that the City
- would require the developer to make all corrections
prior to submission of additional data to the
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Attach Building Mrs . North distributed a Memo dated May 23 from
#7 Permit the City Manager suggesting that all building
Referral permit referrals will be placed in the commission .
Procedures mail-box; that the proper forms indicating the
Commission' s action be filled out and returned to
Mr. Cline' s desk immediately following our meeting,
so that the Building Official will be able to
answer any questions immediately the following
The meeting was then adjourned.