HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-06-28 Regular 1,el'u-o-zo-(j
June 28, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning
Commission was held on Thursday, June 28 , 1973 at the Friendswood
City Hall. Chairman C. C . Bost presided.
Members Present Members Absent
C. C. Bost, Chairman Robert Phillips
Tracy Spears , Vice-Chairman Ed Zeitler , Council Rep.
Leah North, Secretary
Charles Coe
James B. Shore
Clyde Raney
Included in the audience were John B. and Marsha K. Crosby,
913 Merriman Courts Jerry M. Pool , Box 382 , La Marque; Cecil
Brown, Jr. , 405 Spreading Oaks ; W . B. Patton, 314 Morningside ;
Ed Myers, Jr. , 906 Boundary Court; Mrs. Ledford L. Hicks,
208 West Edgewood. Others attended, but did not sign the list.
1. Minutes
None available.
2. Information Reports
Dow Pipeline Mr. Raney reported we are still waiting for final
drawings of the proposed right-of-way.
Oil Well Ordinance Motion was made by Mr. Spears, seconded by Mr.
Shore, that Mr. Raney brief the ordinance and
give to Council Monday night. Motion passed
Flood Insurance Ordinance - Since the copy machine was broken again,
the copies of the Flood Insurance
Ordinance are not available for study
3. Building_Permit. Referrals
Girl Scout Bldg. Mr. Lloyd Van Horn appeared to request permission
to build an 8 x 10 steel building adjacent to the
water tower between the tower and the electric
pump (water well) . lie said that Council said tha
it was all right subject to obtaining proper
approval. It will be a permanent building,
being of the type of other large steel buildings,
and is being donated. It will be used for
storage of camping gear for five troops. The
building will belong to the City, according to
Mr. Van Horn, but the Girl Scouts want exclusive
use of it.
2 FPZC-M-6-2b-73
After some discussion, motion was made by Coe,
seconded by Spears , that the Commission
recommend the approval of the permit, being a
permanent 8 x 10 metal building. Motion
passed four to two. For: Bost , Spears, Coe,
Raney. Against: Shore, North. Reasons given
for opposing the permit were appearance,
(2 ) sets a questionable precedent, (3) space
needed for City Hall parking.
No information sheet nor building plans nor
survey were presented. Therefore, nothing will
be in the files of permit referrals.
4. Subdivisions
Mustang Meadows Final plat not yet received from City, so no
action taken.
Coward Creek Mr. Jerry Pool of Gulf Coast Engineering was
present to present two prints and final copy of
plat and plans and specifications for Coward
Creek Subdivision. City Manager Morgan, who was
present for this discussion, reported that
everything had been approved by the City,
but nothing had been signed. He reported that
Fire Chief McClure had met with City Engineer
Heaney and had accepted the 6" line instead of
the 8" water line he had previously recommended
since the City will be installing a grid pattern
of lines in that area which will make the 6"
line sufficient.
Since the plat indicated that it was a "metes
and bounds" subdivision, Mrs. North inquired
what this meant. Mr. Poole answered that each
lot would be recorded individually. A discussion
followed, during which Mr. Brown stated that he
had no objection to its being a recorded
subdivision. Mr. Raney referred to VATS Article
974a as requiring the recording. It was agreed
to designate this as Coward Creek Subdivision,
Section One, Lots 1 through 8 .
Motion was made by Spears, seconded by Raney,
that Coward Creek Section One be approved,
subject to its being a recorded subdivision.
Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting
because of the 6" water line.
5. Hearing Decisions regarding Rezonings (Hearing of May 31, 1973)
Hearing Minutes Since the copy machine was broken, no individual
copies were available. Complete minutes of
May 31 were not complete, but the section
regarding the Hearing was. Mr. Shore asked if
there were no positive statements regarding the
rezonings . He was told that only Harold Bensen
and Jim Elk made any statements favorable to the
rezonings . Motion was made by Raney, seconded
3 FPZC-M-6-28-73
by Shore, that the minutes regarding the hearing
be approved. Motion passed unanimously.
Case 1973-11 The two Dunbar tracts were brought up for
(Dunbar) discussion. Mr. Spears stated that he did not
want to vote on these areas until we had all the
Case 1973-12 pieces , namely (1) the depth of the C-1 area
(Dunbar) fronting on F. M. 53.8, and therefore, (2 ) the
depth of the land bordering on the creek for
which the request to rezone was received.
Mrs. North stated that this question had been
given to the City, but that the final answer
had not yet been received.
Mr. Raney stated that we have kept the citizens
waiting long enough and that he felt we must act
on the information we have.
Councilman Patton, who was in the audience
stated that of those people with whom he has
talked, the consensu is that the Commission shoul(
come up with the per cent of each zone which
would best serve the community.
After further discussion, the motion was made
by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission
recommend that the request to rezone Dunbar
Estates to C-1 Commercial be turned down. Motion
passed unanimously. Reasons stated for the
opinion were that (1) City is overloaded with
strip-type commercial already, and (2 ) the
citizens objected.
Case 1973-13 The request to rezone approximately ten acres
(Bensen adjacent to Prairie Wilde subdivision to R-2
Townhouses) was brought forth for disuesion. After discussion
the motion was made by Shore, seconded by Raney,
that the Commission recommends the request be
disapproved. Motion passed five to one, with
Coe dissenting. Coe favored the rezoning because
he felt townhouses are okay if done properly.
The rest of the Commission opposed the rezoning
because of (1) location, (2 ) excessive multi-
famil zoning already, (3) load on school system,
and ( ) excessive number of people per acre,
among other reasons.
Case 1973-14 The request to rezone 16 acres from R-1 to
(Brown Commercial was considered. After some discussion
Commercial) the motion was made by Spears , seconded by Raney,
the the Commission recommend the rezoning from
R-1 to C-1 with the exception of townhouses
being built there as per the agreement with Mr.
Brown. (Mr. Brown had given his verbal agreement
that tonwhouses would not be built on this land. )
Further discussion followed. Mr. Coe was concerne
that this are could be considered spot zoning.
He was also concerned that the Commission be sure
it did not plan to rezone the property because
Mr. Brown is giving land for the fire station.
Mr. Raney stated that this is not strip zoning.
It is large enough to put in a large building.
Mr. Bost stated that he agreed. It was large
enough to support that area.
Mr. Spears felt that rezoning this would exclude
any strip zoning requests in that area.
Mrs. North asked how this would effect the
request to rezone ten acres on the southwest
corner of F. M. 2351 and Westfield Lane.
Mr. Shore asked if this would be included when
the whole zoning plan was reviewed. It was
agreed that it would be.
Lloyd Van Horn, former Commission member who
was in the audience, stated that he felt if this
were rezoned to C-1 now that it would not help
later attempts to remove some of the C-1 zoning
as had been discussed earlier.
Mrs. North stated that she agreed with Mr. Van
Horn and was also concerned about the extra
traffic that would be generated at the Elementary
school by shoppers driving from the Safeway Cente.
to this area and, of necessity, passing the schoo:
Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting.
Case 1973-15 The request by Cecil Brown Jr. to rezone 12 . 03
(Brown acres to R-2 was then considered. After a brief
Multi-family) discussion the motion was made by Raney, seconded
by Shore, that the Commission recommend
disapproval of the change from r-1 to r-2.
Motion passed, 4-2 , with Coe and Spears dissentin,
Mr. Spears stated that he felt he should have
driven out and looked around (at the land) and
had not, so he could not vote to disapprove.
Coe restated that he saw nothing wrong with
multi-family dwellings.
Council Patton, who was in the audience, expresse
his concern that we are tending to "snob zone."
He restated his position that he does not think
we can vote intelligently until we have looked at
the whole picture and come up with a recommended
per cent for each type of zoning.
Case 1973-16 The 300' square tract of land on the southeast
(Fire Sta-l.ion) corner of Sunset and Edgewood (F. M. 2351) was
discussed. After discussion, motion was made by
Shore, seconded by Spears, that the Commission
recommend the tract be rezoned for a specific
use as a City Fire Station.
Mr. Coe stated that he was so much concerned
with its proximity to the Elementary School as
he was with the question as to whether it was
the best location. That he felt just because
the land was free should not be the deciding
factor. After some discussion the consensus
seemed to be that the Fire Department liked it
and only Mrs . North did not think it was a good
Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting.
5. Rezoning Request
Case 1973-17 The Secretary informed the Commission that a
(Montagne) request for rezoning had been received on
May 10, too late to include: in the rezoning
hearing just discussed. This was a request to
rezone ten acres on the southwest corner of
West Edgewood and Westfield Lane, made by
Don Montagne, who stated that the tract was
acquired with the intention of holding it for
commercial development .
Mr. Raney asked if we had to have a hearing
if a request is made for one. Mr. Spears has
felt for some time that we did not. After
some more discussion the consensus appeared to
be that the Commission felt a hearing on a
property which we felt had no chance of winning
our approval was unnecessary and a waste of
time , energy, and money on everyone' s part.
Motion was made by Spears, seconded by Raney,
that a letter be sent to Mr. Montagne stating
that as things stand now we disapprove the
request and are therefore returning your $40.00.
Motion passed unanimously.
6. other Busi less.
Zoning Study Mr. Patton asked if the Commission would be in
Committee favor of a Zoning Study Committee. Mr. Spears
stated that he had told Council two or three
weeks ago that the Commission would undertake a
study of the zoning pciture. Mrs. North felt
that the Commission could handle the study since
we have completed most of the subdivis. ,ons that
have come before us.
Budget Needs Mr. Spears brought up the fact that the
Commission needs money for such things as a
specialized legal Counsel who would be on call
and a "Planning type" who would also be on call
which the Commission needed information. Mr.
Patton agreed.
Sign Ordinance Mr. Spears presented changes in the proposed
sign ordinance as recommended after meeting with
Mr. Coe (who is on the Chamber of Commerce Board)
6 F FGC-M-6-28--'73
and the Chamber of Commerce. He stated that lie
agreed with what Mr. Coe came up with after
meeting the Chamber except for the "grandfather
clause" He felt that the Commission should
pass it on as recommended tonight because if
left in its original form it would not pass.
Mrs. North questioned changing some things,
particularly in permitting neon lights , solely
on the basis of the Chamber of Commerce and
asked Mr. Coe how many people the Chamber
represented. (Mrs . North is an Associate
Member of the Chamber. ) Mr. Coe answered that
it represented 58 businesses.
After acceptance of the changes recommended by
Mr. Spears, Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr.
Raney, that the Commission commend Mr. Spears
and Mr. Coe for spending so much time to come
up with a workable and satisfactory sign
ordinance. Motion passed unanimously, with
Coe abstaining because of his involvement with
the Chamber.
Mr. Coe expressed his concern with the section
of the ordinance which prohibited pennants . He
said that the Chamber felt that a time limit
should be put on the use of pennants , such as
limiting their use to two days prior to a grand
He was also concerned about the prohibition of
chains of lights, feeling that this would
eliminate Christmas lights and decorations,
as well as the light strings that are typical of
used car lots .
No action was taken on either of these suggestion
Lot Sizes The Secretary reported that Mayor Lowe would
like an official statement from the Commission
regarding the lot size change as agreed on in
joint workshop of June 11 with the Council.
Motion was made by North, seconded by Raney,
that the Commission recommend that the Council.
amend the lot size requirements to 90' width,
11 ,600 square foot area 6n curb and gutter
streets , and 120' width, 15,600 square foot
area on streets with open ditches. Motion passed
4-2 . Fort Spears , North, Shore, Raney. Against
Coe, Bost.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned
Polly Ranch A copy of an engineering review dated June 27cc 1973,
a,c,companied by a topographic map (contour mapl
depicting the correct lot layout and by a plat with
notations regarding number of lots , type of streets,
and utilities, was given to the Secretary to return
to the City for typing. This was done after the