HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-07-12 Regular FPZC--M-7-12-73
July 12, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
on Thursday, July 12, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall . In the absence of the
Chairman, Vice-Chairman Tracy Spears presided.
Tracy Spears, Vice-Chairman C. C. Bost, Chairman
Leah North, Secretary Charles Coe
Robert Phillips James B. Shore
Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Rep.
Among the audience were Bob and Jean Bilderback , Tony Paschall of the
Friendswood Journal , Dixie and Jim Gartrell of Gulf Coast Engineering,
and Billy and Don McAninch of Polly Ranch Estates .
July 5, 1973 - Approved as read.
A. Clear Creek Woods lot sizes . The City Manager reported that a question
had arisen regarding the required lots sizes in Clear Creek Woods . Five
subdivision lots are about to be built upon which have dimensions of
70' by 100' and 75' by 100' . These lots do not now conform to the
zoning ordinance. Also complicating the issue is the fact that three
of the original subdivision lots were sold as two lots and the builder
bought (or is in the process of acquiring) both of these lots and
wishes once more to bonsider them as three lots . The City Attorney is
coming up with an opinion. Until that time the Building Inspector will
not issue a permit.
B. Kent office building - 101 E. Edgewood. The City Manager discussed with
the Commission what could be done to prevent such things as tress being
cut after the Commission specified that the permit should be issued
contingent on no trees being cut. Fie suggested that these requirements
be noted on the information sheets when they are returned to the Building
Official . This is now being done. Mr. Phillips mentioned that the
driveway had also been changed after approval by the Commission of another
driveway plan. Mrs. North mentioned the change in configuration and
proposed use of the building after stipulation of parking spaces by the
Commission. In response to a question, the City Manager answered that
he thought the building was now being used, but he did not know if a
Certificate of Zoning Compliance had been issued . Mr. Spears suggested
that any business should be required to get compliance certificate
before the building was used, and that when a building permit was issued
�Mer should be given stating that a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
was required before the building would be occupied.
2 FPZC-M-7-12-73
C. Fox Meadows . The problem of an entrance being installed which is not in
compliance with what the Commssion approved was discussed with the City
Manager. Mrs . North reported that Mr. Bogren, the engineer for the
development had been in touch with her and had thought that he had left
two or three copies of the approved plat and plans with the City after
approval . Neither Mrs . North or Mr. Morgan knew where they were. Mrs .
North remembered that this subdivision was one where only the originals
had been submitted with the linen and no prints. Mr. Bogren had then taken
them back after approval to have prints made , but she did not remember
receiving any and did not have any of the final plat or plans in her file.
No action was taken pending location of the plat and plans as approved.
Mrs. North will talk to the Highway Department. Two of the Commission
members had taken the time to pull out of the entrance as installed and
feel that it is a blind intersection.
D. Mainland Savings. The problem of the Mainland Savings Building and fence
being constructed in violation of the zoning ordinance was discussed with
the City Manager.
E. Depth of Zoning Strips. The City Manager reported that the City Secretary
is still researching minutes in an attempt to find a definitive answer
regarding the depth of the strips. He felt that if she could not find
a specific answer,that the problem could best be resolved by referring it
to the Board of Adjustment as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance.
F. Mustang Meadows. The City Manager related that at Monday night' s Council
that four Councilmen indicated that they would go along with the
Commission' s recommendation that the subdivision be approved without City
services , but that one Councilman had changed his mind afterward .
Guy Wilkinson from the GAlveston County Health Department will be
at next Monday' s Council meeting. He stated that Mr. Gartrell had come
up with some cost figures, running about $1500 to $2000 the septic tank
and well route and $3900 per lots for City services . Mr. Gartrell did not
bring the plans by until this afternoon. Mr. Spears suggested that the
Commission take no action on this subdivision tonight.
Attachment H. Montagne rezoning request. The Secretary reported that Mr. Montagne's
#1 check had been returned along with a letter of explanation.
Attachment I . Mustang Meadows . The Secretary reported that the City Council had been
#2 officially notified of the Commission's position regarding the acceptance
of Mustang Meadows without City services.
J. Zoning Law books . The City Manager informed the Commission that the
books on Zoning Law by Anderson had been ordered and three week delivery
was expected. He gave the Secretary copies of the purchase orders for
these and for three other books ordered. This is a repeat pair of orders
for the books which were previously ordered but never received .
K. Budget. The City Manager indicated that he would like our budget requests
by the first of August. The Commission should indicate if they want a
Planning Attorney and/or Planning Consultant, as had been discussed by the
Commission earlier.
3 FPZC-M-7-12-73
hment BP # Mr. Jerry Smithson appeared to request approval for the
#s (Baptist addition of two permanent metal buildings on the Baptist
Church) Church property. The question of whether adequate parking
spaces would be left was discussed. Mr. Smithson stated
that parking would be adequate except at Christmas . After
comparison with the requirements as stated in the Zoning
Ordinance, it was concluded that enough parking spaces
could be obtained by using space available at the parsonage
if this became necessary.
Motion was made by Phillips , seconded by Raney, that the
Commission recommend approval . Motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. North expressed a concern regarding the adequacy of
the fire exits and asked that special attention be given
this in the building department's office.
ttachment Polly Ranch Mr. Billy McAninch appeared to request approval of pre-
#4 preliminary plans for Polly Ranch Estates . There was a
brief discussion as to whether everything had been submitted
as required. The City Manager suggested that these things
could be caught on the Preliminary Plat. Motion was then
made by Raney, seconded by North , the the pre-application
plans and data be approved . Motion passed unanimously.
Mrs . North gave Billy McAninch a copy of the Subdivision Ord-
inance 23-A. In response to a question from Mrs . North, Mr.
McAninch stated that he had no objestion to showing the
100-year flood line on the plat.
,ttachment Mustang Meadows Mr. Jim Gartrell presented Mustang Meadows for final approval .
#5 Mr. Gartrell and the City Manager went over the items in
which the continued to be some disagreement. Item 2-b was
settled in the developer's favor by a three to one vote, with
North dissenting. Item 3-d was approved .
Mr. Raney asked for the cost figures. Mr. Gartrell stated
that water installation would cost $69,000 and sewer
installation $74,000, or $3272 per tract. He also stated
that a $2000 minimum for septic tank and water well was if
the owner did it himself.
Mr. Gartrell stated that nowhere are they selling 2 1/2 acre
lots on City Services . The developer cannot put houses on
smaller lots because of numerous oil lines in the area.
Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips , that Mustang
Meadows Final Plat be approved. Mrs . North asked whether
reference had been made to the blanket easement on the plat.
Mr. Gartrell showed her where reference was made to the
Humble Oil easement. North asked about Amoco and Humble
Pipeline Co. easements. Mr. Gartrell stated they were under
the Humble Oil easement. Motion passed 3-1 , North dissenting .
4 FPZC-M-7-12-73
Zoning Regulation Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips , that a
Hearing public hearing be called for August 9, 1973, regarding the
rewording of the zoning ordinance. Motion passed unanimously.
Apartment Density To confirm agreement reached during a workshop with Council
on June 11 , motion was made by North , seconded by Phillips ,
that apartments be limited to 18 per acre and townhouses
be limited to 8.9 per acre. Motion passed unanimously.
The remainder of the agenda items were postponed until next week and the meeting
adjourned at 10:55.
Approved: ��Oytit.Cc� -��" '�