HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-08-02 Regular FPZC-M-8-2-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 2 . 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, August 2 , 1973• Chairman C . C . Bost called the meeting to order at 8: 05 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C . Bost, Chairman Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice-Chairman Clyde Raney Leah North, Secretary Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Robert Phillips James B. Shore AUDIENCE Included in the audience were Charles Parkinson and Oren McClure from the Volunteer Fire Department, W . B. Wood and Harold Whitaker to present a shopping center plan, Jake Stockton from the Friendswood News , and Tony Paschal from the Friendswood Journal. 1. MINUTES July 26, 1973 - Approved as corrected. (Page two: 1973 changed to 1972 . ) 2 . INFORMATION REPORTS Information reports were changed to the last agenda item by common consent. 3. BUILDING PERMITS WoodAlhitaker Mr. W . B. Wood and Mr. Harold Whitaker Shopping presented a plan for a shopping center to be Center located on F. M. 518 at Magnolia. Ultimate plans are for the center to extend all the way to Morningside Drive, but the first section is planned to a depth of approximately 150' immediately adjacent to the Texaco Station. Size of tract. 264' by 554' , bordered by F. M. 518 , Magnolia, and Morningside. Set-backs. After discussion, it was agreed that minimum set-backs on the streets should be 30' . Set-back at the lot line will be 6' to conform to the set-back requirements next to the residential zone at the back. Garbage pick-up, parking requirements were discussed. Backing into Magnolia. right-of-way is not allowed. 2 • i u v-ii-v-c,-f J A request for rezoning of the back of the property which fronts on Morningside is required. The Secretary gave them two copies of the form to request the rezoning. Mr. Bost voiced his concern that the present plan should be tied in with this rezoning. A request for a building permit for the initial building will be presented next week after the information required is returned to the Commission. The Secretary gave them two copies of the form detailing information required to obtain a building permit recommendation from the Commission. Village Revised parking and sign design were received Interiors by the Commission, but no Highway permit was received, so no action taken. National Mr. Herb Duncan from Faetchie Construction Investors Company, representing Nation Investors, Fence appeared to discuss the fences required at the Captain' s Chair Shopping Center. Mrs . North explained that he, Mr. Fred Curtis , owner of National Investors , Mr. Sandy Hardin, attorney for National Investors, City Manager Morgan, and Commissioners Raney and North had met yesterday afternoon to discuss the problem and that National Investors wished to present and alternate proposal to the eight foot masonry fence requirement. Mr. Curtis had not previously understood that the fences were required. Mr. Duncan stated that there was a five foot strip of earth between their paving and the property line. The poles are on the line. They suggest using 24"-30" ligustrum planted at four foot centers. In response to a question from Mrs. North, he stated that this size of plants costs about $6. 00 planted and that there is about 600 feet to be planted. Mrs. North questioned the spacing and Mr. Spears suggested using vibernum for a denser hedge. Mr. Shore was concerned about the maintenance of the hedge. After further discussion, during which Mr. Duncan stated that the masonry wall would have cost $14. 00 per lineal .foot and that the City needed to clean up the ditch, tachment MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears , ##1 that the City Manager be advised to go ahead with final inspection permits and allow Temporary Permits of Zoning Compliane as referred to in Section 9, Paragraph 4, rrZ U-lrl-0-e-- 3-1)7 Sub-paragraph 4, of Ordinance 174, while we iron out details of the fence. Mr. Duncan has agreed to furnish a letter to insure maintenance of the hedge. Mrs . North will contact Viola Bost and others and come back with recommenda- tion(s) . Mr. Duncan has agreed to a hedge on Heritage and a chain link fence with vines on border of residential. area. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Fire Chief Oren McClure, who was in the audience, agreed with the hedge concept and felt that openings might not be necessary. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Pipeline Ordinance. Mrs. North reported that Mr. Raney felt it would be three more weeks before a revision is ready. B. Sign Ordinance. This was workshopped Monday evening with Councilmen Windler. and Patton, the City Manager, and Commissioners Spears , Shore, Raney and North. The consensus of the Commissioners that whatever minor changes the City Council might make were fine. The use of neon lights and sign size had been questioned by the Councilmen. C . Flood Insurance Ordinance. North reports no action. D. Subdivision Ordinance. There was no time to workshop this with Council on Monday, so status remains same. E. Zoning Mau Changes. All Sun Meadow changes and Cecil Brown Jr. ' land on corner of Sunset and W . Edgewood will be on third reading Monday night. Change of use of High School from residential to the specific use of public high school has not yet been initiated. F. Zoning Regulation Changes. The City Secretary has advertised for a hearing on August ninth. (To be held by the Commission. ) G: Heritage Estates Subdivision. Has not yet been signed by the Mayor because deed restrictions have not yet been submitted. H. Renwick Subdivision. Has not ,yet been signed by the Mayor. kttachment I . Fox Meadows Subdivision. Mrs. North read the letter drafted to Mr. John Lipscomb of the Traffic Division of the Highway Department. After some revision, the letter was approved. J. Coward Creek Subdivision. The Secretary reported that the final linen for this subdivision had been returned to the City Manager, but that it did not include the street which we had discussed specifications for. The City Manager indicated that the City has not yet firmed up a policy regarding acceptance of streets. After discussion, it was emphasized that the plat had not yet been officially presented to the Commission again as the Commission had under- stood it would be . MO`1'ION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that the plat be returned to the Commission before signing. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. K. POLLY RANCH SUBDIVISION. The Secretary reported that a close inspection of the Polly Ranch plans which had been submitted last week disclosed that the street and drainage plans had not been included. The City will notify Mr. Gartrell of his omission. Attachment L. Building Permits. The Secretary handed out copies of the list #3 of building permits issued in July by the City. It was noted that a building permit had been issued in the West Friendswood area, which, although a subdivision, had not been approved by the Commission (because it pre-dated the Commission) and was in an undelineated flood area. At-tachment MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, #2 that the City be requested to have requests for building permits in West Friendswood referred to the Planning Commission so that the Commission can check on slab heights. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. M. . Imperial Gardens Pool - Parking. Mr. Bost stated that it had been brought to his attention that a hazardous situation has been created at the pool, where cars park on a curve and children are running out from behind them. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Bost, seconded by Phillips , #2 that a note be sent to Chief Wright suggesting an alternative to the parking situation at the Imperial Gardens pool. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment N. Planning Commissioners Seminar. The Secretary reported receipt #4 of a program to be presented at A&M on August 29, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the subject of street and traffic planning. This is sponsored by Texas Transportation Institute and the Depart- ment of Community Affairs. Cost os $5. 00. Commissioners Bost, North, Spears and Shore Action. expressed an interest. The Secretary will write for more information. ttachment 0 . H-GRTS . The Secretary read a letter from Oliver Stork, Study #5 Director of the }iouston-Galveston County Transportation Study requesting that the City adopt a requirement for dedication of rights-of-way for major streets and arterials if we do not already have such a requirement. The Secretary will check our present status concerning this situation. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Budget It was brought to the Commission' s attention that it had neglected to include any moneys for contingencies in its budget request. MOTION WAS MADE by Bost, seconded by Spears , that the Commission amend its budget request by adding $4,00. 00 for contingencies. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 11: 35 p.m. Secretary A roved: PP