August 9t 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning
Commission was held on Thursday, August 90 1973 at the Friendswood
City Hall. Chairman C . C . Bost presidedi called to order at 705 P.M.
C. C. Bost , Chairman Charles Coe
Tracy Spears , Vice-Chairman Robert Phillips
Leah North, Secretary Ed Zeitler, Council Rep.
Clyde Raney
James Shore
July 19, 1973 - Approved after the following correction: On page
two, Phillips , not Raney made the motion to
approve the sign.
August 2 , 1973 - Approved as presented.
ttachment Chairman Bost called to order the hearing regarding the changing
#1 of the wording of the zoning ordinance 174. He asked if there
were any members of the audience who wished to speak in regard
to the zoning ordinance. There were no replies. He asked once
again and once again there was no response from the audience.
Since no controversial issues had been raised regarding the
rewording, it was agreed by common consent to make a decision on
the recommendation at once. Mrs. North stated that it had been
brought to her attention that there was duplication in the
addition of oil wells to the specific use list, since similar
ideas were listed under the paragraph begining with the word
"Mining." After some discussion, it was agree to combine the
two wordings by substituting "as specified by Council" for the
present word "none" under Parking Ratio, and preceding the
wording contained in the paragraph starting with the word "mining"
with the words "Oil wells and related structures." The wording
" in any district" remains the same.
MOTION WAS MADE by Spears , seconded by Raney, that the Commission
recommend approval of the proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance
#174 with the modification of wording as indicated above. Motion
passed unanimously.
Information Reports were delayed until later in the agenda by
common consent. LThey were never gotten back to. ]
L t VZU-M-b-y-73
Crown Petroleum Mr. W. E. Mattingly, Mr. Bill McAndrews ,
Requests Specific and Mr. 0. K. Haynie of Crown Petroleum were
Use Permit present to discuss the procedure for obtaining
a specific use permit, since it had been
recently brought to their attention that this
should be done. Additional. requirements may be
applicable when the pipeline ordinance is
passed, but Mr. Raney did not feel that there
would be any conflict between the two procedures .
A general exchange of information followed.
There was a general feeling among Commission
members that Crown Central should not have to
ask for a specific use permit for each
individual well, but that a blanket specific
use permit to cover the 3000 acres owned by
Crown Central was not practical either. It
was agreed by all concerned that a good starting
point would be a request covering the thirteen
acres on which Crown Central is now drilling
and on which they eventually would like to move
their tank batteries. The Railroad Commission
requires forty surface acres per well.
MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney,
that a hearing regarding the granting of a
specific use permit on the thirteen acre Crown
Central tract for oil wells and related
structures be called for September 6 if the
City Secretary can get the information in the
paper in time; September 13 to be the date,
if she cannot. Hearing time to be 8: 00 P.M.
Two copies of the Request for Rezoning form
were given to the representatives to submit
with the proper legal description and the
$40. 00 hearing fee.
action Notice on the hearing date should be sent to
Mr. Bill'McAndrews , c/o Crown Central Petroleum,
1400 First City East Building, Houston 77002 .
Sun Meadow Mr. Ken W . Sewell, 4545 Post Oak Place,
Seven-Eleven 626-7411, of John Bakerinvestments and Real
Store Estate who is owner of the tract, presented a
request for a building permit for a Seven-
Eleven store and other space for lease on a
lot in the newly rezoned area just south of
Sun Meadow Drive. The proposed building
contained 6600 square feet and was built at
right angles to F. M. 518 .
Several problems were discussed with Mr. Sewell,
including inadequate set-back, but the main
problem was a lack of relation to the adjoining
tracts. The Commission is desirous of
comprehensive planning regarding individual
building tracts and had previously talked with
Mr. Bob Atkinson in this regard when the requests
for rezoning were presented. Mr. Sewell was
directed to contact Mr. Bill Crawford, the
developer of the land, and Mr. Crawford may
contact the Commission. The Chairman would like
to see a plat of theentire section of commercial
before making a decision.
9GENDA The Secretary gave Mr. Sewell two copies of the
" Information to Accompany Building Permit" form.
He will be put on next week' s agenda.
Hidden Valley Dr. C . Boone appeared after having been referred
Road Abandonment to the Commission at Monday' s Council meeting
in regard to his request to abandon certain roads
in an unplatted subdivision referred to as
Hidden Valley. He stated that he had first
asked the County, who said it was within the
City' s jurisdiction. The City Council then
Attachment referred him to the Commission. He presented the
2 copy of the deed to the commission which
describes 'the roads by metes and bounds.
Mrs. North stated that it was her understanding,
after talking with Attorney B. J. Hooks who is
assisting City Attorney 0. K. Jerden, that the
reason he felt that Dr. Boone needs an attorney
is that the land was not dedicated to the County
or the City, but was dedicated for the use of
the public and he did not see how the City could
give away the public ' s land. In addition, the
Commission is authorized to vacate subdivisions
(and their streets ) which have been platted,
but this subdivision never was.
Spears asked when the street was dedicated.
Dr. Boone thought January or December. Dr.
Boone had ceased selling lots at the request of
the Council after Council became aware of the
unplatted subdivision.
Dr. Boone was directed to bring back a map of
the road (subdivision) , marked and dated, with
a letter requesting the abandonment.
t-" ,chment Rezoning Request Mr. W . B. Wood presented a request for rezoning
,, -) Whitaker-Wood along with the $40. 00 hearing fee for that part
c�cm ,-t.B.II) Shopping Center of a tract of land bordered by Magnolia,
F,10.73 Morningside, and Friendswood Drive which is not
already zoned C-1 in order to build a shopping
-T i a uv-a•i-v-]-( .)-C1. ?
Concern was expressed by the Commission in
general that the shopping center procede
according to plan if the area is to be rezoned.
Whitaker-Wood It was agreed to approve the shopping center as
ttachment 305 S. Friendswood a whole in conjunction with the request for a
#4 building permit. After discussion , it was agreed
that parking along Magnolia should be 45 degree
parking, and that the interior parking should
be either 45 or 60 degree. parking, which would
permit the two smaller buildings to be moved
further away from Magnolia in order to allow
off-street parking between the buildings and
Magnolia. No more than one entrance and exit
to the parking by each building off Magnolia
will be permitted. Also, parking spaces at the
Morningside end will be eliminated in order to
provide a turn-around without going out on
Morningside. A copy of this plan as modified
was "red-lined"and initialed and is filed as
Attachment #4.
ttachment The request for a building permit for the
#5 first phase was granted with the above parking
MOTION WAS MADE by Spears , seconded by Raney,
that a public hearing be called regarding the
rezoning of that part of the Whitaker-Wood
tract at 305, 307 and 309 S. Fri.endswood Drive
that is not already C-1 from its present
designation of R-2 to C-1. Hearing to be held
Action on September 6, 1973, with September 13 to be
the alternate date if the public notice cannot
be made in time for September 6. Time to be
8 = 30 P.M.
Village Interiors The Secretary stated that she had been in contact
with the owners of Village Interiors who had
been told they did not need an entrance permit
from the Highway Department. The Secretary had
then contacted Mr. John 1,ipscomb, who confirmed
that the Highway Department is willing to leave
cuts in curb and gutter streets up to the
local authorities since drainage is. not involved,
He expressed an opinion, when asked by the
Secretary, that twenty foot should be the very
minimum width for entrances and exits . The
Secretary reported that the parking spaces had
been modified as requested, as had the sign, and
that she felt the permit could be approved with
the exception that the entrance and exit widths
be widened to twenty feet and a larger radius
put on the entrance curves. An extended
discussion followed ragrding the radius and
5 FPZC-M-8-9-73
whether it was proper to allow the extension
of the radius in front of the adjoining property.
MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney,
to accept the plan "as is" (sixteen foot entrances
small radii on entrance and exit) .
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, to
send the drawings back for correction, with
(1) driveways to be widened to 20' , and
(2 ) entrance driveway (on right) to be
moved inward from property line to keep
radius within the property line
Polly Ranch Although not on the agenda, Mr. Billy McAninch
Estates and Mr. Don McAninch and Mr. Jim Gartrell
appeared to ask approval of the Preliminary Plan.
Mr. McAninch reported that City Manager Morgan
stated that everything was fine and ready to go.
North questioned the accuracy of this report,
since she was aware of several problems, most
noticeably the lack of any street and drainage
plans or profiles .
Mr. r,"enneth Toon stated that he had been asked
by the City Manager to attend to discuss water
and sewer problems inherent in the subdivision.
Circulation Plan. Mrs. North mentioned that
the subdivision did not conform to the general
comprehensive circulation plan. Mr. McAninch
thought that the arterial through the subdivisior
had been eliminated when Bay Area Boulevard had
been re-routed. The Secretary produced maps
which had been recently received from the
Houston-Galveston Regional Transportation Study
which indicated that the arterial through Polly
Ranch still existed from Blackhawk Boulevard on
toward the Alvin area.
Townhouses. Mr. Raney emphasized that he was
wholeheartedly against the building of 500
townhouses in their subdivision as indicated by
the reserves.
b rer/,U-m-0-y
Water and Sewer. Mr. Toon stated that he
questioned the distance between fire hydrants
They should be closer together.
Mrs. North asked Mr. Toon if the water pressure
would be adequate in the subdivision. Mr. Toon
asked if she were asking this as a Fire
Deparment member. Mrs . North stated that she
was asking as a Planning Commissioner and would
like an answer. Mr. Toon said the answer
was "No." Another water well would be needed.
A discussion followed with Councilman Patton,
who was then present , joining in, regarding
the obligation of the City to provide utilities
( immediately) if they are needed by a proposed
Mrs. North asked Mr. Toon (speaking as a
Planning Commissioner) whether the sewer lines
were adequate to serve the aditional load
of the proposed subdivision. Mr. Toon felt
that there would be problem at the point where
the subdivision engineer had proposed they
should go.
In addition, Mrs. North questioned how the
sewer lines were to get from the subdivision
to the proposed hook-up with the City lines,
if they were to go through someone' s lot and
who was to get them there.
Mr. Billy McAninch stated that he had been told
by the City that they would bring the lines
to the subdivision. Upon further questioning
it was broughtout that the distance the line
had to be carried was 1300 feet. North wondered
if the City was to provide the right-of-way also .
Councilman Patton stated that he had had the
impression that only a few houses were to be buil
on Oak Drive and that he considered "to the
subdivision" to be at the cattle guard on
Leisure Lane where the line would have been
sufficient in size to take care of the few houses
that he had envisioned.
Streets . Mr. Bost stated that the streets needed
to be approved by the County. Mrs. North
questioned this , but said she had no objection
so long as he was not saying that the Commission
had no jurisdiction. he said that the Commission
would also see the plans. Mr. Gartrell stated
that the street plans had been given to the
County last week and should be out in two weeks.
Other Areas on Non-Compliance. The Secretary
stated that she had checked the plans when they
1 - �
were first submitted two weeks ago and had
found so many areas of non-compliance that she
felt the subdivision should not be considered
until there was more effort made to comply.
The Secretary left at 12 :15. Spears had already left. Shgre left
about 12 , 30. "Usually reliable sources" have informed the Secretary
that the discussion was still going at 2 a.m. No further formal
business was transacted.
Secretary �7