HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-08-30 Regular rrcu-ri-u-�u-i3
August 30, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held at City Hall on Thursday, August 30, 1973. Chairman C . C. Bost
presided, calling the meeting to order at 7330 P.M.
C . C. Bost , Chairman Charles Coe
Tracy Spears , Vice-Chairman James Shore
Leah North, Secretary
Robert Phillips
Clyde Raney
Thomas Lay, 6435 N. Heywood, Houston, 643-3481
Alicia Lay, 6435 N. Heywood, Houston, 643-3481
Ted Bogren, Municipal Engineering Co.
August 23 , 1973 - Approved with the following corrections :
Page One: Minutes . Change August 23 to August 16.
Page Two: Fox Meadows S/D9 last sentence. Phillips
is to contact Poorman at the Highway Department
Office and Lrequest that grating on culverts be
eliminated] discuss their views regarding grating
on the culverts.
Polly Ranch S/D, d) , 1) . Second sentence.
FHA does L ,7. Land] Mr. McAninch stated that
noise level between hours of 11 P.M. and 7 A. M.
is important.
A. Pipeline Ordinance. The Pipeline Ordinance will be put on First
Reading next week.
B. Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Raney recommended that we workshop
this ordinance. He will not support it as
written. Mrs. North stated that she was
not willing to spend any more time on
a Subdivision Ordinance which we ignore
anyway. Mr. Raney stated that we should
make a notation in our procedures that any
subdivision involving a state road access
should have State approval. Chairman Bost
stated that he would entertain a motion
setting a date for the workshop.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears ,
to review the Subdivision Ordinance on September
Fort Bost, Spears , Raney, Phillips.
Against: North
C . Flood Insurance Ordinance. Nothing new.
D. Sign Ordinance. A report from the City Secretary states that
stencils are being cut and copies will be
distributed and posted at next Council meeting.
First reading possible on September 17.
E. Rezoning in Sun Meadow area. A report from the City Secretary
states that Ord. #183 rezoning areas to R-2 and
Ord. #184 rezoning areas to C-1 as recommended
by the Commission had their final readi ngs on
August 20. FILE CLOSED.
F. Rezoning of High School. The City Secretary questioned whether
a hearing had been held. Mr. Raney researched
his minutes and noted that Commission minutes of
kction March 1, 1973 refer to this. The Commission
kttachment Secretary was instructed to write a memo to the
#1 City Manager bringing this to his attention and
asking that it be placed on the agenda of Council
for action.
G. Rezoning of Cecil Brown tracts. The rezoning of the 16 acres to
Commercial and the 300' by 300' tract to the
Specific Use as a Pulbic Fire Station completed
two hearings, but has been on "hold" pending
resolution of restrictions in deed on the fire
station property, according to the City
Secretary' s report.
Agenda H. Coward Creek Subdivision. Action on this will be put on next
Action week' s agenda. The Commission had previously
voted to withhold signatures on this until it
had been looked at by the Commission. (When the
subdivision was approved, the final linen had
not yet been drawn, so the Commission has not
seen it previously. )
I . Renwick S/D. The City Manager stated that it had been signed by
the Mayor, but not yet filed.
J. Heritage Estates S/D• Deed restriction have not yet been
received by the City, so has not yet been filed.
The City Manager has told Mrs . North that he has
reminded the Engineer (Gartrell) of the fact.
The Secretary was directed to write a memo to
ction Council Representative Zeitler calling this lack
ttachment of action to his attention.
K. Fox Meadows S/D. Chairman Bost stated that Engineer Bogren would
arrive soon and the matter was postponed until th
L. Polly Ranch estates . The City Manager stated that the Police
Department has no objection to the plat,
also that the Pire Chief (McClure) says
that it is workeable, although he would
like to see more fire hydrants. It
appears that nothing can be done at the
site until the sewer plan for the region is
complete which will be eighteen months at
a minimum.
The Secretary stated that she is not willing
to sign this plat attesting that it was
properly approved. Reasons stated for her
position included that fact that is was
given preliminary approval on a night that
it did not appear on the agenda as other
that a status item (since the street and
drainage plans had not been submitted) ,
that the agenda for that meeting had not
been posted for the required three days
prior to the meeting, that the Commission
had no record of what they had approved,
(The Secretary had asked the Commission for
these records for the files on her return
from vacation. ) , that both procedures and
requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance
had been ignored, that no provision had
been made for the arterial street.
The Chairman asked that this statement be
put in the minutes. The Secretary agreed
to do this .
M. Rewording of Zoning Ordinance. The City Manager reported that
the Council had discussed certain changes
in wording, particularly in regard to the
Board of Adjustment, but that Assistant to
the City Attorney B. J. Hooks had said that
a new hearing would be needed if this were
done. The City Secretary' s report indicated
that the Council' s feeling seemed to be that
they would let the original wording go in
this case.
N. Request for specific use - Crown Central. Public Notice has been
given for a hearing on September 6.
0. Request for rezoning - 305, 307, 309 Morningside. (These numbers
should be more like 304, 306, and 308. )
Public notice has been given for a hearing
on September 6.
P. A&M Planning Commissioner' s Seminar on Planning of Street
Systems. Mrs. North was the only Commissior
able to attend this seminar, which she
said was very much worthwhile and current
regarding our street planning problems.
'^Y PrGli-lrl-U^3y-
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by
Spears , that the Secretary type her report
for presentation.
FOR: Bost, Spears , Phillips , Raney.
Mrs. North stated that there were three
books highly recommended by the participants
in this session, two of which we do not
MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears
that the Commission buy the follwoing books :
Community Builder' s Handbook, published by
the Urban Land Institute at about 025.00,
and GuidDlines for Medial and Marginal
Access Control on Major Roadways at about
$6.20. (The third book, which we have , is
Principles and Practices of Urban Planning. )
R. National Investors Hedge. Mr. Raney gave the Secretary a report
Attachment from Viola. Bost which he had not given to
#3 her at a previous meeting.
MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears
that a letter be sent to Mr. Duncan of
Faetchie Construction, requesting a survey
showing building locations , lot line, and
easement. (Mr. Bost had stated that he
felt the easement where they propoeed to pla
place the hedge had been covered with
asphalt. )
Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren, Engineer, and Mr. Thomas Lay,
Entrance President of T&R Development, were present.
Mr. Bost stated that he had discussed the entranc
with Spears and Phillips.
Mr. Phillips reported that he had talked with
Mr. Lipscomb of the Highway Department, and
had mentioned that the letter from them had not
mentioned the headwall. The Department said that
the letter did not mean the developer did not
have to put the safety grill in. The only way
the Department would consider dropping this
requirement would be if the Commission would
give a letter stating that the safety features
were not necessary and the Commission would
assume the risk. We would have accidents there.
The Department is putting these everywhere now.
Mr. Phillips stated that he thoughtthe grating
problem was between the Highway Department and
Mr. Bogren. Chairman Bost agreed that this is
the position he would take also, that he would
not sign such a letter. Mr. Spears would not ,
Chairman Bost stated that he had looked over the
present entry and felt it to be a matter of
opinion whether moving the entry fifty feet
would imporve it or not. He would not object
to leaving the entry where it is , but that the
"headwall" was between Bogren and the State.
Mr. Lay interjected that he did not think it
was the business of the Commission to deal with
engineering drawings . Whether a bridge was
drawn into a plat or not was not the Commission' s
responsibility. Our interest was in lot sizes ,
etc .
MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears ,
that the Commission require the entrance to
Fox Meadows Subdivision to be constructed in
the location as shown in the plans originally
approved by the Planning Commission and the City,
and that the Commission would not interfere with
the Highway Department requirement for a
grated headway.
FOR: Spears, North.
AGAINST: Bost, Phillips , Raney.
MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips , seconded by Raney,
that the Commission leave the entrance where
it is as originally required by the Highway
FOR: Bost, Phillips , Raney.
AGAINST: Spears , North.
At 9:30 P.M. the Secretary had to leave to attend a drainage meeting.
The Secretary understands that no further official business was
conducted after this time and prior to adjournment.
Approved: 1,-