HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-10-18 RegularFPZC-M-10-18-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 18, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held in Friendswood City hall on Thursday, Octoberl8, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7.40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Present at various times during the meeting were Gerry Knight, Sam Vester, Dixie and Jim Gartrell. 1. MINUTES No minutes of previous meetings were available. The Secretary promised to get organized during the next week, all repair work having been completed on her house except one room of carpet. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Sign Ordinance. The Secretary reported that the City Manager had that afternoon asked the City Attorney for written comment. B. Su di ision Ordinan e. Commissioner Raney stated that he was putting some things together, working around the ordinance suggested by the City Engineer a year ago. C. Flood Insurance Ordinance. Commissioner North is preparing a copy for presentation to the Council. This was approved by the i Commission on July 19, 1973 to refer to Mr. Heaney for approval and Council for consideration. D. Rewo i of ZoningOrdinance: Passed third and final reading last Monday night. E. Rezoning of High School. No new action. F. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to 0-1. No new action. G. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. No new action. lAttachment H. ReZoning to specific use Crown Central -request 2. The #S Secretary reported that this had not yet been initiated by City Council, that she would notify or re -notify the City Secretary. Drilling permit has been approved by Council. I. Rezoning to specific use Crown Central e uest 1. Passed second reading on October 15. J. Rezoning to specific use. Crown Central_ request. Hearing has been set. K. Heritage Estates Subdivision. No new action. Bost reports they are waiting on City Engineer Heaney to complete storm sewer plans. North reports deed restrictions have not yet been received. 2 FPZC-M-10-18-73 North reported information that, of the "out -lots" from the original Cook tract which were not included in Heritage Estates, but were sold previously to owners of lots fronting on Clearview Avenue in Empe,re Chateau, an interior lot had been sold to someone other than a lot owner on Clearview. A discussion followed. Attachment Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the #1 Secretary send a memo to the City Manager requesting that building permits be refusEd and advise no utilities available if lots are being sold for building lots. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. L. Polly Ranch Estates. No new action since roads sent to County ^for approval. M. Coward Creek Subdivision* Needs signing by Mayor and f iling. N. Planning Commission Hearing status. The Secretary presented the notices for three hearings which were advertised in the October 18 Journal. Since there was a time conflict in the hearings as originally called by the Commission, the Secretary asked that the times as advertised be approved. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney that the Commission approve the time changes for the hearings. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 0. Quaker Drive R-O-W interrupstion. Referred to City Manager at meeting of September 20. No action. P. National. Inver or's Hedge. The Secretary reported that the letter was mailed to Bernard Brooks, attorney for National. Investors, ten days ago. Commissioner Raney requested that he speak to the City Manager and Council regarding this. No objections. R. Autumn Hills meeting. Commissioners Spears, Raney and Bost, City Manager Morgan and City Engineer Heaney met with Autumn Hills representatives on site a week ago Monday. Bost reported that they were to present a plat of the building and the road as it exists on an accurate survey. The City hopes to work out an adequate R-O-W for Heritage Drive in this area. Mr. Heaney will locate the property owners involved so that it can be done right. Some concern was expressed that this information was needed prior to the hearing and that lack of it might necessitate calling of another hearing with associated fee. R. Crown Central request#2 oil well. Raney reported that he expressed what he felt was the Commission's desire for the Council to procede with the issuance of a drilling permit prior to actual rezoning to specific use. Reason for the urgency, he felt, was to get this on the tax rolls by Jan. 1. North considered this excellent planning. I FPZC-M-14-18-73 S. Street Plans, North reported that Council has street plans on their workshop agenda for next Monday night and suggested that Commission members might consider attending. North suggested that planning the streets would be considered a legitimate Planning Commission function. A discussion followed concerning information the Commission thought would be important in deciding which streets should be done first. The Chairman suggested that figures were needed concerning which streets were the most heavily travelled and that first priority should be given to streets that all citizens use, such as the streets to the schools. No formal action was taken concerning the communication of this information to the Council. 3. BUILDING PERMITS No building permits came before the Commission. 4. SUBDIVISIONS No subdivisions had been scheduled on the agenda. The following action were taken, however. Mustang The Secretary read a letter from the City Meadows Manager, dated October 16, requesting that four criteria be met prior to our signing the plat. Council was apparently not aware that the plat had been given Commission approval July 12. The Secretary asked that prior to signing the Commission receive a copy of the plat and plans as approved by the Commission. This Mr. Gartrell did. Jim Gartrell asked that the plat be signed tonight, since he was anxious to get going. Mr. Shore stated that he did not want to see us sign anything else with any more contingencies. Mrs. North objected to signing because the item was not on the agenda and the ordinance was not drawn up as the Council had requested. Mrs. North noted, also, that the deed restrictions were entirely different from the ones first submitted and questioned whether the developer was aware of the changes. Mr. Gartrell assured her that he was. She asked if he had a copy. Mr. Gartrell said that he did. Mr. Bost signed the plat, Attachment Mr. Raney suggested a memo to the City Manager #1 stating that requirements #1, #2, and #4 were in compliance. The Commission has not seen the ordinance (requirement #3), but this is Council's responsibility, The Commission had no objections. Greenbriar Since Mr. Gartrell and Sam Vester, developer, were present, Commission commented on Greenbriar 4 FPZC-M-10-18-73 Subdivision, although a report has not yet been received back from the City Engineer. Access on main streets. Mr. Shore asked if deed restrictions would prohibit rear access from lots which back up to Sunset and Greenbriar. Mr. Gartrell assured him this would be done. Question of multiple access of the lots fronting on Castlewood and Greenbriar was discussed• North stated that we had required Dunbar Estates to back their lots up to Melody Lane. Raney and Bost thought that this would present a poor appearance. North suggested that Briarmeadow Subdivision was done this way. Bost stated that, in Briarmeadow's case, this gave a better yeild. No action taken. Drainage. North questioned adequacy of 20 foot easem ent along Greenbriar. Gartrell said this was the existing easement. Phillips was concerned about the depth of the ditch below Falling Leaf lane. Side lot lines. Shore pointed out a 15' side lot line on #79 adjacent to a thoroghfare. This Mr. Gartrell agreed to correct, along with another one on Sunset. R-O-W. North questioned the adequacey of the rights -of -way on adjoining streets. Mr. Gartrell said that all streets had adequate 60 foot rights - of -way and that Sunset had 100 feet. Shore questioned whether this was wide enough for Sunset, since we had agreed to utilize Sunset as an arterial when we chose the #2 alternate for Greenbriar Drive. Water and sewer. North asked how the proposed water and sewer lines fit into the master plan. Gartrell stated that these were as prescribed by Toon. 5• MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Attachment IGMA Course The Secretary read a note from the City Manager #3 relating that the ICMA Planning Course which used to be $90 per individual is now $150 per individual, but is also $150 per group plus $10 per additional individual. There was some discussion as to whether anyone other than North had time to take it. Action was tabled until next meeting. Charles Coe At the request of the Chairman, Spears read a Resignation letter of resignation from Charles Coe dated !Attachment September 13. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the resignation be accepted to pass on to FPZC-M-10--18-73 Council with regret. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Access Control Access control was discussed. Spears stated that Bob Atkinson had prepared a good report on access control. Since the Secretary did not have a copy, Raney loaned his to her while another is being run by Bost. After further discussion, it was decided that Phillips would head the study of access control. Bost will call Bob Atkinson and obtain cost figures on having Atkinson work with Phillips. North would like to sit in on this. Architectural After discussion of the best way to achieve Control architectural control, it was agreed by the Commission that Tracy Spears should come up with recommendations. Architectural control in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and New Orleans were mentioned. Fire Zones After discussion, it was agreed by the Commission that North would report on fire zone possibilities.' Spears will try to get a copy of the Houston Ordinance pertaining to this. Talisman School Shore expressed a concern regarding the sign now Sign present at the intersection of Castlewood and Greenbriar which announces that this location is the new location of Talisman School. No-one was positive what Talisman School is, but Mr. Shore's concern stemmed from a statement he understood Attorney B. J. Hooks to make concerning the rights a commercial enterprise once gained by simply having a sign up which went unchallenged announcing that they would soon build there. After some dicussion, Phillips ascertained that it was an illegal sign, having been placed in a residentially zoned district. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Phillips #1 that a memo be sent to the City Manager calling attention to the Talisman School sign as being illegal. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to dicsuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Addend It was reported that r. Tay or had left town,having returned his share of the building to Mr. Wofford. I rinff�lggl Secretary Approved: