HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-10-11 RegularFPZC-14-10-11-73
October 11, 1923
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood,
Texas on Thursday, October 11, 1973- Chairman C. C. Bost presided.
C. C. Bost, Chairman
Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman
Leah forth, Secretary
Bob Phillips
Clyde Raney
Jim Shore
Ed Zeitler, Council Rep.
Charles Coe
Councilmen Patton and Baker were also present at the start of
the meetings Mayor Lowe and Councilman Windler arrived later.
October 4, 1973 - Approved as corrected as follows:
Page 2s Word is "lot," not "lost."
Page 3: Shore voted against motion to pass
the Wood/Whitaker rezoning recommendation
to Council.
Page 32 Mr. Shore was to find out what Mr. Jones
used for reference in determining
slab height.
The Chairman asked the Secretary if there was anything in
action to report concerning the information reports. The
Secretary reported no significant change in any item since
meeting, so information reports were not treated in detail
to take care of the members of audience before the meeting
Council members at 9:00 P.M.
in order
Attachment A list of building permits were furnished by the City Manager.
Mrs. North asked the City Manager if he had obtained the information
regarding slab heights on buildings approved recently in areas
where the 100-year flood height had not been delineated, as she
had requested by phone that afternoon. The City Manager replied
that he did not have the information, but that he would be
responsible for seeing that the slabs were above the 100-year
flood level. He also stated that he would be responsible for
seeing that the slabs would be elevated as recommended in the
Planning Commission's recent memo, dated October 1, filed under
FPZC-9-20-73, Attachment #1, recommending minimum slab height
of eighteen inches above the road in order to avoid flood
The question was raised as to what Mr. Jones was using as a
criterion to set the slab heights for some of the dwellings which
were not included in areas where data had been obtained from the
Corp of Engineers by the Planning Commission. The City Manager
indicated that he had phoned the County Building Official. It
was pointed out by Mrs. North that homes built along Coward and
Chigger Creek on data acquired by the County Building Official
had been flooded in June and that the Corp of Engineers data
would be better.
Mrs. North also questioned why the City Manager felt that it was
his obligation to check on slab heights when Ordinance 157 gave
the responsibility to the Planning Commission, The City Manager
stated that it was his understanding that the Charter had
precedence over ordinances and that the Charter stated that he
was to be responsible for the administration of the City and that
this was an administrative problemo therefore his reponsibility.
No requests for building permits came before the commission.
Mr. Jim Ellis, 1202 Myrtlewood, Pearland P. 0. , 482-1893,
appeared to request information regarding a
tennis court which he would like to build on
Tennis Club Melody Lane, next to the Sikes home. The court
Request would be built on three acres, no club house
would be built, and fifteen to twenty people
would be expected to participate. Some discussion
ensued as to whether this would be considered a
private or a commercial establishment and whether
in the future it might want to expand.
ACTION The Chairman informed Mr. Ellis that we will
contact him after research to see where he fits
into the zoning ordinance.
Attachment Greenbriar Mr. Jim Gartrell and Mr. Sam Vester, owner,
#2 Subdivision presented pre -application plans for Greenbriar
Subdivision, proposed to be developed on 54.69
acres bounded by Sunset, Castlewood, Greenbriar,
and a pipeline easement. Eighty-two Lots are
proposed on asphalt, open -ditch streets.
One copy of an information letter and three
copies of the plans were received. The original
letter and Copy #1 of the plans were retained for
the Commission's files. Copies two and three of
the plans were given to the City Manager.
Sewer service. Sewer plans submitted have been
approved by Ken Toon, Water and Sewer
Superintendent. Mr. Vester had contracted with
the City to extend the sewer, according to Mr.
DRainage. Mr. Shore questioned the drainage. Mr.
Gartrell stated that an easement would be granted
for the outfall of the former drainage ditch.
Lot width. Mr. Bost questioned the 110 foot lot
width, but it was felt by the Commission that the
120 foot requirement was not yet in existence,
since the amendment requiring this had only
passed second reading of the City Council.
Pedestrian path. Mrs. North asked if it would be
possible to have a pedestrian path atthe end of
the cul-de-sac across from the high school, since
otherwise all pedestrian traffic from the
subdivision would either have to cut across
someone's yard or go all the way out to Castlewood
and back down Greenbriar to the High School.
Mr. Vester said that he had no objection, but
Mr. Gartrell brought up what he thought would be
problems, such as litter and Hondas. Barrier
posts were suggested as a possibility.
Adjacent streets. Mrs. North asked Mr. Gartrell
to indicate the location of the adjacent streets
in Imperial Gardens. Mr. Gartrell agreed to do
Park area. Mr. Raney asked if any provision
were planned for park area. Mr. Gartrell did not
think this necessary since the area was so close
to the school.
No action was taken, other than to pass the two
sets of plans on to the City for comment.
Mayor Lowe and Councilmen Patton, Baker and Windler were present.
Councilmen Gonzalez, Haken, and Zeitler were absent.
Mayor Lowe opened the discussion by saying that he thinks the
Commission members should follow certain guidelines before appearing
as individual mambers before Council. He suggested that before any
member should come before Council they should get a vote first
from the Commission.
A considerable discussion followed. One of the suggestions made
was that a minority report might be made in cases of disagreement.
Councilman Patton stated that he was only interested in what the
Comdesion does that does not follow the Charter or Subdivision
Ordinance. If the law needs changing we should figure out some
way to change it. He is not interested in internal problems.
The City Manager stated that
giving approval contingent on
if we have the i_tmes acted on
The question was asked of the
Drainage District approval of
required and one time it was
not now requiring this.
one problem is that we end up
certain items. It would be better
first, then approve the plat.
Mayor whether we are now requiring
plats, since one time approval was
not. The Mayor replied that we are
Councilman Windler thought that we should require more time for
subdivisions to give noticeto get on the agenda, as on Friday
following the Thursday meeting.
It was decided that when a Commission member feels strongly enough
in disagreement with the rest of the Commission to take their
argument to the Council that the member should inform the
Commission of this in order to gave the rest of the Commission
an opportunity to rebut the argument.
Council left at 11230 P.M.
Autumn Hills MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore,
Rezoning that the hearing regarding the rezoning of the
Autumn Hills rest home to Specific Use - Institution
for the Aged be held on November 1, with November $
the alternate date.
Wood/Whitaker MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that
Rezoning the hearing regarding the rezoning of the Wood -
Whitaker tract from R-2 to C-1 be called for
November 8, with November 15 as an alternate date.
MOTION PASSED, 5-1, Raney dissenting.
This calling of another hearing was made necessary
because written notice had not been given the
adjoining lot owners at the previous hearing.
Crown Central The Secretary reminded the Commission that the
Request #3 hearing for Crown Central Request #3 had been set
for October 25, with November 1 being the
alternate date, at 8 P.M. No legal description
of the property has been received as yet.
Attach Flood Insurance Shore asked how we could 'et the Federal Government
# to study the remaining areas of Friendswood which
have not yet had the 100-year flood delineated.
A discussion followed.
MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that
the City Manager be asked to write to the proper
authorities to ask for an immediate study of the
undelineated areas of Friendswood as it pertains
to flood insurance.
Attach Simpson Apartments A correction
Apartments of September 6,
Simpson from the
to the Board of Adjustment minutes
1973 and a letter adressed to Mr.
Board of Adjustment was read and
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned.
Approved:/Oe-G.C/%3 Secretary:�'S��