HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-06-07 Regular rrct,-m-ono-�o
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
on Thursday, June 6, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall . Vice-Chairman Spears
presided in the absence of Chairman Bost, calling the meeting to order at 7 :45 P .M.
Tracy Spears, Vice-Chairman C. C. Bost - previous commitment
Leah North, Secretary James Shore - out of town
Bob Phillips Charles Coe
Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Representative
Robert Townsend, L. E. Gueringer, Mayor Ralph Lowe, Cecil Brown, Jr. , Gloria and
Benny Baker, Tony Pascal .
The chair recognized Mayor Ralph Lowe who discussed rezoning of the Cecil
Brown properties and location of the new Fire Station. Mayor Lowe stated
that the Council has accepted the concept of a 600' deep commercial area
(as opposed to the 300' depth which had already been agreed upon before the
proposal was brought before the Commission) . He stated that Mr. Brown is
willing to sign an agreement that he will not apply for building townhouses
in the proposed commercial area and that Mr. Brown would drop his request
for rezoning the twelve acres for townhouses. He stated that the Fire
Department could start building this month, but that they have no site.
He felt that the 600' depth could have thrown a curve to the whole program.
Mr. Brown asked if, when the zoning amendments are passed, all C-1 Commercial
would have townhouses excluded. He was told that this was correct.
Mr. Raney asked Mayor Lowe if any attention was being paid to the Heimsath
report (in regard to the Fire Station) . Mayor Lowe answered "No."
Mayor Lowe would like to discuss this Monday evening at the joint workshop
with the Commission.
May 24, 1973 - minutes were passed out to the Commissioners, but no vote was
taken after Mayor Lowe had spoken.
.a"ach Johnson Mr. L. E. Gueringer, builder, representing Mr. Lonnie
i Kiddie Johnson, appeared to request approval of an addition
Corner to the present building. This is reapplication of
Case 101 . The prop erty has now been surveyed by a
registered surveyor; slab height has been indicated
and is above the 100-year flood level in that area;
2 FPZC-M-6�73
a one hour fire-resistant gyp had. been added to the
,i wall which will be within two feet of the property line;
the roof is a three-ply built-up roof. Parking space
for ten vehicles was indicated on the sketch, although
not on the .survey; the proposed new addition was indicated
on the sketch, but not on the survey.
Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that
the Commission recommend approval . Passed unanimously.
(In this particular case, Mrs. North had met with Mr.
Gueringer and Mr. Johnson for a period of nearly six
and a quarter hours last Friday in an attempt to
convince them to submit a survey to the Commission.)
Attach Friendswood Private Mr. Robert Townsend submitted a sketch showing the
#2 Day School location of two temporary buildings which he had moved
from their previous location beside the Phillips station
on F. M. 518 to their present location at 212 West
Spreading Oaks Avenue, which is a Private Day School .
Case is #105. He stated that he was appearing because
of a letter from Zoning Administrator Cline indicating
that he needed a permit to move the buildings and that
his plan should be submitted to the Planning Commission.
He had talked with Mr. Bost and Mr. Cline concerning this.
He did not have an information sheet filled out, and did
not have a survey of either the lot or the buildings
aside from a sketch which he had drawn himself. Mrs.
North asked him how far the additional frame buildings
were from the main building. He answered "one foot."
Mr. Raney asked whether these new buildings would have
doors to the outside. Mr. Townsend assured him that
they would. Mrs. North asked who inspects the buildings
and when for the fire code requirements of the state.
Mr. Townsed answered that the Fire Marshal does this
after the buildings are built.
Mrs. North asked what kind of foundation the buildings
would have. Mr. Townsedn answered that it would be
concrete blocks. A discussion followed as to whether
these were temporary or permanent buildings. Mr.
Townsend considers them permanent. He stated that the
the bank considered his addition #1 as a temporary
building, however, although he thought it was permanent.
Mr. Raney stated that he needed a survey. A discussion
followed. Later in the discussion Mr. Townsend stated
that he was not going to get a survey.
Parking. Mr. Townsedn was asked how many employees he had
so that we might figure how much parking was required by
the Zoning Ordinance.. He answered that he had "several ."
Later he said that he had "five or so." Since the
parking requirement is only one space for each 1 .6
employees, it was judged that he probably has enough
parking space, although the spaces are not delineated.
3 rr��-m-o;q-io
Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that
the Commission recommend approval of the permit, subject
to all building regulations of the City. Mr. Spears
reminded Mr. Townsend that he still has to be
inspected by the Child Welfare Department. Motion
passed, three to one, with North dissenting because
a survey had not been required of him as it had been of
Mr. Johnson for the previous permit.
Mr. Townsend was asked to fill out the Information Sheet
to accompany Building Permit Referrals, which he did.
Attach Procedures Motion was made by Raney, seconded by North, that. the
#3 Secretary be instructed to write a memo to the City
Manager, advising him of the problem which we had
tonight and asking that proper forms be submitted
immediately to citizens desiring building permits.
Motion passed unanimously.
Subdivisions Mustang Meadows, Coward Creek, and CANE Corporation
Subdivision have not yet been returned to the Commission
by the City Manager, so cannot be acted upon tonight.
Attach Exxon/ Mustang A letter from the Exxon Company was passed out to the
#4 Meadows Commission. Dated June 4, 1973, the letter stating that
they believe it to be to our mutual advantage to show
i 1 their wells, pipelines, and surface facilities on the
the Subdivision Plat. They also object to the roads
and drainage ditches being improved until they have
received plan and profile drawings in order to
determine what adjustments and protection they will
have to give to their pipelines and other facilities.
The Commission agreed that this type of thing should be
settled between the developer and the Company prior to
submission to the Commission, but no action was taken
in regard to what should be done at this stage.
Attach Proposed Commercial The Secretary read a "Plan for a Swimming Pool " from the
#5 Pool School Board minutes of May 8, 1973, which indicated
that Mr. Gene Shumway would like to lease to the school
in exchange for two acres to locate it on. The minutes
indicate that Mr. Shumway had gotten a favorable
indication from the City, the City being willing to
furnish water and chlorine for the pool during the
summer in return for use of the pool . The question was
raised about who in the City gave him this information
and had he been told that he would have to appear before
the Commission. Mr. Benny Baker, Councilman, who was
present, stated that he had met with Mr. Shumway and
that Mr. Shumway had been told that it would be necessary
for him to acquire all the necessary permits, etc.
Attach Board of Adjustment The Secretary read a notice of a meeting of the Board
#6 of Adjustment to consider (1 ) First Baptist Church
4 FPZC-64j'--73
Street Improvement The Secretary informed the Commission that the Council
Ordinance was considering an ordinance establishing a policy
under which the City will make permanent street
improvements. Mr. Raney asked for and received a copy
of the proposed ordinance.
Joint Council/ Mrs. North stated that the Sign and Zoning Amendment
Commission meeting Ordinances which the Commission had completed last
Thursday were submitted to the Council last Monday.
'A motion was made to direct the Commission to hold
a public hearing on the zoning changes, but Mayor Lowe
felt that this should be workshopped. A workshop with
the Commission was planned for Monday night at 7 :30
with only the Commission to be on the agenda, since
the discussion will also include the 'sign ordinance
and the subdivision ordinance revisions.
Attach Christian Communications The Secretary read a letter addressed to the Commission
#7 Corporation and dated May 30, 1973, which was in the Commission
box this afternoon. The letter .states that they are
proceeding with plans to develop the area (off Lunday
Lane - previously occupied by a TV station) for a
training and conference center, including housing,
recreation, printing plant, outside film staging areas,
etc. FAA has given permission for a 1172 foot tower.
Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that
the Secretary write a letter to be signed by the
Chairman, to the Christian Communications Corporation,
attention Mr. W. P. Strube, Jr. , President, informing
him that the area outlined in his letter of May 30, 1973
is presently zoned R-1 (Single-Family) residential )
dwellings. Zoning Ordinance #174 is available from
the City Office for $2.50.
Also, that the properties outlined in your letter were
in existance in thier present .state when annexed on
February 5 of this year and are in non-conformance
as outlined in the zoning ordinance. No application for
expansion of these facilities has been applied for or
mentioned. Motion passed unanimously.
Attach Key Rate/ Water Line Mrs. North passed out copies of a computation of ;friction
#8 Size loss in water pipe, based on the Hazen-Williams formula,
as well as pertinent passeges from the Key Rate Schedule
of the State Board of Insurance. She stated that these
statistics were the reason she was so insistent on
line sizes. Mr. Raney stated that she would have to work
this out with the City Engineer. Mrs. North asked why
the Commission did not hesitate to engineer road
requirements, especially when they were in opposition to
what the City Engineer had suggested. Mr. Raney did not
h think it was the same thing. The Chair called for the
next item.
Agenda Chairman Spears requested that the Secretary put the
Mustang Meadows, Coward Creek, and CANE subdivisions on
next week's agenda.
5 FPZC-6,6-73
Pipeline Ordinance Mr. Raney stated that he had added a couple of items to
the pipline ordinance, including the painting of walls
a dark green or brown and sound-proofing derricks, as
well as removing piplines 100 feet from any house.
Dow Pipeline No representative from Dow was present to discuss their
request. Mr. Raney, to whom the letter was referred,
recommended that approval be deferred until after
adoption of the pipeline ordinance, which would give the
Cit inspection authority, and enforcement of the 100'
foot distance from homes, since the proposed pipeline
would come very close to Whitehall and Village Green.
Mrs. North pointed out that there is no provision in the
present zoning ordinance to permit pipelines in the City.
The Commission agreed to delay a decision until the
detailed drawing of the exact location of the line is
received. (See minutes of May31 , attachment # .)
AGENDA Girl Scout No one was present to present the plans for the storage
Storage Building shed requested by the Girl Scouts to be placed on City
property. This will be defferred until next meeting.
P"NDA Rezoning Hearing of After extended discussion the Commission agreed unanimously
May 31 , 1973 to place the decisions in regard to all five of the
separate properties on next week's agenda.
Attachment Depth of Zoning Strips Mr. Raney raised the question of just how deep the
#9 zoning strips are. No one could answer definitive)y.
The Secretary suggested the answer may be in the minutes.
It was suggested that the answer to this question could
be of immediate importance as in regard to the Dunbar and
Bensen properties. The Secretary will try to find out.
The agenda being completed, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Approved: (� ZI- �j C r�C:u�iCar«C Cntc LJ
Addendum: After the meeting was adjourned Mr. Phillips asked what had happened to
the lists of building permits the Commission was suppoed to be receiving.
The Secretary was asked to obtain these lists for the Commission every