HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-05-03 Regular 4. SUBDIVISIONS
Heritage The preliminary plans as originally submitted,
Estates as well as the City engineer' s comments were
.(Cook Ranch) discussed. Mr. Jerry Pool., of Gulf Coast
engineering stated that a request for--a waiver
of the specification disallowing junction boxes
.between sanitary and storm sewers had been sent
to City Manager -Morgan with the plans.
Storm sewer. A request was submitted by the
City Engineer regarding the enlarging of the.
storm sewer from Ruaker .Drive to the Creek so
that it would drain some of acreage in the
;Harwood .subdivision area, as shown on the Master
Drainage Plan. Dr.. Fairleigh stated that lie
felt that the storm sewer should b-e. -enlarged,
but that the City did not have the money to do it.
Sanitary Sewer Trunk (North Interceptor) . Dr'.
Fairleigh stated that he would be willing to lay .
temporary paving over the proposed sewer Line.
Mayor- Ralph Lowe stated that the City must have
the right-of-way and .that the City must have the
large sewer line. He asked Dr. Fairleigh if he
did� not agree that $12 , 000 would be his cost for
installing a regular sewer line in this right-of-
way. Dr. Fairleigh agreed.
Mr. Bost brought up the fact that installation of
the 27" trunk line by itself would not solve the
problem. City Manager Jim Morgan, who was, then
present, agreed, stating that, although the
lift station .in Quaker' s Landing was adequate,
according to 'information furnished him, to pump
the sewage, that the force .feed line from Quaker' s
landing was not adequate to handle the increased
load. Mr. Morgan also stated that it would cost
approximately $68 , 000 to put the trunk line through
Heritage Estates.
In response to a question by Mrs. North, Mr. Pool
stated that it would make no difference in the
overall design if a 27" inch were installed
instead of an 8" line.
Workshop. The Commission agreed with Mayor .Lowe' s
suggestion to meet with City Council in workshop:
session next Wednesday night to discuss the problems
involved in planning both the sanitary and storm
Motion to have resubmitted. Mr. Shore moved,
E seconded by Mr. Raney, that the Heritage Estate
engineers whould return to have plans brought up
to City Engineer requirements or should negotiate-
with the City Engineer :to satisfy him. Motion
passed by a six to one vote.
Manholes. Mr.* Bost: illustrated the importance of
having manholes behind storm. sewer : inlets, thus
avoiding ditching under the .'edge of the -street
Junction manholes. City Manager Morgan stated .that,
according to reports given him, junction manholes
(betw.een .sanitary_ .and storm sewer lines)- can be a
major^ 'cause-. of infultration of the sewer lines.
`.Chis 'statement was contested by Mr. Pool.
Storm °sewer. City .Engineer Heaney is working .up
a storm sewer designed .to drain the: Forty-four
acres as required in the Master, Drainage °Plan. .
Attachment #1 Until this is settled, item '" f" will be undecided. .
Mustang Mr. Pool ] eft two -copies of Mustang Meadows for
Meadows possible discussion at next. meeting. (Plat, .
and profiles.-)
Pipelines. Sri response ' to a question 'regarding
pipeline easements (only one was .shown) ., . the .
answer was given that ,the pipelines are in there,
but there is no deed for them;
Attachment 2 A letter from .Exxon requesting information on new
subdivision through which. pipelines might pass
and specifically naming: Mustang Meadows was handed
out by the Secretary. No action was taken.
Water and Sewer. .Mr. Bost stated that .-he did not
think' the .subdiv.ision could be_ developed with
City water and sewer because of:
(1) availability
(2 ) : extreme -cost of encasement of the lines
in pipeline areas,
He stated that he felt if the subdivision could
bring its streets up- to City specifications that
it .would be approved.
(A) Dr'. Fairleigh stated that. he'would bring the
subdivision restrictions to City Hall,.: since they
were not submitted with the plans.
Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears , that
the Planning Commission will recommend approval of
the subdivision without- City water and sewer.
Attachment # Motion passed by a vote of six to one, I�or.th
i Attachment dissenting.