HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-03-01 Regular FPZC-M-3-1-73
F oo It was the consensus of the Commission that Council
Insurance would pass the amendment to the Flood Insurance
Ordinance Ordinance at their next meeting and that there was
therefore no need to take action on this agenda item.
Lunney Mrs . Marilyn Lunney, who: was in the audience, gave
Subdivision the Commission information concerning the Lunney
tract of land off Cedarwood which they divided into
parcels for sale. Mrs. Lunney stated that they had
not considered it a subdivision, that they had not
received any letter from the City calling -their
attention to the fact that it is a subdivision.
. She stated that a plat of the land was. filed with
Mr. Cline at the beginning of the project, that they
had been working with different departments since
that time regarding water, sewer, roads , etc. , and
that the City had helped lay the pipe -that was put i
Mr. Bost explained that the Commission was asking
that anything divided into two or more parts for
sale be brought to us. He called Mrs. Lunney's
attention to -the -problems associated.with this
-type of subdividing, including utility line .
maintenance, placement of water meters, street
width, possibility of future resubdivision, garbage
service, and access for fire trucks .
Mr. Bost requested that the deed restrictions and
proof that the street had been dedicated as a
i private street be brought in when an application
is filed for a building permit. A letter from the
Title Company stating that there are no deed
restrictions on record would suffice in the absence
of any such restrictions.
Substandard Councilman Zeitler informed the Commission that
S ree s Councilman. Haken,and the City Manager are going out
to make a list of streets that are not up to
A-2 Building Mrs. .North requested that a memo be sent to
Permits : Building Official Jones asking that all building
Where 100- ear permits inareas where the 100-year flood has not
Flood not been .delineated be sent to the Commission as requir
Delineated by the Flood Insurance Ordananc.e. After considerat
discussion, Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Shore
that a memo be sent to Mr. Jones regarding the
requirement of Ordinance #157 that for .all lots in
areas where the 100-year flood level has not been
delineated, building permits should be referred to
the Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimouslS
�- 4 FPzc-M-3-1-73
Mr. Bost stated that he felt that it was not our
responsibility to determine what the slab height
of a building s. An application for a building
permit should be accompanied byi
(1) Certification by a registered engineer or
registered surveyor that the slab will be
at a particular height.
(2 ) A statment from the Corps of Engineers
(Galveston) regarding the 100-year flood
plain level in that particular area.
A�3 Delineation It .was agreed that a memo should be written to the
of 100-gear City Manager requesting that a letter be written
Flood to HUD requesting completion of the Flood Plain
Map in the Fridndswood jurisdiction.
A-4 Building Mr. Bost moved, seconded by Mr. Spears that- a
Permits in letter be sent to Council requesting that building
New S Ds permits not be issued iKn� p�vTg, ,= h ivisions
until the subdiv is ion/Qhas a en c After
_e. e and
accepted by the City Council. After considerable
discussion,, the motion passed unanimously.
Subdivision During the above discussion the suggestion was made
Restrictions that the City should require an as-built plan
stamped and certified by a registered engineer,
also proof that all utilities developer had put in
are paid for.
;A..S Rezoning A new form for requesting rezoning was approved.
Rem The secretary was instructed to send this form to
each of the people presently requesting rezoning,
including Connie Cline and the Cane Corporation and
ask them to be filled out and returned, _accompanied
by a check for jp4.06' 00 to cover costs of notificatio.
A-6 Street The Commission agreed to send a memo to the City
Council calling thier attention to Section 6 .of
Article 974a VCST which states as follows= "The
approval of any such plan, plat, or replat shall. no
be deemed an acceptance of the proposed dedication
and shall not impose any duty upon such city,
concerning the maintenance or improvement. of any
such dedicated parts until the proper authorities
of said city shall have made actual appropriation
of the same by entry, use or improvement.
Plat Mr. Shore gave out copies. of a procedure which he
Sub ittal is proposing for subdivision . Will
plat submittal
look at next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned
:at 1210.5 P.M.
Leah P. North - Secretary .L._.