March 28, 1972
A special meeting was held of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment on Tuesday,
March 28, 1972 at the City Hall . This was the second hearing of the case of
the Builders Truss Company, 1408 South Friendswood Drive.
The following Board members were present:
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
Mr. George Rummel , Secretary
Mrs. Leah North
Mr. Bruce Foster
Mr. William E. Dykes
Mr. Milton Windier
The meeting was opened by Mrs . Fossler at 8:10 p.m.
' Mr. Roger Koppa, a member of the Friendswood Planning Commission, testified
under oath that his understanding of the purpose of the Truss Company was to
operate a storage yard for the sale of building materials. On that basis he
approved the plans submitted. Mr. Roy questioned Mr. Koppa as to what the
practice is for an applicant to secure a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
under Section 9, Paragraph 4 of Ordinance 132. At the time the Truss Company
submitted its plans and building permit application, the City did not have a
"Certificate". Approval of the plans and building permit constituted all the
formal approval necessary.
Mr. Cline also testified under questioning by Mr. Roy that no Certificate of
Compliance was used when the Truss Company applic'btion was submitted. Under
questioning by Mr. Hellmut Erwing, one of the Friendswood Attorneys, Mr.
Cline said that in his conversations with Mr. Tutton he understood the site
.was to be used to store building materials.
Mr. Tutton testified under oath that he never asked for a Certificate of
Compliance. The roof of the building erected by the Truss Company is made
of prefabricated wood trusses. The Company started to manufacture roof
trusses in this plant about October 1 , 1971 .
Mr. Dunnam testified under oath that he had been employed by the Company
since. December 1 , 1971 . No trash or lumber waste has been burned since he
has been there. The Company has purchased a dump truck for $2500.00 to haul
the trash. There is no rodent or rat problem at the plant. Only a small
amount of lumber is shipped out not fabricated. Almost all lumber is fab-
ricated into trusses.
Mr. Donald West, one of the signers of the petition requesting the City to
shut the Truss Company Plant down, pointed out that the Company had only
received approval for use of one building, the one they built. There were
several buildings on the property when it was purchased, all of which are
now being used by Builders Truss Company but no application for the use of
these buildings was ever made.
The hearing was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Mrs. Fossler so that the Board could
go into session and weigh the testimony. •
George W. Rummel , Secretary
Friendswood Board of Adjustment