HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1993-10-26 Regular 77
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Regular. Meeting •
Zoning Board of Adjustment
October. 2.6, 1993
Minutes of the. Regular Meeting. of the Zoning Board. of
Adjustment of the City of Friendswoo.d which. was. held. at. City
Hall on October. • 26, 1993 with the. following members
present. constituting a quorum
Chairman William. H. Taylor
Regular. Member. John Pew
Regular Member. Ann Talbot
Regular Member Mary Ellen Bellard
Alternate. Member. Evelyn. Brennan.
Alternate Member Gary Yokum.
City Planner David Hoover
Assistant City Secretary Linda Thornton
Chairman. Taylor called. the meeting. to. order at. 7 : 00 P.M.
-` ` Chairman Taylor and Board Members appointed Evelyn Brennan
as a Regular Member for this. meeting:..
Chairman Taylor called the Public: Hearing.' to order to
receive public input regarding Mr. & Mrs. John Edward
Robins.on' S request on. seeking variance. at 505 Brandywyne,
Lot 25, Block 5, Whitehall /Annalea/Kingsp:atks. Subdivision.,
Section B, for carport as. built 2.0 ' front yard. set back
requirement 25 ' . Zoning Ordinance. 84-15, Section P.
Discussion followed, with. Attorney_. Jeffrey Raizner. of
Vinson & Elkins. Law Firm representing Mr. and Mrs. John
Edward Robinson exp-laining the request. an Medical and.. .
Geographical Hardships, Mr.RaiznPr stated. that Mr. Robinson.
had hip replacement surgery and. is. prone. to slipping and
falling. The. carport. remedies. the. Medical. Hardship, it puts
a shelter over the. driveway and. prevents. the hazard. of
falling and. enables Mr. Robinson. to walk. safely to his
vehicle. Geographical. Hardship. is.=the size. of the lot,. 65.' x
115' lot, which is a small lot for. the City of Friendswood...
Without a zoning variance it would. be impossible. for. Mr..
Robinson to place a carport onto the property in. order to
be safe.. Mr. Raizner,. submitted., Affidavit. of John Edward
Robinson; Affidavit of Ophelia Coker Robinson; and Medical
statement from a Gastroenterologist, Dr. Frieder Wuerth.
Mr. Raizner, stated the. American- Disabilities. Act. and. the
Fair. Housing Act, as per his in.trpretation.
i v
Cary B. Haskell at 506 Brand.
because of Mr. Robins.on-' s.. disability. and it is an.or e e
ment to the property.Helen Schack. at 508. Brand .Ywyne spoke i variance... Mrs. Schuck.'s n.. reference to the:.
property has: the same: dimensions_ _
the Robinson' s., although. Mrs. Schuck does not object to the
Robinson' s. request, but. stated. that this, does. open::
worms. Mrs.. SchuSchack_ stated_ that otherhave. a. can. d
persons living in the subdivision- Mrs. Schack' disabled_
was, can. I. close in. my � questions:
t so. I will
have more living area. and agsafe place dto. enter ra. vehicle?
Chairman Taylor explained:, each. case is heard individually.
Harvey Lys on at 500 Brandywyne asked questions_ about:
existing carports-
Helen Wreyford at 51.3 Brandywyne stated that. this.
subdivision does. have a. Homeowners Association.
Restrictions... Mrs... Wreyford. stated that she. agreed to these.
Deed Restrictions. when. she
in. Mrs. Wreyford.' s concernuish hate the s.ubdiv on. hher property- and. :moved
Homeowners Association_ that. has set. a reasonable. set of.
Deed. Restrictions for the homeowners in order. to. keep' the
subdivision neat .and.. clean:..
Why should there. be an
Mrs... Wrey ford doea. expect.. the Homeowners Deed,
Restrictions to be enforced and. if they- are: not what's the
use. in having. Deed. Restric.ti.ons...
Roy Schack at 5.0.8. Br.andywyne. stated if
granted, we need. to ch the variance. is_
subdivision. is. older. and anyone, could. have:ce on.eeoning reason�or
another to build a. carport. The rules should apply to.
No further input. was received. from, the. Pub:lic..
Hearing no further input. the. public hearing was closed-
The Board Members questioned Mr. Robinson on any modus
operandi to his home. He stated that the home had had a
two car garage which .he had closed-in. approximately ten
years ago. When ask if the home could be returned to its
past configuration, the answer was yes., but would cost
* John Pew made a motion to deny the variance at 505
Brandywyne., Whitehall/Annalea/Kingspark Subdivision., for
20 ' front yard set back for Single. Family Residence
requirement 25 ' .
Seconded by Hal Taylor.
Motion approved 4-1. Member. Ann. Talbot Opposed.
* Ann Talbot made a motion to approve the minutes of
September. 28, 1993 .
Seconded. by Evelyn Brennan
Motion. approved unanimously
* Motion was made and approved to adjourn. at 7 : 45 p. m.
William H. Taylor
L_nda Thornton
Assistant City Secretary