HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-03-29 RegularFFZU-M-3-29-73
Attachment #1
Plat a royal rocedure (as revised )-29-73)
(insure compliance to rules as set down. utherwise no further
discussion will be permitted-)
i. Pre -application conference
A. pre -application Plan and oata
1. General subdivision information
a. in letter and/or sketch form the following
conditions will be subscribed to&
1. Existing conditions of site.
2. proposed development to be undertaken (total
area consumed) Lkiecy notes con`]
3. Existing covenants.
4. Land characteristics
5. Available utilities
6. General information describing
a. Number of residential lots
b. proposed utilities
2. Location map
a. bketch of proposed dubdivision to include
i, Relation to surrounding area
2 , scale (minimum 1" = 100') Li ee note, not on the
location map]
3. forth arrow and date
4. lglajor factors which would effect deveiopment
of proposed subdivision
Mr. Coe suggested that on large tracts (lots) that
septic tanks would be permissible if they met cer-
tain standards. He also suggested that, in this
case, the land owner should be required to sign
contract that he must tap into the sewage system
when it is extended.
Mr. James Gartrell, who was in the audience, felt
that the cost of the installatirn of a septic tank
system should be considered. He suggested that
City could require peo��eto installexpend a septic 000 tank system
other cost) necessary
on extension of the sewer lines instead. He also
felt that the density of the lots should be considered.
A 80 x 140 foot lot with septic tank could not be
Dunbar Althought not on the agenda for this subdivision,
Ranch Mr. Gartrell presented single sepia copies of the
final plans and profiles of Dunbar Ranch installations.
No prints were presented. Mrs. North asked where the
street profiles (meant cross -sections) were. Mr.
Gartrell stated that they would use the standard
street profile (cross sections?). Mrs. North asked
if this was not what he had gotten into a disagree-
ment with Mr. Heaney about. Mr. Gartrell stated that
his disagreement with Mr. Heaney was only that Mr.
Heaney wanted lime treatment under the conche rete streets
that he accepted Mr. Heaney sspecs
Cook Ranch
�STca-r eS
Mr. Coe moved that the plans and profiles be accepted,
seconded by Mr. Shore. Motion passed 3-1. For:
Coe, Shore, Spears. Against: North, because of
omission of a fire hydrant in the mercantile area
(corner of 518 and Dunbar Drive).
The sepias were returned to Mr. Gartrell for him to
make prints for us.
Mr. Gartrell suggested that the City's stamp which
lists the individual signatures, be made small enough
to fit on the plans and profiles.
Mr. Gartrell asked what the requirements were for pre -
preliminary applications. He was referred to Ordinance
23-A and given a copy of the latest proposed plat pro-
cedure (marked unapproved). Mr. Gartrell indicated
that he felt he bad complied with the procedure for
pre --preliminary plans. Mr. Gartrell stated that the
Commission had received a letter from Mr. Heaney in
regard to the Gook Ranch, Mrs. North said that there
was no Letter received. Mrs. North listed a number of
Items which she felt Mr. Gartrell had failed to comply
with in the pre -application procedure.
After an extended discussion Mr. Raney moved that the
plans as submitted March 22 be accepted as pre -appli-
cation plans and approved as such for the Cook Ranch.
Mr. Coe seconded. Passed 4-1. For: Raney,Shore,Coe,
Spears. Against: North.
Mrs. North asked about the 50' wide drainage easement
called for in the Master Drainage Plan. Mr. Gartrell
stated that the drainage plans has been discussed Last
Sun Meadow: Mr. Bob Atkinson, agent for Bill Crawford, owner -
Rezoning developer of Sun Meadow, appeared and presented appli-
cations for the rezoning of eight parcels of land out
of the 432 acre Sun Meadow tract. He stated that these
requests conform to the existing plans for the develop-
ment as shown on their master plan when the lots were
being sold.
The parcels are as follows:
Parcel #l. 11.9 acres on F.M. 528 to C-1
Parcel #2. 5.983 acres behind the proposed Com-
mercial area to R-2 Multiple Family
for a Townhouse Subdivision.
Parcel #3. .88 acres on Sun Meadow Blvd. to R-2
Multiple Family for a Townhouse Sub-
Parcel #4. .539 acres on corner of Castle Harbour
and Sun Meadow Blvd. to R-2 Multiple
Family for Townhouses.
Parcel #5. .756 acres on Dorado Drive to R-2
Multiple Family for Townhouses.
Parcel #6. .64.8 acres on Dorado Drive to R-2
Multiple Family for Townhouses.
Parcel P . 3.12 acres off West Castle Harbour to
R-2 Multiple Family for patio homes.
Parcel ##8. 4.066 acres off East Castle Harbour
to R-2 Multiple Family for patio homes.
Mr. Ralph Lowe, President of Sun Meadow Golf Club pre-
sented an application for the rezoning of an additional
parcel out of the Sun Meadow tract.
-5- FPZC--M--3-29-73
Parcel #9. 2.75 acres off 528 to C-1 Commercial
Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that a hearing
be called for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 26, 1.973, re-
garding the rezoning of (the above) nine tracts out of
4-32 acres Sun Meadow tract. Passed unanimously.
Plat A long discussion on revision of plat approval proce-
Approval dures ensued. Results are attached. (#1)
4..OLD BUSINESS Mr. Zeitler suggested that we discuss the zoning status
Coward Creek of the Coward Creek subdivision. This willbe put on
Rezoning next week's agenda.
Coward Creek Also on next week's agenda will be discussion of a letter
Maintenance from Cecil Brown Jr. requesting acceptance for mainten-
Reques t ante in Coward Creek Subdivision.
5.REFERRALS Request for a building permit on Chester Drive was con -
Chester sidered. The subdivider has been requested to appear
Drive before the Planning Commission to obtain approval of
his plat and he has not done so. No City sewer or
water is in the subdivision. Mr. roe moved, seconded
by Mr. Raney, that the application be rejected due to
the fact that the Eignus subdivision does not meet our
subdivision standards. Passed unanimously.
6.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 P.M.
W�Xiu �644_
Approved: 51q;`5
March 29, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was
held on Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice -
Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman Bost, calling
the meeting to order at 7:4.5 p.m.
Tracy Spears
Leah North
Charles Coe
James Shore
Clyde Raney (arrived late)
Bob Phillips (not yet sworn in)
Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.)
Mayor Ralph Lowe
W.B. Wood
James H. O'Kane
Don Carpenter
Georg Ulbrich
Dixie Gartrell
Jim Gartrell
Bob Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bludworth
March 22, 1973 - Approved as presented.
C.C. Bost
O'Kane Mr. James H. O'Kane, 4.05 Bellman, 482-7873, appeared
Rezoning to request rezoning of a tract of land purchased by
him between the High School and FAlling Leaf. He.
stated that he had purchase this property last fall
for the sole reason of putting in commercial tennis
Mr. O'Kane was given an application form for a re-
zoning request and will return next week.
W. Mr. W. B.
Road peared to clarify Wood, 25 Wilderness Trail, 482-3059, ap-
B. Mood, a request which he and others had
made to the County Commissioners Court to abandon
Abandonment feet of a 60 foot roadway running
approximately 395 from Wilderness Trail`to chigger Creek. A hearing
before the Court is scheduled for this taming Monday.
Mrs. North reported that, after conversations with
Commissioner Paul Hopkins, County Attorney
Decker, and Mr. Wood's attorney
Jerry Gunn (488-6344) ,
there was no agreement on whether the matter of aban-
donment was a City or a County function.
Mr. Spears expressed the Commission's concern
this right-of-way might, in the future, if there
value to the City of Friendswood, particularly
is a corresponding rigbt-of-way
y on nor n the other side
od of the
the creek. Neither the Commission
information to answer this question.
Mayor Lowe then contacted County Judge Ray Holbrook
by phone to find out if the hearing decision could be
postponed until. the Planning Commission had the op-
portunity to obtain information whit to make
informed judgement regarding the
he returned to report a favoraasEmovedanswer,
by Mrthe
. Shore,
motion was passed unanimously
hall send a
seconded by Mrs . North. The Comcopytomsslon sCommissioner
letter to Judge Holbrook with a copy per the phone
Paul Hopkins to confirm our request as m`� March 29,
conversation with Mayor Lowe at 10:30 p.
1973, to postpone action for one week on the abandon-
ment of the W. B. blood road. This will give the Plan-
ning Commission time to study the situation.
seconded by Mr. Raney, that the Con -
Street Mr. Shore moved,unty Commissioners
Status mission send a letter
erificationto the abetween the City and
Court requesting
the County on all streets. Passed unanimously.
formal discussion was initiated by Mayor Lowe
An in
3. OLD BUSINESS concerning sewage disposal. requirements. He feels
Septic Tank that we cannot stop people from building an their
Requirements own land. However, in the case of a subdivision of
individual septic tanks should
perhaps forty homes, isolated homes not
not allowed. On the other hand,
in a subdivision should bbasgs. Itowed tisioftenlbard,
systems on an individual
however, to draw a line between the two situations.
Attachment #1
. 2— f
2 Title, scale, north arrow, and date( 'Ale
Key plan sllowinq location of tract.
...4. Zoning on and adjacent to tract. {
['ral3oseci public improvements; highways, or other major
improventents planned by public authorities for future
canstruction on a near tract.
... `6: Lot lines',. lot numbers and block numbers.
c 7,, Sites, it, any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks,
playgr'ottnds, or, other public uses.
$. sites, if any, for• multi-•i'aritily dwellings, shopping centers,
churches, inrtustry or other non --public use excluslvc? of
sitlyle-f<mtil,y clwe'llings.
9. Otl}er prel itat i ila ry_PI ans : When required by the Planning Cotttmi s
lion, the Preliminary Plat shall be accotttpanied by profiles
showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades,
including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the
1 itni cs of tile, proposed sitbd ivision; typical cross sections of
the proposed grading, roac`vray, and sidevlall-, and preliminary
pljn; of proposed ,��nitary and storttt water sewers wit-1-1 gravies
and sizes indicated. 1\11 elevations shall be based on a datitnt
plan approved by the City.
. , ,10. Draft of Protective Covenants whereby the subdivision pr'op0sc2s
1:o regulate tite land use -in thw subdivision and otherwise pro-
tect. the proposed developtttents.
Attachment #1
3. sketch Man on survey will show in simple sketch form:
a. The proposed layout of streets.
b. The proposed lot width and depth
c . l; ontours
4. 1tequired, copies
a. Three copies presented to FPZU
1. iomments will be attached toeach copy.
]. information flow
1. Gomments attached to each copy.
, b. All copies returned to F.M; in one with
specs on water, sewer, streets, drainage.
c. F?ZG returns ane copy to developer (or his engineer)
with comments from IIP ; and pity J�mg witli specs on
water, sewer, streets, drainage.
i.i.. Preliminary plat presented to FP`LC
1• Title and Certificate: Present tract desigrjation according
to official records in the Office of the County Clerk; title
unclear whlcIl I)rol)Osed Suhd'ivision is Lo be recorded, with nmiwF,
and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale,
norl:h arrow, datum, bench iii rks, certification of registol"ed
civ-il engineer or 'licensed surveyor, date of survey,