HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1972-11-02 Regular' � . .. • ➔ -z.- �� ·'��N'i �rv· r�,�; �. I • ' ,, :,•;,;.·. ,r; :/}n ::; 'i('' ' ·' ) " I ) .) _ ... ,.-i 't'i'�J'{:.q .-·!,·,-t, .;i ·.•i, ,' l :,>; ,j . i ;l ":t � ,1 , .... ;f ir\l•1 � ::J -,1 .:�i '�I I •j " ' ' .,. ';',i .-j ,-J( 1i ;:� ; � ;1 I '.( =1 \ 1 :t ''i . ;I ·:1. f•l .1 ._,,(•,'; -i ";'·��.;:.,:;_,.:,:.� •...,, 7. ·•·rL f·,·, ',! ;:','• ,t,, \ ... 3- (' .1,� I '- �!!.J)_ilJ rm.� -�lH�.DliU Cbfl.ng;e l: ·rh1i. auda a wet'l.nlt1on 11Giw m1ioing frGm 0rdinanoe 132. !he ultimate 3eal 1� t� tie the �ubdiv1a1mn Ord1nanc& (23A) and Z@n1ng Or�lnance t@gether in �ome fashion; this 1a a firat atep in t,he.t directiom. '£he definition la from a textb<H>k �n real eatate. The definition 1n Vernen's 1� an atrocity, h"weve.r cGrrect 1t m�y be legally. (;h�nge 2: Any of the tcrn1po1•ary usea--o1rcuaea, batching planta, auct1Gn�, eto.-are, �r cQula be a pr0blem 1n any diijtriot, regardleia or ola�ai­fication. Hence they �houl4 ba regulated, aA� the oity waue OQ3nizant 0f theae temp�rary UQea, where­ever they rul3ht be located. Chang� 3: Thia change br 1n0s. the Zon l.ng Ordinance int� c�nf�rwance with th� change t© the dubdlviai�n 0rdinanoe, and ma8ti the City 0Quno11 Qbjeotlve of lteaplng populat10n clen'91ty dewn in Frl.enih1welild. Change 4: Thi� chan3e haa the aame ebJective aa IJhanp;e 3, liu11t1ng p�pulatlen deng:lty, by nGt henceforth pa rrni tt lng mul t 1.1,le-family dwell tng devela�ment (including Juplex) 1n the rather ex­t�nsive o�mw0rolal d1atr1ct •f the c1ty. • ';,'j :� ' ; ,' :,•-1�� � l.�·U � ;1:1 �� •1·,�; t.t ��l1 k�' � � � �r I'),,, I·�;:1; �,i � � rX leV h·� 11: �( I 1 \}��. J �·,; �-r.·-� it�=--.� . -\• , '1 l" � r· r­;;: .. ' ,.-, . ti . ·, I·. / . !' ,f . ,tr- '. �' : ':(,,' ' ' : . ' .. ,J • r t 1· ,-;:; : ,,.� '• ·--� •-··-•--+¥'!.I'◄\ ,...,.-c-_....--• w. MAYOR RALPH LOWE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COffi':l"CIL Genllemen: PLANNING .AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD November 2, 1972 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordanc e v1ith the provisions 9f City Ordinance 13' -Zoning, conducted a public· hearing on the evening of October 2, 1972. The hearing resulted in a few minor changes to the language of the proposed package of changes to the zoning ordinance. Th se proposed changes are hereby conveyed to you as Attachment 1 of his letter. The reasons for these changes are attached as Attachment '. The Commission urges you to enact these changes as amendments t Ordinance 132. ATTACHMENTS CC: Mayor City Council Mr. :f.forgan Mr. Cline Mr. Jone s Mrs. Henry I ,°\ City Attorney FDR THE COMMISSION: Rodger J. Koppa Chairman � (l . •I '{ 5 ,: ., -•-,r:'·• - -. T . . . , ·.. . .. ,, . �Y..g;.:i:¥!::::£.i.llfl,r; .. :z;;•-!· ;WJ