HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1972-09-07 Regular(
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A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, September 7, 1972, at the Friendswood City Hall at 7130 P.M, Chairman Ray Nelson presided. Secretary Roger Koppa was excused from the meeting to confer with City Attorney O ,K. Jerden regarding proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance now being prepared by him for submission to Council in Ordinandce form. Leah North was appointed to act as Secretary for this meeting.
MEMBERS PRESENT C, c. Bost Roger Koppa
MEMBERS ABSENT None (one vacancy is not yet filled) Ray Nelson Leah North Lloyd Van Horn Tracy Spears
AlSO_Drese Ed Zeitler Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilm an Richard Haken
Gordon Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sikes of 919 Melody Lane appeared Trailer to inquire regard ing replacement of a non-conforming trailer at the above address. The trailer which they have occupied at that spot for some time is leased and the lessor has asked for its return. Strictly construed, the present zoning ordinance appears to not allow this switch of trailers and gives no relief for hardship cases, such as this appears to be, although the proposed changes now being typed in ordinance form would permit the change to be made because of hardship. Because of the diverse legal questions raised regarding the evictive qualities of this situation, the matter was taken under advisement for further consultation with our attorney,
Lot Size Changes
Apartment Restrictions
Mr, Ed Zeitler, Council Representative, requested that the Planning Commission meet with Council Monday evening regarding agreement on lot sizes and the proposed prohibition of apartments in commercial zones. Planning Commission felt they did not need to meet again with Council on these issues, since they were in agreement with the 85 foot width, 1100 square foot lot on concrete streets and the 100 foot width lot on streets with open ditches which had been discussed earlier with Council,
It was decided that the Council should go ahead with amending the Subdivision Ordinance 23-A to conform to these suggestions concerning lot sizes and Planning Commission will proceed with scheduling the required public hearing to amend the zoning ordinance to
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Red Flag Subdivisions
Duplex on Sunnyview
Conference with Drainage Board
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incorporate the lot size changes, the apartment restriction in commercial zones, and other amendments which the Planning Commission may consider improvements.
The Secretary was directed to send a memo to the Council stating (1) In order to lot size and R-2 use changes in the zoning ordinance, we must have a special hearing, and (2) Planning Commission will schedule such a hearing in October.
Mr. Bost brought to the Commissiorrs attention several current situations in which land has been divided into tracts and sold for building purposes without coming before Planning Commission. His concern was that these may become so-called "red-flag" subdivisions, with service and maintenance problems in the future.
A general discussion followed, centered on the following questions:
(1)What is a subdivision? Reference was made to(a)VCST Article 974a, (b) an opinion datedJune 26, 1972 from City Attorney O,K. Jerdento C:ey Council, and (JJ the definition ofSubdivision as given on page A-137,Subdivision ControJs in Texas Cities, Publishedby Texas Municipal League in March 1970.
(2)I:f a Subdivision is the division of .§.Il¥. tractof land, whether recorded or not, then how dowe keep track of this subdividing and regulateit?
Chairman Nelson stated that Tr.acy Spears had gone over the plot plan of a duplex proposed for Sunnyview Ave., on Lot 2, Block 4, Tra0t 8 of the Friendswood Subdivision which had been referred to the Planning Commission by K.B, Jones, Builming Official. Mr. Spears recommendedthat it be approved. Mr. Bost moved, Mrs. Northseconded that it be approved as to site plan and useas presented. Motion passed unanimously.
The plan was routed to Mr. Cline, with the memo that Planning Commission recommended approval and that it met the set-back, lot-size, and use restrictions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman James Nye and Treasurer Janice Taylor of the Friendswood Drainage Board met with Plan ning Commission to discuss coordination of the Planning Commission and the Drainage Board, A general discussion followed.
The administrative procedure regarding the review of preliminary and final plats for subdivisions which was presented to City Council by City Manager Morgan on Sept. 5 was passed out to the various board members present.
Mr. Nye suggested that a packet of regulations be given
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Sunmeadow 2
Builder's Truss
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to subdividers. Mr. Lowe felt that a broad outline would do, to which Mr. Bost agreed. Mr, Bost stressed the importance that developers put on working with set rules that do not change from day to day.
Mr, Nye stated that the Drainage Board would be glad to pass a regulation that would require subdivision plats to conform to Federal Flood Insurance Regulations.
(Mayor Lowe left and Councilman Haken arrived.)
Mr. Bost suggested that subdivison regulations require that a certified engineer certify slab elevations after forms are up, but before pouring. Mrs, North stated that this certification by a certified engineer would also be required by the insurance companies,
Street slope was discussed, Mr. Nye stated that subdivision regulations of the Drainage Board specifJ that streets have a 2.5 foot slope, but that enforcement of this requirement is needed.
Mr, Bost suggested that a requirement be made that an engineer certify this. He stressed that if a developer is told ahead of time that this will be done, he will conform,
Mr. Bost also stated that it is not practical in all cases to hold to a 2,5' slope, Therefore, there should be some provision in the ordinance for variance,
Mr. Nye stated that the Drainage Board will send the City a letter requesting an ordinance requiring a certificate submitted by the developer from .a registered engineer that the Subdivision Drainage was installed as approved by the Drainage Board,before the City approves the Subdivision.
Sunmeadow, Section 2, was presented for approval. Because it did not conform to the Subdivision Ordina nce 23-A, however, particularly in regard to the set-backon corner lots, action was withheld on approval. Mr.Bost will ask the developer to meet with us Mondayevening regarding this,
Councilman Haken reported that Council accepted the recommendation of Planning Commission in a formal vote. Mr. Spears and Mr, Haken met with Mr. Tutton, who said that the terms (restr ictions) were agreeable with him, Mr. Haken is in charge of pursuing the legalities of the special ordinance with City Attorney Jerden.
After several suggestions as to who should serve in what position, the motion was made by Mr, Spears, seconded by Mr. Nelson, that new officers to serve until the start of a new term in November should be Chairman: Mr. Koppa; Vice-Chairman1 Mr. Bost; Secretary: Mrs, North. Motion passed unanimousl y.
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Because of a conflict with City Council's hearing on the Budget set for next Thu rsday night, the regular meeting time was changed to Monday, September 11. Planning Commission will also meet with the Council on Monday evening to discuss Mr. Van Horn's proposed study for Friendswood growth.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
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Acting Secretary