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MEMORANDUM 23 July 1972 '
SubJeot: Pelly Ranoh Eatatea Plat in Ceunc1l Chambera
T•t Mayer and 01ty O�uno1l
Frem, �r1endawoed Planning 4nd Zoning Oonun1aa1en
Although 1t haa net oome under our oegn1zance, we oeuldn't help net1o1ng the Polly Ranoh plat aga1nat the WQll of the oouno11 chambore. It this 10 a ser1oua proposal, we think the Ceuno11 ah eul4 appreach 1t with aeme degree et oaut1en. We apent acme t1me atudy1ng th1a plat at eur meet1ns en 20 July 1972. M.r. Van Horn baa made 1t h1a bus1neag t• beoom• tam111ar w1th var1oua floed plain treatises and maps, and, with h1a knewledge, we have eat1mated that the 100 year tloe4 level 1s between 18.5 and 20,0 tt 1n the Polly Ranoh area. Th1o estimate 1a arr1veA at by atudy et the HOD tloed 1nsurance map, tho Turner,Ooll1e and Braden Study (1971) for tleed 1nauranoe, and the Galveaten Ce. tn1noerperated area map, 1.e., the F.l.A •. Flood lna�ranoe Rate Map No. I-48-167-0000-03. dtd April 9, 1971. These data, plus somel1near interpolation, aLtggeat tnat many er the platted lets,reughly theae unQe� tbe treea, would be 1n�ndated 1n a 100year tleed a1tuat1en. A better use er suoh land would bepark •r �•oreat1•n area. ln any oase_ we carta1nly don'twant another New Braunatela here�
FOR THE COMMISSION 1 Ls! . . . ' Redger Koppa aecreto.ry