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Minutes of a Meeting June 29,1972
Attendees: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Van Horn, Mr. Spears, Mr. Koppa
1.Minutes of last meeting read and appr0ved.
2.Mr. Homer Tutton submitted his petition to rezone hisproperty on which his Builders Truss Co. ia situated M-1from its present C-1 zoning. His use of the property is light manufacturing or truss fabrication, as well as storageof building material. The petition was received, and forwarded to Mr. Cline via Mr. Morgan, City Manager. Targetdate for the required hearing is July 27.
3.General provisions of zoning ordinance, zoning theory,and problems with the present ordinance discussed with Mr.Ed Zeitler, whom the City Council has designated as liaisonbetween 0ounc11 ana the Planning and Zoning Commission.Mr. Zeitler observed that he has received only meetingminutes, and not the packae;e of zoning a.merudment s or otl)er comJTiunications re zoning. f-1/s� reatf. h:; cfr"{f 10t1Mt'c,i,{'41e.,.,rhJ o r«f r' ,t�Lf. ·'J s--A, 4.The Secretary reported that he had forwarded a copy ofthe amendment package through the City Secretary to ea.ohmember of 0ouncil and Mayor, with an explanatory memo onthe changes. He also sent a. copy of the minutes of April27, 1972 to Council and Mayor. 'rhese minutes contain therecord of Mr. 'rutton 1 a p.revious visit to the Commissionand what transpired, vis a vis his report to the City Councilon that meeting.
5.Mrs Leah North was also in attendance, and waa queriedregarding the letter written by the Commission to the Drainage Board requesting a. joint meeting. No action has been takenon this.
6.Mr. Nelson observed that 18 months has elapsed sinceoff ice rs were last elected, and indicated that he wouldlike to pass the chairmanship on to someone else. TheSecretary also indicated his willingness to step down.lt was moved to elect new officers in August.
7.Mr. Zeitler passed on some general guidellnea fromCouncil on annexation (30 per cent of present area canbe annexed this year). Buffer strips were discussed, aawell a.a rationale for moving toward uithe.r Sun Meadow orPolly Ranch Estates. Commonality of 01ty with school dist.riot was also discussed, 1n context of services, taxes,common interests, and planning.
8.Next meeting of Commission to be July 13, 1972.