HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1972-06-22 Regular.�
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Minutes of a Meeting Held June 22, 1972
Attendees: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Van Horn (came late), Mr. Spears, and Mr. Koppa
Mr. Spears is the newest member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, having been appointed by City Council on Monday June 19, 1972, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Frank Green (expires Nov. 11, 1973).
Mr. Bob Jones, president of the Friendswood 0hamber of Commerce met with the Commission at 1ta invitation to establish initial contact. Mr. Jone a went over some of the ideas expressed in the 0hamber of Commerce's recent resolution. The resolution is an expression of interest in J.,lanning and proruot ing Friendswood I s growth. The membersof the 0hamber (about 1/3 of the merchants 0f the area) feel that retail business progress is reasonably satisfactory, but that industrial growth is very desirable to create more jobs and a better tax base. �he predominant "bedroom community" orientation in Friendswood ls, in Mr. Jones' opinion, yielding under pressure of ever higher taxes and inc .reased·demand for clty services, to an attitude more amenable to commerical/indust.rial expansion. The present zoning ordinance is not partic ularly flexible or conducive to such expansion.
Mr. Jones did not feel that an ad hoc committee of advisors to the Commission would accomplish anything that the Commission itself cannot do, although he supported wi ·th enthusiasm the idea of a joint meeting of the �lanning Commission add the leaders of the C of C in furthering the 11 plan 11 for Friendswood's future developmebt. The Boa.rd of Directors meet the last Wednesday of each month, and a mutually acceptable meeting date can be worked out. Mr. Jones was urged to canvass his membership for potential members of the Commission when the amendment increasing its membership to seven is passed.
Mr. Nelson will set up the joint meeting with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones expressed his a�preciation, in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, for the intial contact made by the Commission to establish communications.
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Other business conducted:
1.Minutes of meeting of June 15 read and ayproved.
2.In the light of statements made by Mr . Homer Tuttonat the June 19, 1972 Ci ty Council meeting about h1smeeting with the Commission on April 27, 1972, and theresults thereof, the minutes of the �lanning Commission'smeeting pertinent to Builder's Tr uss Co. were read. Mr.Koppa was requested to forward a copy of those parts ofthe minutes so pertaining to City Council for their edification.
A copy of such transmittal is hereby attached as a part of these minutes.
3.Mr. Koppa repo�ted no action on re-contact of DrainageBoard for joint meeting. Will try this week.
4.lliscussi0n on annexation was postponed until themeeting of June 29, 1972.
Respe ctfully submitted:
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