HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1972-05-19 Regular(i
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May 19, 1972
ATTENDEES: Mr . Nelson, Chairman Mr. Van Horn Mr. Koppa
1.Plana for improvements to Mr. Zamora's real estate
office at the corber of 518 add 528 were reviewed in
an1nfo rmal manner by the Commission. His use of th1s
property for a sales office was previously approved
by this Commission. The commission members were tlad
to note that the new building will be a distinct improve
ment over the old, temporary structure.
2.A plat of Mrs C .L .Glaze, Winding Way at Coward Creek
was .reviewed. A small house was moved onto this lot, but
the Commission could find no zoning implications. The house
is to be used as a .residen ce.
A.l•lr. Nelson .rema.rlrnd that the Commission is 11 dragging 11
W& \O&C. t.�l���fSS, its feet 11 unnecessarily in some matters Ji Mr. Van Horn said
that a happy medium must be hit, but deliberation was to be
preferreu to haste.
B.Nominations to the Council for the vacancy on the
Commission: Mrs. Leah North
Mr. Charles Baumgardner
Other names discussed will be contacted if Council agrees
to enlarge the 0omm1ss1on to seven members, as requested.
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The Secretary was instructed to convey the names of the
two nominees to Council (accomp lished on same night).
The ensuing discussion was on the data and results of
a.hearing held on April 13, 1972 on a petition dtd Jan
20, 1972 to rezone that par t of B.J. Marphy tract pre
sently in the R-2 Distitct.
Mr. Van Horn was not in favor of the petition on the
grounds that a Specific Use Permit may, under the terms
of Ordinance 132, be sought for a shopping center on a
tract 5 acres or more in size. There is no clear need for
more 0-1 zoned property in the absence of specific plans
to develop a s�opping center, or anything else.
Mr. Koppa concurred with Mr. Van Horn, and added that
the Commission had already reviewed and concurred in plans
to loca&e a Safeway store directly across from the tract
in question, on property already zoned C-1.
Mr. Nelson also voted against the Eignus petition, con
curring wi th the opinions reported above.
The Commission wishes to go on record as stating that
drai nage is not a relevant factor in a rezoning petition.
Any usage of property must take dr·ainage into account as
a matt er of good engineering .
The question of increased tr affic at a busy intersec tion
not far from the elementary school was consid4red to be
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an important factor in zoning in the affected area.
The majority of residents of the city reside to the
NW of the 2351/518 intersection.
The Commission unanim0usly recom mends that the City
Council take no ac tion to amend the zoning map as
called for in this petition by the Eignus Realt y Co.
The ensuing di scus�ion·was on the data and results
of ahearing held on April 13, 1972 on a petition dtd
Feb. 24, 1972 by Mr. Harold Benson to rezone the back
900 ft of his property on 2351 west of the Methodist
Church from R-1 to R-2. The tract is 330 ft wide on
2351, and the front 300 ft is part of a stip 0-1 zune.
Mr. Benson wishes to develop duplexes or townhouses
on the proyerty.
Mr. Nelson was no t in favor of this petition on the
groun ds that the proposed development of property, if
rezoned R-2 (wultiple Family) would not meet the criterion
of 11 Cluater Housing'' --there would be no exterior open
space around the t ract, but rather there are rather
sizea�le individual-family lots around. There exists
sufficient land zoned C-1 and R-2 available for a
multii-,le-family development such as Mr. Benson p,0oposea
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M.r. Van Horn also voted against the petition. Friends
wood or the vicinity outside the city limits has plenty
of room for such develoi,meilt--o.nd 1.t is needed here. '£here
ls a. laclt of low-priced housing in the city to accommodate
retired people, young marrieds, and single people. The
denson loc�tion is a poor one for such housing, but the
Benson conce� is good.
Mr. Koppa also voted against the petition, concurring with
l{r. Nelson and Mr. Van Horn, and adding that the White
ha.11-Kingspark-Annalea area was already overcrowded. A
multiple-family development on the denson tract would add
congest ion at 21�§1 and 518, and hear the Westwood School.
Also, the long, narrow tract might const.itute a bottleneck
for emer�ency vehicles, if developed along the lines of
the informational plat exhibited by Mr. Benson at the
hearing. The tract would have only one access in or out,
on 2351.
Mr. Nelson observed that the Commiirnion has approved
similar plans on R-2 and C-1 property in other parts of
the city.
The Commission unanimously recommends that the City Council
take no action to amend the zoning map as called for 1n
this petition by Mr. Benson.
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The Commission also notes that a petition bearing signatures
from 70 different homes in the area behind and ar ound the
denson tract has been submitted to the City. The petition
opposes the rezoning of Mr. Benson's property on the grounds
of school overcrowding and sewage system overload.
Mr. Cryer wishes to relocate his successful sporting goods
store presently in Stone's Throw Shopping Center to a tract
now zoneu R-1 adjacent to the sewage treatment plant on FM
2351, at Clear Creek. The rezoning petition (to C-1) would
go to the edge of the creek.
The Commission briefed Mr. Cryer on the procedure for
petitioning for a rezoning under the provisions of Ordinance
132.The Commissions' initial reaction is that this case
mi�ht conslitute spot zoning, and that sufficient C-1 zoned
property exists now within the city limits. Another factor
is traffic management into a business establishment located
at the city limit and bridge approach.
Mr. Cryer was aavised to contact the Imperial Estates Civi�
Club to gauge his chances of public acceptance of his business
on the property in question. Mr. Cryar indicated that he
intended to landscape the area not actually occupied by his
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It wa.s also the ophion of the Commission that the
Board of Adjustment would not be able to handle Mr.
Cr yer's request as a special exception under the
present zoning ordinance.
7.NEW au::HNES5
Mr. Ken Wick and Mr. M.L. Perkinson attended the
meeting to verify that no zoning problems existed
in the erection of a temporary insurance sales 0ffice
behind the Shell Stat ion between 518 and Pecan. ·rhe
existing building on that tract, owned by Mr. Perkin
son, is to be enla rged at a later date to accommodate
the ins urance agent; Mr. Wick. The building will be
10 x 20 ft. This tract is on C-1 zoned land, and, al
though the Commission dislikes temporary buildings,
it was made clear that the building will be supplanted
by a permanent addition within a year. There is no
problem that the Commission can see with the use of
this property in the C-1 district.
8.Members of the Commission held an informal discussion
with Assistant Fire Chief Sam Hill and planner Lamar
Beatty, with mutual exchange of ideas on future planning.
The Commission plans to invite Chief Herman to make a
more formal briefing on the relationship of his ortani
zation's needs and experience to city planning.
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The Commissi on wishes to go on record as concurring with
Mr. Beatty's letter of 5 -11-72 regarding location of
the new fire station.
Mr. George Ulbricht, representing E1gnus Realty, and Mr,
Harold Benson attended part of the meeting, and were in
formed of the Commission's recommendations concerning
their respective petitions.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedger J • Koppa Secretary