HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1971-05-13 RegularI ·1 FRIENUSWOO.u PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes for May 13, 1971 Attendees: .Mr. Lawrence Mr. Nelson Mr. Green Mr. Koppa 1.Application of Mr. Frank Stutzman and Mr. James Knightto build an open-air vegetable stand on rented propertyzoning 0-1. The stand is to be wood-frame, with an aluminumroof. The stand is to cover 2000 sq. ft, and thus wouldrequire ten parking spaces off 518. Mr. Stutzman o.nd Mr.Knig ht will apply for a certificate of zoning c0mpliancewith a plat e.t a later time. 2.The official zoning map was reviewed in detail by membersof the Commission. 3.The members of the Planning Commission v-dmh to go on recordas being concerned that they were not consulted in any mean­ingful way on the plans for widening 518 through the centerof town; also the quest ion of annexing land in'clud ing thenew high school. The commission's role as set forth in theordnance that created it emphasizing planning is at variancewith its act ivit ie a lately, which involve administering thezoning ordnance • 4.Mr. Lawrence announced that he will resign as soon as a.replacement can be named by the C tty C ounc 11. 5.A discussion ensued on the changes needed to the ZoningOrdnance. Mr. Koppa and Mr. Lawrence volunteered to act asthe committee to collate all member's comments and pr eparean amendment package. 6.Mr. Nelson remarked thata kennel provision needed to beadded to the Ordnance (132). 7.The meeting was adjourned at 2127. Respectfully submitted, �er-� Rodger Koppa Se creta ry