HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1971-04-15 Regular..,_ I
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Friendswood Planning Commission
Minutes for 15 Apr11 1971 {All members were present)
1.Applicat ion from Friend swood Private Day School i theCommission sees no obJeotion to the addition, but mustadvise applicant that application to the Board of Adjustment will be required for the deviation of 28 1 2 11 vioe30 required in C-1. Secretary to w•1te letter so.statingto applicant •
2.Presentation by Tony Banfield and Buck Houseman: platfor Salem Square Apartments, to be located behind Minimax.The finding s of the Commission were as foll ows:{l}Parking spaces located on Clearview are not in ac cordwith item 23, page 3 of Ordnance 132; cars would have toback into thoroughfare (Clearview).
(2} Variance appli cation to Board of Adjustment will be reqmred to accommodate 18 1 set baok on off1oe fronting on Clearview, vice 25' required by Ordnance 132.
Mr. Banfield and Mr. Houseman will resubmit plat with different arrangement for parking on Clearview, and will apply for a variance for the 18' setback.
3.The Planning Commission requires the names of tho••citizens appointed to the Board of Adjustment, and especially the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment. Mayor Stuart,by receipt of a oopy of these minut•s, 1a hereby formallyrequested to furnish this information to the PlanningOomm1aa1on, by 22 April 1971.
4.Applioation of Mr. Pete Zomera for erect ion of a temporary real estate office 1n a 0-1 zone: referred to Mr.Nelson for further study and report at the next meeting.
5.Proposed amemdment drafts for the Zoning Ordnance weredisousaed, and all member s urted to submit written comment sby the next meeting.
6.The meeting was adjourned at 2200. The next meeting isscheduled for 22 April 1971.
Respectfully submitted,
!fl�� Secretary