HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1970-06-08 Regularl I_ To the Pl1nning Boar d of Friendswood, Gentlemen: 'rhis letter is to resnectful ly reo110st a variance from the recent ordinance banning Mobile Homes in ·rhe city. I agree 1,1 i th the Board c"mDl e 1.cly that such a restrictio n is in the best interest of the city of Friendswood and I have nn wish to leirnen the benef'its to be gnined f'Pom its enfol'.'cement, I hope however, that you can interpret the ruling in a way that wiJl e1IBble me to handle an emergency sit11a.tion in my own fami 7 y, 1he emergency concerns my 70-year old mother. Her doc tor has recently told t 1 ·e famil ,r she should have constant care because she suffers from both asthma and diabetes, She has been s t8ving with me whi l.e she arranged the sale nf her home :ln Haus t•:m and Jsed the nroceeds to b1iy :=i l 2/!l x 48 1 trail er house which we had planned to put in our yard for her, But w�ither the doctor not the family tho11ght it likely mother coulrt stRnd the commotion normal in my honsehold of five children, I have attached tn this letter a drawing showing our olan for location my mother's trailer ho11se (if vou ,-iill nermit it). As vou will noti ce it blends in and be conies nart of the existing group rrwde up of house, gi:Jrage, and trees. I wovJ d hook it t•) my u ti l i ties except for the sewer. llRd nlanned to hui l d a septic tank on eccount of low ground, Thank you for your consideration of our probl0m, ,{esnectfully submitted, 406 Me]ody Lane Friendswood June 5 1970 ;;;,47/ ,4-fl�J�:. \ ) � [ \ �-1 FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 8, 1970 PRESENT: Dean Saurenman Jim Lawrence Frank Coe ALSO PRESENT: Hank Standifer, 406 Melody Lane BUSINESS: jf (1)Mr. Standifer presented a petition (attached) requesting permissionbe granted to allow the placement of a Mobile Home on his residence.A copy of the May 20, 1970 letter to the Mayor & Council from theCity Attorney pertaining to this request was furnished Mr. Standifer. ACTION: The petition will be considered along with the consid erations requested by the Mayor's letter of June 3, 1970. (attached) (2)A letter from the Mayor to the FPC requesting consideration ofproposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance was received. ACTION: To be continuously reviewed by FPC