HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1969-11-10 RegularL [ I l Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 10, 1969 Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: This was the second of three scheduled public meetings to hear comments/ suggested changes to the Proposed Zoning Ordinance. Approximately 12 citizens attended. Listed below are the questi ons and FPC reply. Clint Hackney (1)Has the Zoning Ordinance been approved by the Mayor and Council?Reply--No, the Mayor and Council will approve/modify/rejectthe Zoning Ordinance after the FPC submits their final docu­ment/recommendations.-- (2)How would a Wholesale House be classified?Reply--M-1 (Light Industry) (3)How would newly incorporated land be classified?Reply--Initially R-1 (Single Family Residential) (4)Has the FPC considered tax impact due to zoning classification?Reply--Yes, Tax rate would be based upon market value, whichprobably would not differ significantly from present valuesand potential land use. (5)How would a citizen appeal his tax base?Reply--Same as present, most appropriately at time of resale. (6)Mr. C. Hackney requested that a homesite he owns be re-class­ified as Commercial, because it is located (highway 2351 &Woodlawn Drive) between property classified Conmercial andR-3 (Fisher Mobile Home Park)Reply--FPC will consider it. Larry Tate (l)Mr. Tate brought in the final plans for the Proposed WeberMobile Home Park. This was deferred since the pu rpose of themeetin� was to hear comments concerning the Proposed ZoningOrdinance. [ ll Mlnutes_ of frc��NoyeJl)ber lOt 1969. . . . . . . -... . ---� page 2 (2)Mr. Tate requested that the proposed Weber Mobile Home Parkbe classified as R-3, with the frontage on Highway 2351classified Commercial.Reply--FPC will consider it, the ultimate decision contin­gent upon approval of the final plat. Mr. & Mrs. K. Foster- (1)Why is Shell Park zoned residential?Reply�-No definite reason given, FPC will reevaluateclassification of 1;thi s property. ( 2)Why i-s the property adj oi ni ng the Epi scopa 1 Church & thePublic Park classified commercial? A church, she stated,affords a good buffer between commercial and residentia lproperty.Reply--FPC will further evaluate classification of thisproperty. (3)Is the one small area on the Zoning Map depicted as LightIndustrial adequate?Reply--No. A suitable Industrial Park area within thecity limits doesn 1 ·t appear to be available. Potentia lIndustrial Park sites outside the city limits not reflec­ted on the Zoning Ma p, because newly incorporated land willbe initially zoned residential. (4)What will be the affect of Zoning on tax base? R.Kel 1 ey Reply--Generally s.ame answer as given to Mr. Hackney,question #4. (1)Mr. Kel ley questioned the accuracy and clarity of para­graph 5, pp. 16 of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance relating toBuilding Permit expiration. He felt this section neededfurther definition, e.g., what constitutes work/constructionwithin the 90 day period, and, two years to substantiallycomplete the wo rk is too liberal and too vague.Reply--The FPC agreed and will re-work this paragraph. Note--Next Public Meeting on the Proposed Zoning Ordinancewill be November 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Friendswood Bank. Respectfully submitted, Secretary JJVB/jf