HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1971-08-26 Regular[ l
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Minutes of a Specia.l Meeting August 5, 1971
Absent: Mr. Nelson
l.A.pplicatien of Mr. Benson to build approx. 25 duplexeson a c-l/R-1 districted lot on FM 2351. The duplexes wouldbe located on the R-1 area of the lot, leaving the frontC-1 district property for future commerci al deve lopment.The duplexes might be so ld to individual owner-landlords.Mr. Benson advised to petition with neighbors for rezoningto Rw2, or seek special exception (dubious) from Board ufAdjustment.
2.Application of Mr. Tutton to build a shed for own equipmenton his c-1 zoned property. The plat was approved.
Minutes of a Meeting held August 12, 1971
l.All members agreed the Planning Commission should interestUself in flood plain management.2.All members agreed that the Commission should meet withCity Council as soon as possible to discuss a wider role forthe Commission in the area of planning and proposed annexation.(A news report, Houston Post dtd 8-12-71, on the subject ofFriendswood annexation plans read to Commission by the Secretary).3.The issue of public parks was a1scussed--pla.cement andnumbers, in the context of the Bovay Report. Also the subject of a public swimming pool for F.tiendswood was advanced, with no conclusions reached. One 1dea would be to have such a poQl as a public school facility, with use of the pool by city residents 1.n the summer, or after school hours. 4.An action item was assigned to all members to study theBovay Report in detail; particularly the 1995 use map (p. 22)5.Position on annexation of the School property;Mr. Koppa ana Mr. Nelson--against annexation until CityCharter in effect, since strip annexation to school atthis time would leave area around school subject to nocontrol by the city--undesi rable growth, ua:ges possible.If Charter not passed, then for annexation.
Mr. Green and Mr. Wa.lls--for annexation of the schoolproperty at this time to ensure adequate police protectionand city services6.'£he Commission members had no opinion on the proposedannexation of the Van Bockel tract.
Minutes of a Meeting held August 26, 1971
l.Plat of L.B.Woetters reviewed and approved.
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Augus·t 26, 1971
2.Mrs. Greg Hughes d 1scussed the zoning ordmance withregard to her usage of a mobile home building on herproperty which 1s 1n a C-1 district. The ordinance sche dulefor c-1 does not perm1t such a building to be used for ahome1 butdnothing in the ordnance prevents the mobile home to be use ror an office or commercial establishment.
3.The Pl anning Commission (Mr. Green absent) met injoint session with the Workshop City Council to discussany quest ions they m1ght _ have on the package of proposedamemdmenta to the Zoning Ordinance. The ensuing discussionis a part of the record of the City Council on that meeting.The City Attorney, Mr. Jerden, was r�quested to render alegal cr1t ique within the next two weeks, following whichpublic hearings will be scheduled by the Planning Commissionon these amemdmenta. At her request, Mrs. Warren North isto be provided with a copy of the proposed amemdments bythe City Secretary, Mrs. Henry.
Respect fully submitted,
� fffl: ----... Ra.Giger Secretary