HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1966-01-24 Regular.., , . r i
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J.\ regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning Com mission was held
January 24, 1966; 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
-present were Chairman Tbny Banfield; w. L, Boyle, A. J. Block, DeanSaurenman; City Secretary Artha Wright.
In discussion of the proposed by-laws for this commission, the following points were added to those that were decided at the meeting ofSeptember 21, 1965:
1.That a special meeting may be called by the Chairman, orby at least three members of this commission.
2.That one of the main purpos�s of this commission is toact as an advisory group -�o the City C<;i·::1cil in matters of planning; that this commission be subj�ut to t� .. (traction of City Council in matters of planning,
3.That Section 2 of the Ordinance creating Planning Commission be enacted; which states that there shall be two ex-officio members composed of the City Secretary; and one Councilman who shall be annually selected by the Mayor for a one (1) year term.
4.· That any member of this commission who felt that aparticular subject under discussion might conceivably be a conflict of interest, would abstain from discussion and from voting on that subject; and that this action would be reflected in the minutes.
The following names were put forth to be submitted to the Mayor for appointment to this com�ission to fill the unexpired term of Gerald Hollis, who has resigned due to press of business:
Otto Haardt, Elmo Brundrett, Tom Grace; Reserve�Ron Hamil. ..
The terms of Wilbert L. Boyle and Dean Saurenman, are up this month and their names are being submitted for reappointment.
There was discussion of Ordinance #23 -Subdivision Regulations. It was felt that these regulations along with any additions and �mendments sh�uld be compiled along with the Drainage District requirements in a form that would be available to any interested persons, particularly developers and subdividers. Since this ordinance was designed to give its responsibility to the Planning Commission, it was decided by: Motion by Dean Saurenman, seconded by Tony Banfield, that this commission would request City Council to permit preliminary and final approval for a subdivision to be given by this commission as long as it meets the requirements of Ordinance #23 and its amendments. If there is any variance or special requirement in a proposed subdivision plat it would be reviewed by this commission and submitted to City Council. Carried by unanimous vote.
Dean Saurenman made a motion, seconded by A •. J. Block, that the City Council be requested to enact an ordinance that would.control requirements for all residence and commercial construction not covered by Ordinance #23 and its amendments; with particular emphasis on
-:z -/-0.1/-(p?, 'I parking and building set back lines. Motion carri.ed by unanimous vote .•
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All applications for building permits that are not for cons�ruction within an approved subdivision shall be presented to this commissioh for approval.
William c. Walsh, Engineer, will be requested to attend the next regular meeting of this commission, February 14, 1966.