HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation Minutes 2013-07-24 Regular r � Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes July 24, 2013 Board members in attendance: Penny Burke Tom Goodwin Lee Revere Mary Giles-Wise James Toney, Director of Community Services Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Lions Club, Guest Pauline Moore, Guest CEDC Chair Karen Capps, Staff John Scott, Council Liasion 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. 2. Communications from the public/committee liaisons: Pauline Moore from CEDC Committee attended the meeting to discuss common goals on the FM528 corridor. Pauline informed the board on the plan for the FM528 corridor, this real estate is the cities.greatest commercial asset. The main goal is detour further development along this corridor that doesn't have the potential to increase city revenue. During a work session with city council on February 4th the City Council accepted the FM528 Strategy. Pauline and Karen Capps answered questions from the board on the FM528 strategy. Tom stated that he would like to have a bike ride event in Friendswood. He stated he kept the routes within Galveston county a basic need for a bike ride, will need law enforcement in place take off at 7am and the majority of the ride is done at 1 pm. It's going to be a 50/50 deal with the city and The Challenger group. James stated that currently right now we have a fun run and the funds normally go to Laura recovery center. Now they are just focusing on education. So this group can make a recommendation that we can give those funds for the education component and the rest go to the parks. It can be earmarked. March is a perfect time to get help from NHS for volunteers. Penny asked if we're going to add another board member. She also asked if the bathrooms are going to be fixed at Old City Park, Morad stated that improvements are in the budget. 3. Discussion and possible action regarding May 8, 2013 minutes: Mary made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Lee second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion regarding updates on park improvements: James stated there is going to be some park improvement on the August agenda, 1776 Park and Imperial Estates, changing the deed restriction and making those facilities into one the transition has already been funded and approved. Penny asked if the lawsuit is over. Morad stated the homeowners dropped the lawsuit. The projects are funded and approved. Mary asked if the whole thing would be called 1776, James stated yes. Toms been approached by an Eagle Scout on disc golf. Penny asked if you're going to annex 1776 to the buyout land, it was given to the city as a nature park. James stated that they placed $10,000 in a trust for park improvements. Morad said that disc golf course will not tear down any trees. Penny asked what the advantage of making it contiguous is. Morad stated that it's hard pressed to use $20,000 on the park and not use tax payers' dollars to pay for improvements for that facility. The trust has grown to $30,000 it can only be used for park improvements at 1776. Penny stated that I have the document and I know what I read. Morad stated that it will be up to an attorney. Morad stated that the city will utilize these funds for parks. Come up with a list of improvements 1776 and discuss with mayor and council's 5th what type of developments should go out there. Dog park and disc golf, Tom stated that we stand by our recommendation. Invite the Eagle Scout with the disc golf project to the council meeting. Lee stated go with our recommendation and have the Eagle Scout present his project to council. Penny asked about the bridge Morad stated that Mark Clark is willing to donate some land and we have a surveyor that will offer his services for free, Chuck Davis. Morad stated that we can't use to old footings. James stated Splash Pad, phase 2 and 3, could potentially be bond items. It was placed in the proposed budget for next year but not sure if it will be approved or not. Phase 1 is up and running and we're printing up a sign now with the rules and regulations. 5. Discussion and possible action regarding facility usage agreement: 6. Discussion and possible action regarding Parks Policies and Procedures/Facility Rental Fees: James stated that this item is on the agenda to go over our parks and policies and procedure. More recently we had some question on how the rules have been interpreted. We recently had two events where alcohol was sold. As we know the city is now a wet city, we want to make sure are rules reflect currently what takes place in the city and make sure we're not violating any states laws and getting the Parks & Recreation boards opinion. While we're addressing that one topic we might as well look at all of our rules across the board and make adjustments as we see fit, then we'll make a recommendation to council, once approved and then we go forward to enforce the rules. The Lions Club is here tonight due to the topic of alcohol in the park and the selling of alcohol in the park. We can talk about this topic now. James pulled up to the current rules on the screen so the board could have futher discussion on the rules that involve alcoholic beverages. Current rules: 9. Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed or consumed in the park while attending any event or other activity that is specifically designed for the participation of minors. This includes games and practices. Violators will be removed from the park and/or banned from league play. This is geared for Renwick Park and the Sports Park. The sports park will be looked at a little different because girls' softball is shared with the adult softball leagues. Little league is the only facility that especially gear to children. Centennial Park has both youth and adult leagues playing at the park. On the flip side of this adult type of event, movie in the park and concert in the park, alcohol is possessed and consumed in the park at these particular events. So the rules need to be changed a little bit or a little more defined. Penny asked a hypothetical question, what if a soccer game is being played at Centennial and theirs an event at the amphitheater at the same time and they wanted to serve beer, which activity would take president? James stated that wouldn't happen because we don't rent the facility out when we have league play. Penny asked another hypothetical question, alcohol is being consumed at Concert in the Park and the pool is in operation with kids in. James stated it happens every day, all the time. There's no conflict of interest. The event is not geared just for kids. At Concert in the park, alcohol has been present as long as I've been here and I'm sure before I was here. Lee asked if it's working right now what are we trying to fix. James stated we had some residents call up and that this rule needs to be fixed and feel there's no way a private group should sell alcohol at the park. John stated that he wants to make sure there's no confusion on this issue, theirs the issue of the consumption of alcohol on public lands and the selling of alcohol on public lands. The issue that was brought up by residents was alcohol being sold in public lands. Morad stated that there were residents upset that there was alcohol being sold at Centennial Park, because there were kids there and that's what started this dialogue. Morad stated it's not just Centennial park theirs alcohol at the hangar for weddings and birthday parties but need at least 2 police officers present during their event. I recently talked with the chief and he stated that there have been no incidents as of today due to alcohol. Tom asked what are the Broncos bi-laws regarding alcohol. John stated we look at the parks rules. Tom stated that you can sell if you have a TABC permit. Tom stated that I know little league will never have alcohol out there, because it's plainly stated in there bylaws. That's why you'll never see little league play at the Big League Dreams in League. Most of these youth groups will handle this within the organization itself. Tom stated that he would like to simplify things. Lee asked do you want to change the policies, it seems like it's pretty much straight forward? James stated he hasn't suggested changing anything; he's just bringing this issue forward. Penny stated that she asked Tom for this item to be on the agenda. Lee asked what you want � J changed. Penny stated I would want it changed it that liquor not being sold in parks and have its primary function is for sports activities. Lee stated it's already address in here. Penny stated she doesn't think we have enough police to monitor consumption. Lee stated you can never monitor consumption. Lucy Woltz with the Lions Club stated that the Crawfish event was a wonderful event that was brought to this town and I think it will grow a lot bigger, the police officers that we hired for the day and we hired 4 extra, they were awesome that day at the end of the day they didn't have a single problem and they think they should grow the event and thought they event was great and they were very positive. Furthermore we are all TABC certified. We carded everyone, we did all are due diligence. We followed every rule and every fee and permit and it was a great event and I think it could grow, sorry it was crawfish and most people drink beer. penny stated she isn't opposed to drinking beer with crawfish she is opposed to the selling of liquor at the parks that primary purpose is youth sports group. Lee stated don't you want to encourage multiuse of the park. Penny said she never said that. Lee stated defined Centennial Park as a little league status type park then you have limit the use of the park. Penny stated it was specifically passed on the bond issue that it was for youth soccer. James we also have adult activates that take place at Centennial we have Flag football and adult soccer that take place at that park so it is a multiuse facility it does have events that take place for adults only. And it can be rented and reserved for private groups at any time. Lee asked if you're looking for consensus or opinion. James stated we're looking for both. Penny stated if you do this for centennial you have some parks in neighborhoods I bet in the not do distance future you will hear from people that live near Centennial park, the lake, the main concern that develop the lake from the residents from Rancho Viejo is the consumption of alcohol.. Lee stated your point earlier was the sale of alcohol. Penny stated you can only control the sale I can't control the consumption but we can do things to minimize that. Lee that you agree that you want one rule that alcohol can't be sold at any of the parks. Tom asked if the current rules were written prior to centennial and prior to Friendswood going wet, James stated yes. Tom stated that for years an old city section that their wasn't a desire for it to be wet, well they had an election the election passed and now the city is wet, we have to look at it from our side. We can't close our eyes to it, we can't stifle and it was voted in by the committee. Now we need to address this situation for all parks. Lee stated that when it's a city function that they're not going to sell alcohol. when the city rents the parks to a third party, why your contractually giving the legal obligation to another party to control their own event with some stipulations I don't see why the city should be that interested on how that happens to the point on noise barriers that would directly affect the residents. You're making the assumption that alcohol is going to directly impact the residents and I disagree with that if it's done in a control environment. You can't put the legality in the contract but you can't you micromanage who you rent the park out to. Tom stated the specifications of a park itself, there were that a bunch a different citizens that speaking park we can develop ball fields, open green space parks for the city for us to be specific everyitme things got specific football against soccer at centennial park it was a mess, those are fields out there it can be used by whatever sport. Renwick park is Renwick park because little league it there, little league Inc has a very strict set of bylaws, if you want to be insured by them you're going to follow those rules. I'm still for the simplicity a park in Friendswood is a park in Friendswood. John stated that the vote to make Friendswood wet, does the city want to allow the sale of alcohol on public lands, does the city want to allow the sale of alcohol on public lands? Do you allow of the sale of alcohol on public lands? The consumption of alcohol in public lands we can't control. The same principal applies when you apply for a permit currently for the city to sell alcohol in a public park. John stated I think it's a simple as that. I'm not making any argument one way or another. Morad stated his only concern if we decide to regulate the sale of alcohol at parks, where it's not allowed to be sold but you can consume it's going to encourage events that they will be giving away the alcohol. Penny stated that it wouldn't be economically make much sense. Lions club stated it would make lots of sense. Penny asked if the lions club would be willing to give it away to sell crawfish. Lions club stated it would be given away with the purchase of the fish. Mary asked what does league city do, or clear lake. No one knew. John stated you can BYOB at Concert in the Park. Currently no one is staggering drunk and leaving trash all over the place. Morad stated who is sponsoring the event at concert in the park; we don't allow a vendor to sell alcohol but if there was a private entity that was renting the park, the consumption of alcohol. Their paying money to use the land penny stated it would directly influence the fees should be charged on. If the entity that will be putting money in their pocket to sell booze the fees should be enormous. Lucy stated we could donate money back to the park. Tom narrow it down, city sponsored function no alcohol sold in the park. If the event is youth organized theirs no sell. If it's a 3rd party fully permitted, make it that simple. Don't pick and choose which park it is. Penny stated if you have a baseball tournament, for 16 & 17 years old we're really need in money we're going to sell of alcohol at their event. You're going to support that Tom. Tom stated staff will not allow that if it's primary for youth you can't sell alcohol period or consume it. Lee asked if they can consume alcohol at the hangar, James stated yes as long as they meet the requirements. Tom stated that his 4 events at the Stevenson park pavilion and we gave away alcohol to raise money for the challenger group, I didn't have anybody running up to my house with pitch forks and torches. I had my police officers out there I think city and city staff does a great job regulated that and for this document I would like to see it clean not pick and choose anytime we pick and choose it leaves penny asked how do you want to proceed. tom stated that's lee stated that we be emailed all of us the proposed copy and existing copy have a look at it in simple form James stated we can make a motion to get that one resolved and we will email you the proposed copy and the existing copy. Tom stated that the lions club is fully aware that as soon as you sign up for the TABC permit and there is a bond that you have to cover which is significant. TABC regulations are pretty stiff for 3rd party sellers. We need to understand that in the development these fees. Tom stated. I'm not a TABC lawyer, but I making recommendations like that I would like to see the insurance levels and everything involved in that before we start setting fees. I don't have any problem on whether it be sold or not. I don't want to put any kind of undue burden on any citizens. Lee made a motion, city can't sell alcohol that if it a primarily for youth that no one can sell alcohol but if it's a private entity it their discretion weather or not to sell alcohol at all parks provided they get the proper permits and security Mary second the motion. 3 to 1 to make the recommendation to staff and council. Penny asked how much money was generated by the festival. James stated we rented the park for our normal fees they had to pay us clean up and security deposit which was refundable, a cleaning fee and a rental fee for the amphitheater and the pavilion. Penny stated for $900 they rented the park for how many hours James stated 10-8. Lee asked we only rent to residents James stated we have a residential rate and a non-resident rate. Morad stated this topic will be on the august council agenda. Tom stated he doesn't see any fees for Centennial Park. James stated the last page is a list of all the proposed fees. Penny stated was this intended to be a revenue maker for the lions club. If you're the lions club you use the fields pay $900 for 50 acres of the park and it's yours for 10 straight hours for $75 an hour and if your generate $15,000 good for your and not so good for the city of Friendswood because there's nothing in kind in exchange. Always justify trying to meet the needs of little league, broncos, and girls lacrosse because they donated in kind with their labor that they couldn't give in dollar. James stated that the lions club did give back $1700 back to the city for a solar light so that was their in-kind contribution to the city. The rules also stated that any nonprofit groups don't have to pay for park rental. For example the reason they had to pay they don't have their documentation for the nonprofit status. They were charged to use their facility however the group that rented the park before which was a nonprofit group wasn't charged anything and they didn't give anything back to the city. Penny stated she had a problem with that. Penny stated she had a problem with the sales for the concession stand at the little leagues which were split to pay the toilet paper and pay the light bill, little by little all went to little league the argument for that little league will maintain the fields at the c classification. Each little league group want to use the concession they'll have to pay an activation fee of $50 and give back a percentage back to the city. James stated each group is required to do a capital improvement by the end of the year. Tom stated your in-kind comes from positive exposure. Corporation doesn't always donate money because it's an image that they will get a return on their investment. Tom stated that seeing the lions club put on something is going to be positive. Or if we see hooters come in the park out at Centennial Park that's not the best thing in the world. But for organization that do good in the community we need to leave that positive taste in all the tax payers mouths. I don't,have a problem with charging with extra cleanup when dealing with an event that is dealing with alcoholic beverages. I don't want our police officers being slided. It's simpler and easier to look at the whole rule and the whole picture instead of focusing on one rule and focus on one thing. 7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm. Approve by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: September 25, 2013