HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDEDC Minutes 2018-01-23 Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation (FDEDC) Meeting of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of January 23, 2018 Friendswood Public Library, Meeting Room 416 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood,Texas 77546 1. Call to order and roll call of Board Members The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. with a quorum present. Present: President Ron Cox, Vice President Alton Todd, Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Pat McGinnis, Arden "Trey" Hill, Dr. Rebecca Hillenburg, Elmer "Bubba"Johnson, Jr., and Paul Marx. Staff member present: Karen Capps Also present: Councilmembers Sally Branson, Mike Foreman,Jim Hill,John Scott, and Steve Rockey. City Staff: Aubrey Harbin, Roger Roecker, and Morad Kabiri. Committees: Gary Kay— EDC and Sherry Goen Parks/KFB. Members of the public: Jamie Bell and Philip Ratisseau. 2. Citizen comments (other than public hearing) None 3. Consider and take action on approval of minutes Dr. Rebecca Hillenburg made a motion to approve the January 9, 2018 meeting minutes, second by Dr. Pat McGinnis. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. 4. Public Hearing President, Ron Cox, provided an overview of the proposed Downtown Improvements Project. The presentation provided information about the landscape architecture design team —Lauren Griffith Associates, and their consultants that includes Gandy2, CORE Branding and TEI traffic engineering. The team's qualifications and samples of work were highlighted, and how the Board selected the firm after interviews with three separate qualified firms from the Houston area. Information was also provided detailing the process to gather public input through various public meetings and a survey. The project would begin in March and take about six months to complete a final plan. Board members emphasized the importance of the improvement plan as it will include a list of implementable project and budget estimates to serve as a guide and continuity for current and future board members. Public comments: Councilmember Steve Rockey asked to make the focus groups as broad and inclusive as possible, to think outside of the box, i.e. invite highschoolers. Councilmember Sally Branson added that when she visited Tomball, they included high school students to discuss the future of their City's downtown since they will be the ones it is built for and utilizing it in the future. Philip Ratisseau said he routinely attends FDEDC meetings and that he is in support of the Board's efforts and financial responsibility of the citizen's pocketbook. He said that there needs to be a larger group involved, get public detractors involved because many may convert in the process. It was pleasing to see Lauren Griffith state that we won't have street cafes. Include all of downtown, not just Main Street/Friendswood Drive. Gary Kay stated that he relocated to Friendswood from a southern Californian town, Rancho Cucamonga, that grew rapidly, but they had a plan and stuck with it. Having a plan will be an asset for downtown. Councilmember Gustafson said this is a long-term project and suggested the Board partner with the folks that got the sales tax passed. Councilmember John Scott suggested that a workshop of the presentation be given to City Council so that is can be videotaped and place on the City's PEG channel. Morad Kabiri stated that staff can videotape the presentation. Philip Ratisseau stated there needs to be a clear delineation between FDEDC and FDFA, but still be inclusive. Cohesive work needs to be done with CEDC, FDFA, and FDEDC. Councilmember Carl Gustafson said he grew up in Newport, Virginia where they didn't have any planning foresight. He said we need to do this, it's the right thing to do. Councilmember Steve Rockey said planning ahead provides every chance for success comparing this plan to the City having foresight over 20 years ago when they bought future water rights. Most cities didn't plan ahead and we are grateful that Friendswood did. With no further comments, President Ron Cox closed the public hearing at 5:01 p.m. S. Discussion and possible action regarding amending the FDEDC's annual budget Karen Capps explained the proposed amended FDEDC budget includes $150,000 for the contract with Lauren Griffith Associates, $126,000 for Phase II of Project Poles and Wires Relocation & Reduction along with $49,000 for capital improvements and contingencies. Trey Hill motioned to approve the FDEDC's amended annual budget, Paul Marx seconded. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. The amended annual budget will be considered by City Council at their February 5 meeting. 6. Discussion and possible action with Lauren Griffith Associates regarding professional landscape architecture services for downtown Elmer "Bubba"Johnson made a motion to approve the contract with Lauren Griffith Associates, second by Alton Todd. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. The contract will be on City Council's February 5 meeting for their approval. 7. Financial Report Karen Capps reported that according to the Comptroller's website, the anticipated sales tax allocation for the FDEDC for the month of January is $39,325 however the funds haven't been posted yet. The ending fund balance as of December 31 was $277,079. 8. Staff updates Phase I of Project Poles and Wires Relocation and Reduction was completed almost two weeks ago and a completed sign will be added to the existing project sign for public awareness. The FDEDC requested that pictures be taken. 9. Member Comments An update was given on the status of the election lawsuit appeal. 10. Future meeting dates Tuesday, February 13 with an agenda item to consider Project Poles and Wires Phase II 11. Adjournment With no further business to discuss,the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Patrick McGinnis, FDEDC Secretary/Treasurer