HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 04/29/1986-108 W. Friendswood FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING , PHONE 0 NAME 1rvR.►, �C` S� L 7��Z� ADDRESS Q Z -2-0y -LA Cc�u�������b ��c-� ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( if applicable ) U i;tl IS PROPERTY IN A RECORDED SUBDIVISION? NATURE OF REQUEST 1z) TP<--4,kj o EE GXa1o 'J yP P ( FROM WHOSE DECISION IS REQUEST BEING MADE? Zoning Administrator Other Name POZL M A& UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE AND SECTION OF ORDINANCE IS APPEAL BEING MADE? Printed Name of Owner Name of Designated Representative Signature of Owner Accepting .Application on behalf of City Q?,�, J.ell Na 8 Da ti SIGN ERECTION PERMIT APPLICATION Submit this completed form with the required information attached to the Sign Inspector's Office for approval. p.X_N rT1To+jaPAL— BU3I;iESS ADDRESS: JD� 4ycST �LtCyewx-D Cr-AL3StIUSINE`SS NAME: 3PuA0 3 /G`�-U tL-a�lAJ1{E/`. DEVELOPMENT NAMES A A 6 BU3INE3S PHONE: PROPERTY OWNER: 'As, P W TENANT: tir,�r�fir SIGN CONTRACTOR: AElZGA��1� ADDRESS: TYPE OF SIGN: TEMPORARY TEMPORARY DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARY DIRECTIONAL TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION PERMANENT SUBDIVISION _L/PERMANENT COMMERCIAL PERMANENT SPECIFIC USE _ OTHER (SPECIFY) 'All applications for -erection permits shall be accompanied by a plan or plans drawn to scale which shall include the following: 1/vL"PThe dimensions of the sign and, where applicable, the dimensions of the Hall surface of the building to which it .is to be attached. ALA The dimensions of the sign's supporting members. fVOL The maximum and minimum height of the sign. f �"N The proposed location of the sign in relation to the face of the building in front. of which or above which it is to be erected. The proposed location of the sign in relation to the boundaries of the lot upon which it is to be situated. The location of all electrical.transmission lines within thirty (30) feet of any part of such proposed sign structure. i You must notify the Sign Inspector' within five (5) business days after si„n erection is completed for a final inspection. If sign is in compliance, Sign Use Permit will..be 'issued. A13. electrical permits must_be obtained from the Building Inspector.before Sign Use Permit will be issued. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: � DATE' PERMIT APPROVED BY: ✓ DATE: PERMIT DENIED BY: DATE: VARIANCE GRANTED BY: DATE: ',: -,.sets aB►j r r Y� .4 "lwd "v + 6 COMMENTS_ ,rA _ � o- rr � - - rYr.�•4'm)a!3°c•�13g?r/Mq "�7�`�f r 6 �6. w R-• v`r`�- `• - k (L s;. =�' • - - z�T�Rti��t<y s�..t.vM�uATED �. . ,. �R�ESTANp�r�G- F•f��r� 5�s►�, M�.�-Tt- TENhNrsoEN �15 A-c�oN • lOvR►So 3t3 cvI7 R TA%NEas,FIB F-a, SE69- 0-oPv- �AcES To BE RoHM Ar1A VIEW E� r' -- u ' -- ll l6•fi�AI�1ER - i . � , •Po,,��,� r �y Vv M��vN SLc,EvG r,4 E ,,cam - >, ��.r •• - - y�. d R�s � . —a 6,Roumb WEE Pi�GrC- _s I(,X �f Pi-MITER ErJCL.os� �t >ia•! Z�T�RGRAP � _. _.... CENcENt .FI�t.ED L,�O�R g4a��tc R . p • �a -T c'. v R C A R C E LS, 0 N I �' (r l------ —._... __._..._._. — ,� �hJYr�r i SG ALE; "' — I'-ID o MA 1LH �uVNo a , �a, -..... _ •t way ' , � �� o° w , 1 .. .. QP0.rC►N CT�"r � ,. - Ale Ire . :�. Pa�E. . � '.��� �. , �• ��R.�NDswp�fl, Sg�vAtz� `. . s,G0 st$t'Jc -. •'W�6.gw�7C� ' GR�►PN sic G'°TT0.ADR! OZ . . �. hoCTl TENAot STQ,P CEY Of' 1RIENDSW00v BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. IMPORTANT — Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. I Number and street Subdivision ILot IBlock Census tract LOCATION 108 P.West Edgewood riendswood Square SYioppirjg Ce ter OF N S N S BUILDING E W side of West Edgewood _ feet E W from intersection of 2351 .and 518 (nlher !oral Aleographir, political, or legal subdivision identification) II; TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING —All applicants complete Parts A — D A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE— For"Wrecking"most recent use 1❑New building Residential Nonresidential 2 Q Addition(11 residential, enter number 12D One family le Q Amusement,recreational of new housing units added,if any, in.Part D, 13) 13 O Two or more family—Enter 19 Cj Church,other religious 3 Q Alteration(See 2 above) number of units------►• Y0 Industrial 4 0 Re • Repair,replacement 140 Transient hotel, motel, Q P P or dormitory—Enter number 21 Parking garage 5 Q Wrecking(!f multifamily residen(ial, of units---------- 22 Q Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 150 Garage 230 Hospital, institutional (� Part D, 13) \j\v 6 Q Moving(relocation) Ir.E]Carport 24 E]Office, bank, professional . I 7 Foundation only. 17XD Other—Specify 250 Public utility Permanent Commercial 26 0 School, library,other educational B.' OWN ERSHIP 27 0 Stores,mercantile 8 F—]Private(individual,corporation, Sign Permit 2B 0 Tanks,towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 EX Other—Specify l go Public(Federal, State,orr local government) C.COST (Omit cents) . Nonresidential —Describe in detail proposed use of buildings,e.g., food processing plant,machine shop, laundry building at hospital,elementary 10. Cost of improvement . . :.... ... 3 school,secondary school,college, parochial school, parking garage for To be installed but not included department store,rental office building,office building at industrial plant. in Ilse above cost If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed arse. a.Electrical... .. .... ..:... . Permanent Commercial Sign Permit agreed \ b. Piumbint ... ... ... .d.. .. f n to 25.5 .square feet on the feign facings t� 1 e. Heating,air conditioning.. ... . ) Q .. .d.Other(elevator,etc. 'to the south and east sides of the buildirg m11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT s 25.5 each Of those two sides see diagram III.SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING.— For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E —L; for wrecking• complete only Part J,'fdr all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G.TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30 Q Masonry(wall bearing) 40 Q Public or private company. 48. Number of stories . 31 Wood frame 41 Individual se tic tank, etc. 49• fowl square fed on floorenter area,. Q ( P ) all floors, based on exterior 320Structural steel' dimensions . 330 Reinforced concrete H.TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY . 34 Q Other—Specify 42 Q"Public dr private company 50.Total land area, sq.ft.. . .. . . 43�Individual (well,'cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET ' PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51, Enclosed . .. . .. . . ... ... . .. 35 Gas Will there be central air 52..Outdoors . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . 36[J Oil conditioning? L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 Electricity . 44I]Yes 45 Q No 53• Number of bedrooms . ... . . . ... 39'Q Coal 39 Other—Specify Will there be an elevator? Full . . . .. . . ®®® 54, Nut of Q S 46 Yes 47 0 No bathrohro oms l( Partial IV. IDENTIFICATION —To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address'—Number, street, ciiy,.andState ZIP code Tel. No. 1 Fox Photo One Hour Lal,i 108 P West Edgewood 77546 4.82 Owner ' 2. Fox Photo One Hour Lab 77546 Contractor 3. Same Architect The owner o uilding and the dersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of Si slur app c t Address' Application date 5616 Fulton Street Houton 77022 24 April 19 4 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE— FOR OFFICE USE Ape i'crm C fee ["T permit issued Per it number 9Lt A,.ri l 1 gF3G N,A Ar rfo o . . All - ct r J�, . 757--o v... .... Gle r , JA rHR o All - ,. .. ram,��. � .�c- �. �n �✓ DATE SCHEDULE FOR BOARD OF ADJUST= NAME OF APPLICANT Fred Amburn of Intergraph Signs LIJCATION OF PROPERTY 108 W. Friendswood Drive REASON FOR VARIANCE to include Fox Photo Sign on the Pylong Sign PUBLIC HEARING DATE 3 Application received in City Secretary's Office Date set for Public':Hearin By Board of Adjustment Chairman Z Request tax office to furnish names of property owners within 200 feet �f Notice published in official newspaper G� (15 days prior to hearing) —/ Letters mailed to -property owners within 200 feet, (10 days prior to hearing) - Public Hearing held ' Decision made by the Board of Adjustments Applicant notified. ; BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 29, .1986 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD THAT WAS HELD ON APRIL 29, 1986 AT CITY HALL AT 7 :00 P.M. WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: CHAIRMAN ED DYKES REGULAR MEMBER ELVIA SALYER REGULAR MEMBER MAURICE ESTLINBAUM ALTERNATE MEMBER HOWARD YEAGER ALTERNATE MEMBER STEVE JOHNSON BUILDING INSPECTOR NICK CAPUANO FIRE MARSHAL VANCE RILEY SECRETARY JANE TOLLETT CHAIRMAN DYKES CALLED THE SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER AND APPOINTED STEVE JOHNSON AND HOWARD YEAGER" AS REGULAR MEMBERS FOR THIS MEETING. CHAIRMAN DYKES CALLED TO ORDER A PUBLIC HEARING . FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING TESTIMONY FROM INTERESTED PERSONS REGARDING REQUEST FROM FRED AMBURN, OF INTERGRAPH SIGNS,TO REQUEST A VARIANCE TO INCLUDE "FOX PHOTO" ON THE PYLON SIGN AT 108 W. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, IN THE KROGER SHOPPING CENTER. MR. AMBURN 'PRESENTED PICTURES AND STATED THE SIGN HAS ALREADY BEEN INSTALLED. THE SIGNS ARE ALREADY ON THE BUILDING AND THE SIGN IS ON THE PARKING LOT SIDE SO IT CANNOT BE COUNTED AS ADVERTISING. THE FOX PHOTO COMPANY WILL REQUIRE NO ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE. DISCUSSION FOLLOWED. CHAIRMAN DYKES ASKED FOR PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING REQUEST FROM GARY W. DAVIS, 16434 BOUGAINVILLA, WECDGEWOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, FOR A VARIANCE OF 5 FOOT SIDE SETBACK FOR. AN ADDITION.MR. DAVIS STATED . HE IS WANTING TO -BUILD A -19.2- X- 22 FOOT ADDITION ON THE BACK OF HIS HOME AND WOULD LIKE TO KEEP THE SAME WALL ALIGNMENT ON THE HOME FROM A PREVIOUS ADD ON, WHICH WOULD BE 5 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. DISCUSSION FOLLOWED. CHAIRMAN DYKES CALLED FOR INPUT FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING REQUEST FROM FRED AMBURN, OF INTERGRAPH SIGNS , TO REQUEST A VARIANCE TO INCLUDE "FOX PHOTO" ON THE PYLON SIGN AT 108 W. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, IN THE KROGER SHOPPING. THE COMMITTEE ASKED VANCE RILEY "WHY DID FOX PHOTO NEED THE VARIANCE?_ HE STATED IT. WAS BECAUSE THEY CHOSE OPTION "G" IN THE SIGN ORDINANCE AND THEY ALREADY HAVE TWO SIGNS . **ELVIA SALYER MADE THE MOTION TO GRANT THE VARIANCE TO .... INCLUDE "FOX PHOTO" ON THE PYLON SIGN AT 108 W. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, IN THE 1 KROGER SHOPPING CENTER. HOWARD YEAGER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION APPROVED. CHAIRMAN DYKES CALLED FOR INPUT FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING REQUEST- FROM GARY W. DAVIS, 16434 BOUGAINVILLA, WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, _ FOR A VARIANCE OF 5 FOOT SIDE SETBACK FOR AN ADDITION. **MAIIRICE ESTLINBAUM..MADE ^•THE MOTION`TO :GRANT ,THE VARIANCE FOR A '5 -AFOOT .SIDE SETBACK 'AT.W164.3 4­BOUGAINV ILLA.f 'HOWARD 'YEAGER SECONDED THE MOTION.YMOTION APPROVED. THE MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 25 , 1986 AND MARCH 25, 1986 WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. CHAIRMAN ASKED THE SECRETARY TO WRITE DR. TOM SULLIVAN A LETTER REGARDING HIS INTEREST IN SERVING ON THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. ELVIA SALYER STATED THAT RAY NELSON AND BRUCE FOSTER, PAST MEMBERS OF THE BOARD, WERE NEVER SENT LETTERS OF APPRECIATION. DISCUSSION . FOLLOWED. IT WAS DECIDED THAT THE SECRETARY WOULD TYPE LETTERS TO- THEM AND THE MAYOR WOULD SIGN THEM. MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURNAT 7 : 45 P.M. D-B , CH TMAI/0, 9J E TO ETT CRETARY 2