HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 05/23/1989 FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING NAME : . 4,,Z :. �� - ��. It;� I , (✓' PHONE : a /- ADDRESS : i6a-)t c / �rr ,; ,-�� SksL,;, - k / 1c �f� ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY : 3 2_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( IF APPLICABLE) : IS PROPERTY IN A RECORDED SUBDIVISION? tP NATURE OF REQUEST : I�1�`. �b F�tan+ ;��c .r✓� �� FOR WHOSE DECISION IS REQUEST BEING MADE? ZONING ADMINISTRATOR : OTHER :Uulld id& OM- C/,4 NAME : A. C D UNDER WHAT ORDINAN_PE AND SECTION OF ORDINANCE IS APPEAL BEING MADE?-:if y I Sty- 7I �'3 f PRINTED VAME OF OWNER : —' NAM OF DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE SIGN�ITURE OF N R : DATE : DATE & TIME RECEIVED : STAFF COMMENTS : lz QJ dAlt 0 ­w_j f2m a CITY APPRO AL : DATE: ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY : ME : DATE : FEE PAID :D DISPOSITION OF CASE : APPROVED: (CHAIRMAN) DATE CITY,_( ZENDSW00D BUILDING PERMIT, APPLICATION j U IMPORTANT - Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. Number and street r _ Subdivision ILot I Block Census tract LOCATION Q r I t OF N S N S BUILDING E W side of __._feet E W from intersection of (Other local geographic, political, nr legal suh(linision identification) 11. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING -All applicants complete Parts A- D A.TYPE,OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For"Wrecking"most recent use 1 l7 New building Residential Nonresidential 20 Addition(11 residential, enternumber 12�J One family le 0 Amusement,recreational of new housing units added,if any, i Part D, 13) 13 0 Two or more family—Enter 19 Cj Church,other religious 3 Alteration(See 2 above) number of units------y- 20 0 Industrial 4 Repair, replacement ,14[]Transient hotel,motel, P P or dormitory—Enter number 210 Parking garage 5 0 Wrecking(If multifamily residential, of units----------D.•- 22 Service station,repair garage enter number of units in building in 15 0 Garage 23 0 Hospital, institutional Part D, 13) 6 0 Moving(relocation) 16 Na-Carport 24 E Office, bank, professional 70Foundationonly 170 Other—Specify_ . 250 Public utility 260 School, library,other educational B.OWNERSHIP 270 Stores,mercantile 60 Private(individual, corporation, 280 Tanks,towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 E]Other—Specify 9 0 Public(Federal,State,or ' local government) C.COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential—Describe in detail proposed use of buildings,e.g.,food processing plant,machine shop, laundry building at hospital,elementary 10. Cost of improvement . . ........ S f opt,' school, secondary school,college, parochial school, parking garage for To be installed but not included department store,rental office building,office building at industrial plant. in the above cost ,)se of existingbuilding is being changed,enter proposed Use. a. Electrical... . ..... ...... 4, b. Plumbing ... ... ... ..... .. �C�Y /7-��� C—�-r- c. Heating,air conditioning.. .. . . - d. Other'(clevator,etc.) . ... . 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT S bpD Ill.SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - FoF new buildings and additions,'complete Parts E -L: for wrecking, complete only Part J,'fdr all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G.TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30 Masonry(wall bearing) 40 0 Public or private company 45. Number of stories ...... .. ... 31 Wood frame 49..Total square feet of floor area, L� 41 0 Individual (septic tank,etc.) all floors, based on exterior 320 Structural steel dimensions . .... . .. ... . .. . 330 Reinforced concrete H.TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 340 Other—Specify 420 Public or private company so.Total land area,sq.ft.. . . . . . . NUMBER OF OFF-STREET 43[]Individual(well,cistern) K. PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 1. TYPE OF MECHANICAL ' St• Enclosed . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. 2 35[_j Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors Z conditioning? 36[�Oil L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 0 Electricity 44 0 Yes 45[]?(No 53. Number of bedrooms . .. . ... .. 3a 0 Coal 39 0 Other—Specify Will there be an elevator? 54. N of Full . . .: 46 0 Yes 47�No bathrooms ms Partial IV. IDENTIFICATION -To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address'—Number, street, city, and Slate ZIP code Tel. No. Owner L b 2 ? 482-Z 33 CL 4a4 ERr F Le_—j kcA_101od TSC -715416 2. Contractor 7S4,6 3. Architect The owner of this ui ing and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of CI Sig ature of applican Address Application date _ I©�_ DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE- FOR OFFICE USE Permit lee Date yYrmrYi-strRi f'crniit number 1 5. a � S Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment Tuesday, May 23 , 1989 Kathy and I welcome the opportunity to come before the Zoning Board of Adjustment this evening to request a 15 foot variance from the existing 15 foot building line for a handicap loading and unloading area. Our home was destroyed by fire on February 9 and is under construction at this time. Our garage was also involved in the fire. During the reconstruction we have made numerous modifications to accommodate the needs of our son, Neal. Neal has cerebral palsy, he is unable to speak and has mobility only with the aid of a wheel chair and an attendant. We have had to widen door ways, add a wheel chair shower, add support for a lift above his bathtub, add ramps, and others. Kathy and I feel there are also two other modifications to the garage we should also consider: 1) Raise the roof or the header to accomodate a van with a raised roof. 2) A covered handicaped loading and unloading area. This area would allow us to unload Neal from the van during inclement weather. The same principal that you may have when you use your garage door opener to get into your garage when it is raining without getting out of your car. We have provided you with the following: 1) A drawing of the addition 2) Pictures of the house and garage 3 ) Signatures from our neighbors who have signed a statement in favor of our request. Kathy, Neal and I want to thank you for your time to consider our request. Our family' s desire is that after your deliberation that you would vote in favor of our request for a 15 foot variance from the existing 15 foot building line for a handicap loading and unloading covered area. Our Sincere �Thanks, Larry, Kathy and Neal McClaugherty Monday, May 8, 1989 We the undersigned approve of the request from the McClaughertys' for a covered handicapped loading and unloading area at 302 Sedora. NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 3.4. f � iuf e�7e 6. 7. 9. 10. 1 Gj� REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MAY 23 , 1989 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD WHICH WAS HELD AT CITY HALL ON MAY 23 , 1989 WITH THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: CHAIRMAN WILLIAM TAYLOR REGULAR MEMBER MARY ELLEN BELLARD REGULAR MEMBER DR . TOM SULLIVAN ALTERNATE MEMBER DAVID O 'BRIEN ,III ALTERNATE MEMBER ANN TALBOT BUILDING INSPECTOR NICK CAPUANO ASSISTANT TO CITY SECRETARY JANE TOLLETT CHAIRMAN TAYLOR CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AND APPOINTED ANN TALBOT AND DAVID O 'BRIEN REGULAR MEMBERS FOR THIS MEETING . CHAIRMAN TAYLOR CALLED FOR PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING REQUEST FROM LARRY G. MCCLAUGHERTY OF 302 SEDORA REQUESTING A 15 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE EXISTING 15 FOOT BUILDING LINE FOR A HANDICAP LOADING AND UNLOADING COVERED AREA . MR . MCCLAUGHERTY STATED THE HOME WAS GUTTED BY A FIRE IN FEBRUARY AND THEY ARE REBUILDING AND AT THIS TIME WOULD LIKE TO MODIFY THE PARKING AREA FOR THEIR SON, WHO IS HANDICAPPED . WHEN THE SPECIAL VAN IS LOADING AND UNLOADING IT REQUIRES ADDITIONAL ROOM. THE HEADER WILL BE RAISED IN THE GARAGE , A COVERED AREA WILL BE BUILT FOR THE VAN AND THE SAME ROOF LINE WILL BE USED FROM THE HOME . A VARIANCE OF 15 FOOT FROM THE EXISTING 15 FOOT BUILDING IS REQUESTED FOR THE SPECIFIC REASON OF PARKING AND MANEUVERING OF THE VAN . HE PRESENTED A PETITION OF HOMEOWNERS IN SUPPORT OF THE VARIANCE . DISCUSSION WAS HELD AT LENGTH BETWEEN THE MEMBERS AND MR . MCCLAUGHERTY . **MOTION MADE BY MARY ELLEN BELLARD TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE OF THE 15 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE EXISTING 15 FOOT BUILDING LINE AT THE LOCATION 302 SEDORA. ANN TALBOT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 24 , 1989 WERE APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS . MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN AT 7 : 45 P CHAIRMAN WILLIAM TAYLOR JANE TOLLETT ASSISTANT TO CITY SECRETARY DATE SCHEDULE FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT' Larry G . McClaugherty LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3 0 2 S e d o r a REASON FOR VARIANCE requesting 15 ft . variance from the existing 15 ft . building line for a handicap loading and unloading covered area . PUBLIC HEARING DATE 5-2 3-8 9 Application received in City Secretary's Office Date set for Public�.Hearin S Z3 By Board of Adjustment Chairman 5=2 3 Request tax office to furnish names of property owners within 200 feet -3 Notice published in official newspaper (15 days prior to hearing) = �- Letters ma.i.led to property owners within 200 feet. (10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing held Decision made by the Board of Adjustments D�2 licant notified.