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ZBOA Decisions 8/25/1998-1910 LaSalle
M.E.Three Homeowners'Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2023 Friendswood,Texas 77549 APPLICATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS Return form to: M.E. Three Homeowners' Association,Inc. Attn: Architectural Control Committee P.O. Box 2023 Friendswood, Texas 77546 Mission Estates III Deed Restrictions require that any homeowner must receive approval from the Association's Architectural Control Committee(ACC)before changing,altering,or maintaining any building,fence,wall,or other structure on their deeded property. Changes and alterations include(without limitation)exterior additions(and paint colors thereof),exterior paints,grading plans,patio covers and trellises and off street parking of vehicles. The Association has the right to have any homeowner remove or change any improvements on the homeowner's property which have not been approved by the Architectural Control Committee. To request approval,please complete in detail the information listed below. Whenever possible,plans should accompany the Application. Owner's Name: Rx\vhek,�14 . \ i 1�YG" L �� o_ Home Phone:( ,??T 1199(r• 1730 Street Address: Work Phone: Mailing Address: S� Briefly describe in as much detail as possible the improvement you propose. Include a sketch of the project,on the sketch include the house, lot lines,and easement lines(use a copy of the plat if available). Include any supporting information that will describe your project including paint color chips,shingle color and type,square footage of project,etc. _Solo,�r Cz.ce '�n� � o� � .��� � c.e a,•v 1�_ -;��,�;� J, O(1"i�1 'C -7, Q ApPRI,CJ't v Who will be performing the work? Ce � QmY ao pC►.�1� �� k"oc,� l nnu.la What is the project start date? W Completion Date: 3& 1 understand that the Architectural Control Committee will act on this Application within 30 days from receipt by the Committee and will contact me in writing regarding their decision. I understand that this is strictly an application and does not constitute approval. I understand further that if approval is granted that I am responsible for obtaining all applicable construction permits from all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over such matter. l tN��;.457*0' ?hA I omeowner's Stgnattfr_e Date i/7! .Vi �•�;` t.� 'Lbo I�..� _J7`C { �:•1t�4.:..(=1 � Vt-��. �• •f ` / f - T- -1---F -rri 7i J ............. 7 T INNOVATI0N8 ,4- TI-------- 2L A ................... ............. 1-.7 Inc. 7 7 NAME .......... .... ............. L A ................. JOB ADDRESS F p- CIT,Y ZIP C? 10 q ALLl'- I-k)b,.wocc� • T A v--"a; KEY MAP ZONE JOB No. ................ PHONE RES OFFICE t 7�3& '7q7 F5'64 LOT BLOCK SUMVISION PLATBOOK PAGE(S) COUNTY W, -411�� GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1/7 FOR CLEANER: 2! LF 1-40)-AWL LF Lt.. -ir I Z' FOR BACKWASH: LF(40)-AWL LF 7 77 7 T FOR SKIMMER: LF 140) LF ift AWL yrI FOR RETURNS LF(-40)-ADOL - LF 21 FOR SPA SUCTION: LF(-40)-ADM - LF 7t I,.ALI 1-1/2" FOR SPA RETURN: J g LF(40).AWL LF FILTER: PUMP- aHP SKIMMER: REaD t T" d N 400,000 HEATER, B.T.U. PROPANE W, Si- -7--C>IA Ts TT SPA:(�SJNO SPA JETS UGHT 10 0 W WA I j FENCE: REMOWE !jWCE BY.� Tw CONCRETE 00 WE r YFSINO _REMOVED BY q GAS REROUTE r'BY �M ............ .......... _4 'r TRAP YES BY SEkhER REROUTE 29 By C-lu%w—f'-k.. .............. ELECTRIC REROUTE BOARD COLOR h4_ LF 0 Pr BY 4 TILE COLOR:', TRIM TILE: -7--- T-1. ......... J A Coping Type (Z.7.6 P�Tt%COLOR: V-t v WATr LIGITT :T ............ DECKS: -7 C S.F. ........... 0 or, m. VOLLEYBALL SLEEVES: S C-,L 8 x-, TYPE q -.4 DRAINS:ARENDECK-O: L.F. A 77- 1, 1 -J ---------- NOTES: To BE PAILIBERED A AEFERIED CN PLAN L IN N=C%M"THM z� V30 -rovA L- 4. ....J.. ------- W-'A-ro'e- o-�1p L L.rnf311 v uo j -A ........... L 't'r-cv 0- 'ORA su i. NIL ----------- F-A Fr f-po'Od"t. ..........4- ................ ? j J.� ............�.� 7— F D L Lj SALES AI . ..... L; L 7 —7 PERIMETER BUYER:POOL AREA TO 13E FENCED PER COUNTY OR CITY ORDINANCE. X Ta x G POOL AREA 4 SA f—. SPA AREA. CAPACITY I LER26 OAL-TURNOVER HRS. GATES TO BE SELF CLOSING AND SELF LATCHING BY BUYER. 3/27/98 ex cc: FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING NAME: I�"KIPQ I�1Z U�/(�/V���e CNCI VL 1 1 . PHONE: (2�)) L-1�0`( 7.fF ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: RECORDED SUBDIVISION PROPERTY IS IN: UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE (NUMBER AND SECTION) IS APPEAL BEING MADE? : Fit c8 &JO 1;1; F}Piq�x(/ix0-Zouxe(P , S&ZTyV 7- ma R.&�wcn�-D�r�� - PRINTED NAME OF OWNER: Q GNATED PRESENTATIVEtATURE OWNER: DATE: DATE & TIME RECEIVED: /7- 3©-q g SEEKING VARIANCE FOR: n At A 6c- s c o eitj 6-T-jou&-ry lze C,96011,71411A-fo Poe . r—Wo m pi2�P�2�Y Lr A 179��E�rj CITY APPROVAL: DATE: ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY: 73/ /r l A 5;0 '707/ NAME: DATE: FEE PAID: **************************************************************************** DISPOSITION OF CAIIE / APPROVED: CHAIRMAN: ATE: REFUSED CHAIRMAN: DATE: REASON: TO: ZBOA Members A/ FROM: Linda Taylor�� DATE: July 30, 1998 RE: Variance request for 1910 LaSalle The Richardsons propose to build a swimming pool 5' from the rear property line. Ordinance #85-4 established a Specific Use Permit for single-family lots in Mission Estates and Carmel Village that were platted smaller than the required lot size. That ordinance specifies that except for front and side yard setbacks, "all other limitations, restrictions and conditions set forth for SFR in the City of Friendswood" apply. One of the restrictions that would still apply would be the required rear setback of I o' . Staff respectfully requests that his variance be denied. § 7 FRIENDSWOOD CODE C' - 3. Area and height exceptions. "a. Single story unattached accessory buildings or structures less than twenty feet (201 ) in height, as measured from the adjacent grade to the highest point of any portion of such building or structure, may be located in required rear yards in residential districts provided they are set back not less than five feet (51 ) from any interior side lot line twenty feet (201 ) from any side lot line adjacent to a side street and ten feet (101 ) from any rear lot line. " of ten feet, such height to be m a ed to the lowest eave adjacent to the appli- cable side property line, (ii) t y ar located not less than ten feet from the rear pro erty line s one ad'di onal foo of setback for each foot in height o the s c excess o en et, such h 'ght o be easured to the ow ��t a ve ad cent to the rear;prop rty e, a h or barn,t rear Pr line�oes not adjoin pro erty us d or res ' ted by this ce o a reside' ti6l use. Provided further the total c ula ve ea of all floor space of all accessory buildings widstiuffc res on a lot s not ex ed one-half of the floor space area of the ground fi of the main building on such lot. �0 b. A building or structure may not exceed two (2) stories,• except buildings e or structures located in SFR Districts may have two and one-half(2-1/2) t_ i stories provided there are no living quarters located within the top one-half{. (1/2) story. c. intenor siae yaras snau not de required for abutting properties,in the same zoning district if both properties are developed as a unit under a common devel- opment plan. d. When individual attached townhouses or condominiums are to be sold separately, there shall be no minimum lot area requirements provided that the total land area of the project,including the land on which the units are located and the land held in common ownership by the unit owners,is equal to the total minimum land area required per dwelling unit or lot in the district in which the project is located. e. The height regulations of this section shall not apply to belfries,chimneys,church spires,conveyors, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads,fire towers, storage towers, flagpoles, monuments, ornamental towers or spires, cranes, construction equip- ment, smokestacks, stage towers and scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ham radio and television antennas, [and] microwave relay, radio and television trans- mission towers. Supp. No. 1, Rev. CDC:38 DATE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: Michael R. and Deborah A. Richardson LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1910 LaSalle, Lt. 23, Blk. 3, Mission Estates :.Subdivision, Section III. REASON FOR VARIANCE: Accessory Structure (Swimming Pool) Setback from the rear property line- of 5 ' instead of the reauired 10 ' . City of Friendswood Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7 .n. 2. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 8/25/98 Application received in City Secretary's Office 07/31/98 Date set for Public Hearing 08/25/98 by Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Request tax office to furnish name of property 08/03/98 owners within 200 feet. Notice published in official newspaper 08/12/98 14-10 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. 08/14/98 10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing Held 08/25/98 Decision made by the Zoning Board of Adjustment APPROVED Applicant notified 'I'TEM 'B BOA.SCH/LST03 ,r-f , Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment August 25, 1998 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on August 25, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William Hal Taylor Regular Member Ron Decker Regular Member David O'Brien Regular Member Ann Talbot Alternate Member Tracy Goza Alternate Member Marsha Standridge Building Official Linda.Taylor B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton Members Gary Yokum, Gary Harris and Tommy Rives were absent from this meeting. Chairman Hal Taylor called the regular session to order at 7:00 p.m. . Assistant City Secretary, Linda S. Thornton administered the Oath of Office to appointed Alternate Member Marsha Standridge. Chairman Taylor, appointed Alternate Member Tracy Goza, as a Regular voting member for this meeting. Chairman Taylor, called a public hearing to order to receive public input regarding request by James T. and Margaret F. Feaster, for a variance at 1904 LaSalle, Lot 20, Block 3, "Section 3, Mission Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for building a covered patio structure which is tied into the house roof in the rear yard 11' from the rear property line instead of the required 251 . Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.2. Discussion followed with James T. Feaster explaining the variance request and hardship being smaller lot size. Renee Baker, President of Mission Estates Home Owners Association, P.O. Box 2023, Friendswood, Texas, spoke for the variance. BOAMIN2/LST03 Discussion followed with Building Official Linda Taylor explaining her interpretation of the variance request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. *David O'Brien made a motion to deny variance at 1904 •LaSalle, Lot 20, Block 3, Section 3, Mission Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas. Seconded by Ron Decker Motion approved unanimously. Chairman Taylor, called a public hearing to order to receive public input regarding Michael .R. and Deborah A. Richardson at 1910 LaSalle, Lot 23, Block 3, Section 3, Mission Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for an accessory structure (Swimming Pool) setback from the rear property line of 5' instead of the required 101 . City of Friendswood Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.3. Discussion followed with Deborah Richardson reading her letter for a variance to the Board and submitted her letter to the Board Secretary, Linda Thornton. Mrs. Richardson also explained the hardship is that Michael Richardson is an insulin dependent diabetic patient that needs a pool for exercise purposes as requested by his doctor. Renee Baker, President of Mission Estates Home Owners Association, at P.O. Box 2023, Friendswood, Texas, spoke for the variance. Discussion followed with Building Official Linda Taylor giving her , justification of her interpretation of the variance request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. Building Official Linda Taylor submitted a memo from the City Attorney Kim Mickelson, dated April 20, 1998, referencing Setbacks for Swimming Pools. *Ron Decker made a motion to approve the variance at 1910 LaSalle, Mission Estates Subdivision, as requested for the accessory structure 10' rear set- back reduced to 5' as requested in the application, based on the referenced paragraph about swimming pools, Section 8. J. 4, of the Zoning Ordinance 84-15. 2nd by Tracy Goza Motion approved unanimously. The Board based this approval on an administrative interpretation of the ordinance that this pool is allowed in the required rear yard. *Discussion followed to move June 23, 1998 minutes to September 22, 1998 meeting for approval. BOAMIN2/LST03 *Ron Decker made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 14, 1998 meeting. Seconded by Hal Taylor Motion Approved Unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:00 P.M. . William Hal Tay or Chairman Attest: 62 - Z, Linda Thornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary cc: MH LAT Applicant K.M. BOAMIN2/LST03