HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 05/28/1996 B.O.A. MEETING 3/26/96 P m rX at .7 ---1 . - Tabled '3/26/9-6 - 1.- Rescheduled: B.O.A. meeting 4/23 at 7 : 00 p.m. FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING Ac"y &NPfkc-PkF--r :5"14 JJ• UOt�E:.� -1/3 - C?q4 -0 ZDP,E`S-S c; AE)c -SS P-R­ PER-.Ty:,l LlE-G--A-L--E)E-S-C-R- pTrQN-OF_PR6PE-RT-Y -Lo7 L VIL UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE (NUMBER AND SECTIO N ) IS APPEAL, BEING MADE? :f-C2710 J -7 IVA F, 14 Al 0�:!A,U�-EQ-F��N � CDES U 2-N S Tr. NA E� D A - DATE S TIME RECEIVED: SEEKING VARIkINCE FOR: "0 C&4-7 STAFF COMMENTS: CITY AP PROVAL; DATE AL: ' DATE: ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY: C2 NAME: DATE: FEE PAID: DISPOSITION OF CASE: APPROVED: Z,�,w /' ere-- City o)___.,,'iendswood BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 910 South Friendswood Dr.,Friendswood,Texas 77546-4856 (713)996-3201 IMPORTANT — Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. Number and soteat' SUbdivi lion I Lot 1 Block Census tract I. G o ; LOCATION OF N S N S BUILDING G W side of feet E W from intersection of 101hr•r Iru•nl wtigruphic. political, or fi—wil .subdivisiutt i(lr•nli(icatinn) If. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING —All applicants complete Parts A— D A., YPE:OI!.fMff!AOVF.MENT, D. PROPOSED USE-for"Wrecking"most recent use 1 New buildin► Residential Nonresidential 2 Additnori(if residential, enter number 12 Q One family to 0 Amusement,recreational at new housing units added,if any, in.Earl D, 1J) 13 0 Two or more family-Enter 19 0 Church, other religious number of units------ 20 0 Industrial 30 Alteration(See 2 above) 14 Transient hotel,motel, 40 Repair,replacement or dormitory-Enter number 21 Q Parkins garage SQ Wrecking fit multifamily residential, of units----------t-- 22Q Service station,repair garage enter number of unrls in building in Is Garage 23 Q Hospital, institutional Part D, 1J) 16 0 Carport 24 0 Office,bank,professional a 0 Moans(relocation) 17 EA Other-SPoel/y 250 Public utility 7 Foundation only T •A r 26 Q School, librarq,other educational E.OWNERSHIP POpTA,8LF 27 0 Stores,mercantile s 0 Private(individual, cnrporalion, SToiR 11 r L ! �`t 'L T 20 Tanks,towers nonprofit institution.t•tc.) �l l R/�t C/f J l")I�L7 29 Q Other-Specify p 0 Public(Federal. State,or local government) C.VALUATION (Omit cents) Nonresidential-Describe in detail proposed use of buildings,e.g.,food processing plant.machine shop, laundry building at hospital,elementary 10 Valuation of Improvement . . . .... .. . S school, secondary school,college, parochial school,parking&&toga for To he installed iota/not included eepartmeni store,rental office building,office building at industrial plant. in th above cost If use of existing building is being changed,enter proposed 49e. a. Electrical. .. . . . . .. . ..... b. Plumbing e. lieating,air conditioning.... . . d.Uther(elevator,etc.) . . .. .. . . 11 TOTAL VALUATION OF EtiPROVEMEHT, S 5,40 III.SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E -L. for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to IV. E.PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G.TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 300 Masonry(wall bearing) 400 Public or private company sa. Number of stories .......... 3t❑Wood frame 4g, Total square feet n floor area. ♦I 0 Individual (septic tank,etc.) all floors, based M exterior 320 Structural steel dimensions .............. 330 Reinforced concrete H.TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 360 Other-Specify 420 Public or private company so. Total land area,se.ft........ NUMBER OF 430 Individual(well,cistern) K. PARKING SPACESSTREET F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51. Enclosed . . . . .. .... ...... 3S0 Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors . . . . . .. .. .. .... . 350 Oil conditioning) L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 Q Electricity 440 Yes 45 0 No 53. Number of bedrooms ......... 38 Q Coal 3f 0 Other-Specify Will there be an elevator! Full . . . .. 54. Number of 46 0 Yes 47 E:]No bathroom; Partial .. . . IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants None Mailing address-Number, street, city, and State ZIP code Tel,No. ., N M F 120 E � �_ -5 2. 1. Architect The owner of this building and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of City of Frlendswood. St e_ ppp4rcant d1►oss Application gate o 2 C ` DO NOT WRI E IN THIS SPACE— FOR OFFICE USE Approved by 1•rrmlt fee Il,µu pertain issued Vrrmit number t a APPENDIX C—ZONING "45 § 8 3. Area and height exceptions. :. a. One-story,unattached accessory buildings or structures less than 20 feet in height -a may be located in residential districts in the rear yard provided they are located no less than five feet from the side property line in the rear yard and ten feet from the rear yard property line and do not cover more than 40 percent of the rear ;. . b. A building or structure may exceed the maximum height established by the applicable district regulations if the building or structure will fi ryne that is 63.5 degrees, under an imag- ina line•. with the horizontal, at the outer edge of the yard. c. Interior side yards shall not be required for abutting zoning district if both properties are developed as a unit under a commes in on same 1 mon devel- opment plan. d' When individual attached townhouses or condominiums are to be sold separately, there shall be no minimum lot area requirements provided that the total land ��t l area of the project, including the land on which the units held in common ownership by the unit owners, is equal to the total minimum land area required per dwelling unit or lot in the district in which the r located. project is e. The height regulations of this section shall not apply to belfries,chimneys,church > spires, conveyors, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, storage towers, flagpoles, monuments, ornamental towers or spires, cranes, construction e ui - ment, smokestacks, stage towers and scenery lofts, tanks, water q p radio and television antennas, [and] microwave relay, radio and television trans- mission towers. h. e f Minimum front yard setbacks for lots with predominant frontage on the cure =1 radius of a cul-de-sac shall be 15 feet. ed ;:. (Ord. No. 89-10, §§ 1-3, 9-11-89; Ord. No. 89-18, § 1, 11 16 89; Ord. No. 90 5, § 2, 3 5 90; Ord. No. 90-6, §§ 1, 2, 3-19-90; Ord. No. 90-18, § 1, 7-23-90; Ord. No. 92-15, § 1 10-5 92-16, §§ 1, 2, 10-19-92. Ord. No. 93-5, , , 92; Ord. No. � §§ 1-3, 4-19-93; Ord. No. 93-8, § 1, 6-7-93) Section 8. Supplementary district regulations. A. Visibility at intersections in residential districts. On a corner lot in any residential district, vegetation shall not be planted or allowed to grow in such a man s impede vision between a height of 21/2 feet and ten feet above the centerline to materially intersecting streets in the area bounded by the street lines on such corner lots and grades of the joining points along said street lines 25 feet from the point of the intersection. aline B. Fences, walls, and hedges. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, <' Fences, walls and hedges are permitted in or along the edge a front g of any required yard other than yard or a side yard contiguous to a side street line. C. Accessory buildings. Except as specifically building shall be erected in any required yard, and no separa ethis accessory bu ldin accessory sory erected within five feet of any other buildings. g 11 be CDC:37 - - - I.LtAK LANE NAT -. oKI��EY>COMP HEk1TAGE �ztz. ANY, INC I�J004 .� ,•/.�/ /F 1: r. p. -mow+_ '.'��•.._ � O,,� ��Q ' r,. ,. Ar 0,0 VIP or As 6p� ��; :,��•• �'"!w' vo JFwig 9v -got: Aeo ., 91 �a ALL PA R rrES 1ATEpESTED r N 71ME rO PREM t S me 0 supY�YE' �� \ •� ,�: vy�'jy 4� a� ��,. •y r ir� �r/y-�� � F'Fl�, •:�w-CC ". '•j �`fi'•�t� rN?iK�moo.� �� ��� )�x! �r'�= yTy��'�i i`� ,K�+ry{.�. WOW ZkLjjV ` .r�. 'i � i�� lr�,�ss.•�•�cs '?"�ft�.====ii{.rt C _-4 .�,• � ..`}lS��af,...s '<4.�r / 7 4�if•v`F' / � 1 Lf � !-,�p�\ rY��r,r _ ��TC;,7[+."+�f•� ay�+i,4�•' � ^,l,�dr4��;}'`' ��4 y"' .+ - !,'��a � •^ �'��11�' ,.YC. YY{(�`R.l-��r y ., .��'"!t �+r�",�, � aN...:;c'!w'C"''`4y't�3'h-Xl .�f� t�,, ��}.> fit. 'C t'Y•^L` �^ ` sk"ta r��F rrtSE,44A��j• ' �S'T' 1a o .Si���S�~..rr r'�; sk'7.'�F y _'{ Y ITr:l t ~♦ •' 1 1 � y�II �i j 7 � 1 R—� lly r; 3 �\ � ^z .r•l. �+V ° 4 ;.ems \ t }�1rt a• S•y,c 1 a 'to� ✓'✓vs r 4��'1��=r Vr r {c.�'\. �s Z'i�.j�Y;�KL.9 •,r i5, v'1f a ... ' •�r r � 1 � _I"Z�`"',♦• *'.,�ir't�'r ! h•jfq,,.�t �. " •L �'4j Jf�!h+i'!°•t p, t,yki�4.'t,- , � ,'.y,'�• p'l;ir.r^1�� -P •aaL,,. �';.,Z �.j y¢t' R1"'S'�. p�y:� \'l�/�l i.,�t�, r M-..��'r i`;r.'�.•s a�rik4� �•� �ty! 1.r�t 11�; � �y,�.��,s f� I f��µ � ,Qz.,�`r... Submitted by: Nagy She- for: BOA' Meeting on 3/ 96 �. SEEKING VARIANCE FOR: : Nagy & Margaret Shehad Locating a Garden Shed 16202 Creekview Court in front of residence Friendswood, Texas 77546 = 713-996-0111.. Facts-Sheet- . 1 BACKGROUND 1.1 We built house March 1994 on-one of two contiguous lots. 1.2 We strongly believe in.environment:_ 1.2.1 Our plans are to leave second_-lot_as wild life-refuge. . 1.2.2 We took extra care not to cut trees unless absolutely necessary. 1.3 We have increased the value of-property in-the area - we added $30;000 in landscaping alone. We have lost a big part-of our-.landscaping during the..flood.of-October 1994, and we have rebuilt it (see pictures.) _ 1.4 We have increased the overall appearance-of the area and cul-de-sac on which we live. It used to be a weeded ugly area_(see pictures:)People-now-come to see the plantings. 2 REGULATIONS - City Ordinance asks that the shed be_put behind=the house. 3 THE PROBLEM 3.1 We are in a Flood Plane. 3.2 As a result, we do not have an enclosed garage. 3.3 Maintenance equipment is left out-open'-to theft and corrosion from the elements. A brand new "Chipper" and other maintenance equipment were flooded or lost, and our safety escape raft was.stolen. Insurance did not cover because it is not enclosed. 3.4 The landscape/garden.that is maintained is in-the:front of the property..The rest of the property is naturally maintained: 3.5 The ground level behind the house is 2 1/2"to.3 feet lower than the front. 3.6 The shed is currently installed 2+ feet above-the-ground to prevent further flooding. To move the shed to the back and provide the same elevation, it has to be installed 4 1/2 to 5+ feet above ground which-makes-it impossible.to-access. 3.7 In addition, to move it to the back more trees_need to-be cut. 3.8 Also, moving the shed to the back could be-a security.hazard. Itwill be-more isolated away from the housing area and more prone to vandalism. In case of fire it.will be difficult to access because of the,-trees. 4 WHAT WE DID 4.1 In view of all the above we purchased a nice.looking.shed and placed it behind the tree line. We placed it so shortest side is toward the street and located it behind other plants. We feel as soon as the plants grow the shed will be completely blocked from view. 4.2 We believe it is in the.city's,neighbor's and our benefit to keep the building as is. cc: BOA Members - D.K. A f� d DATE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: Nagy & Margaret Sh had LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 16202 Creekvi ew Court, Lot 44, Sent- R, Wedgewood Village S/D, Harris Cty. REASON FOR VARIANCE: for construction of an Accessory Bldg, in the front yard as opposed to rear yard Zoning Ord. #85-14 , Sect. 7 , Q, 3. a. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 5 28 9 A lication received in City Secretary's Office 2/29/96 This items was Tabled- 3 26 96 BOA meeting Date set for Public Hearing by Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Request tax office to furnish name of property 3/28/96 owners within 200 feet. Notice published in official newspaper 5/68/9 6 14-10 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. 5/17/9 6 10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing Held A)v T- Decision made by the Zoning Board of Adjustment E e Applicant notified S BOA.SCH/LST03 1. 96 I/ o Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment May 28, 1996 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on May 28, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William Hal Taylor Regular Member Howard Yeager Regular Member David O'Brien Regular Member Ann Talbot Alternate Member Kathy Horner Alternate Member Thomas Rives City Planner David Hoover B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton Chairman Hal Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. , Chairman Hal Taylor and Board Members appointed Thomas Rives as a Regular Member for this meeting. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Nagy and Margaret Shehad's request on seeking a variance at 16202 Creekview Court, Lot 44, Block 1, Section 8, Wedgewood Village Subdivision, Harris County, Texas, for construction of an accessory building. This request was tabled at the March 26, 1996, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting for additional clairfication of the Zoning Ordinance definition of "yards". Public input from Mr. W. J. and Mrs. Alice Balmer, 5458 Appleblossom was delivered via a letter to the City Secretary's office on May 28, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. to be submitted to the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting requesting the board to oppose the variance. Chairman Taylor explained, in reviewing the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance for Mr. & Mrs. Nagy Shehad's request to keep an accessary building in their "front yard", it was determined that the location of an accessory building may be placed anywhere on their lot except within the required setback areas. Also Section 7, Q, 3.a, of this ordinance allows lesser restrictions for accessory building location in the "rear yard". BOA.MIN/LST03 No further input was received from the public and no further input from the City Planner was presented, the Public Hearing was closed. According to Chairman Taylor, based on the above and discussions with the City Attorney, the Shehad's appeal to the Zoning Ordinance is not required. , It was recommended the application fee of $25.00 be refunded to Mr. & Mrs. Shehad. It was also recommended that this subject be presented to the City Council at the next Council meeting. * Ann Talbot made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 26, 1996 meeting. Second by David O'Brien Motion approved unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. . Aftq _k014 '009 4 -- William Hal Tayl r Chairman 7 Date ATTEST: Lin a S. Thornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary BOA.MIN/LST03 :dam ree4 ,� rr ray- cs � 14zo �a e�C G�"7 v3 V f. C-tgular Meeting ning Board of Adjustment y 28, 1996 1�t��� G car?-r�s�e G.•�t-e �-• �X'/� �o-��„'� �/`a', ru�-,�. �i!'.e(�-e..eJ r'f�� � i i,�. n5 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the l/d�tt City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on May 28, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William Hal Taylor Regular Member Howard Yeager Regular Member David O'Brien -Rer�ta_l ar Mer^her - Ann Ta"bot - - Alternate Member Kathy Horner Alternate Member Thomas Rives City Planner David Hoover B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton v Chairman Hal Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. , 6)Chairman Hal Taylor and Board Members appointed Thomas Rives as a Regular Member for this meeting. Chairman Taylor explained, in reviewing the City of Friendswood Zoning V Ordinance for Mr. & Mrs. Nagy Shehad's request to keep an accessary building in their "front yard", it was determined that the location of an accessory building may be placed anywhere on their lot except within the required setback areas. Also Section 7, Q, 3.a, of this ordinance allows lesser restrictions for accessory building location in the "rear yard". According to r+��^^�-'-r^' r, based on the above and discussions with the City Attorney, the Shehad's appeal to the Zoning Ordinance is not required. It was recommended the app].ic-afiion fee of 't2-5.00 be refunded to Mr. & Mrs. Shehad. It was also recommended that this subject be presented to the City Council at the next Council meeting. Mr. W. J. Balmer and Mrs. Alice E. Ba er, 4 8 Appleblossom,,A delivered a letter to the City Secretary's office on May 28, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. to be submitted to the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting requesting the board to oppose the variance. ,, o further input was received from the public.0 --� J C� no further input t a ^• ' ' g--- BOA.MIN/LST03 * Ann Talbot made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 26, 1996 meeting. Second by David O'Brien Motion approved unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. . William Hal Taylor Chairman Date ATTEST: Linda S. Thornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary a BOA.MIN/LST03