HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDEDC Minutes 2021-11-09Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation (FDEDC) Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 City Hall Council Chambers 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas 77546 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. with a quorum present. Present: Dr. Rebecca Hillenburg, President; Elmer "Bubba" Johnson, Vice President; Alton Todd, Member; Patrick McGinnis, Member, and Paul Marx, Secretary/Treasurer Absent: Ardent Trey Hill, Vice President, Ron Cox, Member Staff members present: Steven Rhea, Assistant City Manager; Aubrey Harbin, Director of Community Development Councilmembers: Sally Branson 2. Citizen comments None 3. Approval of Minutes Consider the approval of the minutes of the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation Meeting held on October 12, 2021. McGinnis made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson. All in favor, motion carried unanimously (5 to 0). 4. Work Session Items A. Receive and discuss an update on the Tree Preservation Ordinance Aubrey Harbin, Director of Community Development/Planner, presented the recent amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and ultimately approved by City Council. The changes include modifications to the mitigation requirements as well as adopting a set tree mitigation fee of $400 per caliper inch for trees that are removed and not replaced. The intent of the changes is to encourage developers and property owners to preserve the existing trees and tree canopy of Friendswood. B. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding TNMP Improvement Opportunities in the Downtown District Richard Sasson reported to the board that he, Joe Matranga, Sally Branson, and Brett Banfield met with Texas New Mexico to discuss the overhead power lines along S. Friendswood Drive. The goal is to improve the appearance of the Downtown District. Mr. Sasson stated that the group wanted to gauge the interest of FDEDC to put on their long-term plan to fund the project. Hillenburg thanked Sasson for the information. Sequencing will not go away. Alton thanked them for the work and explained that this has been the goal for a long time among many groups in Friendswood and that eventually the project would have to start somewhere. 5. Discussion and Possible Action A. Discuss and take possible action regarding the Downtown Signage and Branding project. No action taken. Rhea explained that the City obtained preliminary approval from TxDOT on color of street signs. He explained that the street name signs will be installed on the new mast arms being installed by TxDOT. The new sign machine is set up in Public Works and they will complete staff training next week. Currently, Public Works staff is looking for the street sign blanks that are the correct sizes. B. Discuss and take possible action regarding the Downtown Lighting Plan. Rhea explained that staff received some estimated numbers from HDR Engineering quoting that $738,540 would cover everything except poles and fixtures. He explained that the next outreach step for the new lighting plan would be to Friends of Downtown Friendswood Association (FDFA). Todd asked it the project would be ready for bid. Rhea explained that once all numbers are received, the RFP could go out at the beginning of year. Several board members stated that they were willing to attend presentations. C. Discuss and take possible action regarding the TxDOT Curbs, Ramps, Sidewalks and Traffic Signals Project. Rhea explained that the project is progressing. Some areas sidewalks abuts curb due to space constraints and some areas will not have the brick paver border. There was some concern with a couple of asphalt drives that were replaced with asphalt rather than concrete; the contractor and TxDOT determined that these had to be replaced with asphalt due to existing base. McGinnis stated that the sidewalk in front of Friendswood Grocery trees and sidewalks do not look good and asked if the owner would be okay with removal; Harbin explained that the property owner had been in touch with the TxDOT contractor and was willing to work with them to make this area look better. 6. Reports A. Receive and discuss the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation Financial Report for October 2021. Rhea presented the updated financial report with $2,233,859 Beginning Fund Balance for October 2021 with added revenue of $56,356 and no expenditures other than staff/admin. Ending fund balance is $2,288,882. 7. Comments A. Receive comments from staff members Harbin explained a couple of recent zone changes that took place within the Downtown District (DID). Brett Banfield requested to change the zoning of two tracts located at 301 Laurel Drive (aka 161 W. Shadowbend) and 303 Laurel Drive from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Downtown District (DID), which was ultimately approved by City Council. Additionally, Banfield also requested a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a hotel that would cover several tracts including 306 and 309 S. Friendswood Drive, 301 Laurel Drive (aka 161 W. Shadowbend) and 303 Laurel Drive. The overall plan is to develop approximately 5 acres with a pedestrian oriented, mixed use development including the hotel, restaurants, office, 30 residential suites, banquet room, executive space and a green rooftop experience. B. Receive comments from board members McGinnis questioned whether the Downtown District was going to be extended past FM 2351. Rhea clarified that the mast arm lighting at that intersection would be replaced by TxDOT, but that the boundary of the DID will not change. Todd congratulated Hillenburg on her inaugural meeting and a job well done. 7. Adjournment With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:41 p.m.