HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA - Decisions 11/19/1996-3744 FM 528 • `i DATE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: SUNGHING LUNG LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 3744 F.M. 528. Reserve "A" & Pt. Res. "B", Forest Bend #1, 3081-000-000-0, 0.942 A Res. & Prt of Res. "B" Forest Bend #1 3081-000-000-0, 0.388 Acres. (Henry Wayne's) Harris County REASON FOR VARIANCE: INTERPRETATION BY CITY STAFF OF PERMITTED USE TABLE (Use #5813 drinking places not allowed in NC Districts) & Sect. 6.E.4. Fwd. City Code, Appendix C, Sect. 10.B. & ll.A. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 11/19/96 Application received in City Secretary's Office 10/18/96 Date set for Public Hearing 11/19/96 by Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Request tax office to furnish name of property 10/19/96 owners within 200 feet. Notice published in official newspaper 11/06/96 14-10 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. 11/08/96 10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing Held 11/19/96 Decision made by the Zoning Board of Adjustment DENIED Applicant notified j I BOA.SCH/LST03 1. 96 B.O.A. M.ETIN :l11119196 7:00 P.M. �i FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING o NAME: (� ��e�i(P h PHONE: �• -ADDRESS: p-Q� g/ 7-7-(v S . ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Sz�y Fln.—IS.19 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: lQ /LU�� 4 gY s, i�,l1"ost13elicy 4- 3' a"f.�o-000-o RECORDED SUBDIVISION PROPERTY IS IN; UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE (NUMBER AND SECTION) IS APPEAL BEING MADE?: AP0&,wotx � SeZ--rIvA/S 10_13 //.,4, 15Lthj46A LytP PRINTED NAME OF OW1ER: DESIGNATED RE RESENTATI SIGNAT• OF PER: TE: i **fi***ik*7t*****7t**•*7t 7t*1C 7t********************k******************kk***k** DATE & TIME RECEIVED: SEEKING VARIANCE FOR: lA -ri�epP,,ClA7oAJ &I Ci-rY OF Pep-y►1 it-1 e� USE --r*3tE USt✓ A-- -"S13 -DalAWtA.(4 ft./tzC--S XID F 4C&,!&--) I Al STAFF COMMENTS: 0tQAfeW- Gt k.M --ro &-7yPe-,,Q AA42 l A-( o j�jLID CktirjIAl 1 �lVLjj5VL-� ILlp �{J� nl�S CGoS 1=04 MaALZ7 (IM St;Wv i v g;7 l4 DA-(T l+S, Zk. CITY APPROVAL: DATE: ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY: Q p •, N E: DATE: FETE PAID; DISPOSITION OF CASE: APPROVED: Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment November 19, 1996 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on November 19, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman Willam Hal Taylor Regular Member Howard Yeager Regular Member Gary Yokum Regular Member David O'Brien Alternate Member Thomas Rives Alternate Member Larry Taylor Alternate Member Patricia Rosendahl Building Official Linda Taylor B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton Chairman Hal Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. . Chairman Taylor appointed Larry Taylor as a voting member for this meeting. A. Chairman Taylor recalled from the table proposed action regarding Triplerock, Inc and Bulkhead Investment Partners, Inc's. , request at 5000 Watkins Way, 10.91 acres, more or less out of the Sarah McKissick Survey, Section 1, Abstract No. 549 in Harris County, Texas, seeking administrative review of enforcement by City Officials of the amendments to the Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning (specially Ordinance #96-10, which restricts buildings to two stories and Ordinance #96-14, which limits Density of MFR-H property to 12 units per Acres) . *Howard Yeager made a motion to table the action on this issue until the j December 17, 1996 meeting. i Seconded by Larry Taylor osin 3-2 with Hal Taylor and Gary Yokum oPP g. Motion Approved to table B. Chairman Taylor called the hearing to order to receive public inputi regarding Friendswood Friends Church's request for a variance at 502 S. ! Friendswood Dr. , Lot 1, Lot 7 and NE 230 feet of Lot 6, Lot 8 and NE part of Lot 4, NE part of Lot 2, block 12, Galveston County, Texas, to allow thel height of a proposed new sanctuary to be 49 feet in height (required maximum; Matrix 7.0.3. , Friendswood City Code, l height is 35 feet per Regulation Appendix C-Zoning) . BOAMIN/LST03 Discussion followed with Joycina Baker representing the Friendswood Friends Church explaining the church's request for a variance. The hardship is that the Church is a historical building. Marge George spoke for the variance. Hearing no further input the public hearing was closed. *Larry Taylor made a motion to approve the request for a variance. Seconded by Howard Yeager Motion Approved 4-1 with David O'Brien Opposing. C. Chairman Taylor called the hearing to order to receive public input regarding James Spuhler's request for a variance at 2211 San Miguel, Lot 25, Block 2, San Joaquin Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, to allow proposed structure to have a height of 45 feet, (required maximum height is 35 feet per Regulation Matrix 7.0.3. , Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning) . Discussion followed with James Spuhler explaining his request and stated he had received a city permit for slab with the same elavation before the final reading of the amended ordinance. Hearing no further input the hearing was closed. *Hal Taylor made a motion to approve the variance. Seconded by Howard Yeager. Motion Approved Unanimously. D. Chairman Hal Taylor called the hearing to order to receive public input regarding Bruce and Terri Foley's request,for a variance at 1210 Buttonwood, Lot 32, Block 3, Section 3, Wilderness Trails Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, to allow side yard setback of 3' 6" required side yard is 5' per Regulation Matrix 7.0.3.A, Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning) . Discussion followed with Terri Foley explaining her request for a variance. Hearing no further input the hearing was closed. Terri Foley asked to reschedule action on her request until the December 17, 1996 meeting, this request was approved. BOAMIN/LST03 E. Chairman Hal Taylor called the hearing to order to receive public input regarding Sunghing Lung, Great Sense Investments request for interpretation by city staff of Permitted Use Table (Use #5813), drinking places not allowed in Neighborhood Community Districts) and Section 6.E.4. , Friendswood City Code, Appendix C, Section 10.B, and 11.A. Discussion followed with Kam Lung explaining request for the interpretation by city staff. Forest Bend Homeowners Association submitted a letter dated November 19, 1996 with names attached opposing this request. Marge George, spoke against. Slade Lewis, spoke against. Tom Busker, spoke against. Ben Muellen, spoke against. Mark McCastin, spoke against. Joy Cooper, 4032 Laura Leigh, submitted a letter dated November 13, 1996 opposing this request. Lois W. Morgan, 4036 Laura Leigh Lane, submitted a letter dated November 10, 1996, opposing this request. Hearing no further input the public hearing was closed. *Howard Yeager made a motion to deny. Seconded by Larry Taylor. Motion Approved Unanimously. *Gary Yokum made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 22, 1996, meeting. Seconded by David O'Brien Motion Approved Unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:40 P.M. . William Hal Taylor Chairman Attest: f Lin a Thornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary BOAMIN/LST03 APPENDIX C—ZONING § 7 structure and premises in combination, exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance, that would not be allowed in the district under the terms of this ordinance, the lawful use may be continued as long as it remains otherwise lawful,subject to the following provisions: 1. No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this ordinance in the district in which it is located shall be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in which it is located. 2. Any nonconforming use may be extended.throughout any parts of a building which were manifestly arranged or designed for such use at the time of adoption or amend- ment of this ordinance, but no such use shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. 3. Any structure, or structure and land in combination,in or on which a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use, shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the district, and the nonconforming use may not thereafter be resumed. When a nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and land in combination, is discontinued or abandoned for six consecutive months or for a total of 12 months during any three-year period,the structure,or the structure and land in combination, shall not thereafter be used except in conformity with the regulations of the district in which it is located. 5. Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and land in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall eliminate the nonconforming status of the land. Destruction for the purpose of this subsection is defined as damage to an extent of more than 50 percent of the replacement cost at the time of destruction. F. Repairs and maintenance. On any nonconforming structure or portion of a structure containing a nonconforming use,work may be done in any period of 12 consecutive months on ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures, wiring, or plumb- ing, to an extent not exceeding ten percent of the current replacement cost of the nonconform- ing structure or portion of the structure, as the case may be, provided that the cubic content existing when it became nonconforming shall not be increased. i G. Specific use provisions not nonconforming uses. Any.use which is permitted as a spe- cific use in a district under the terms of this ordinance shall not_be deemed a nonconforming use in the district, but shall without further action be considered a conforming use. Section 7. Schedule of district regulations. A. (R-1) SFR, residential, general purpose.and description. The SFR, single-family resi- dential dwelling district, is the most restrictive residential district. The principal use of land in this district is for low-density single-family dwellings, up to 2.7 units per acre, and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic ele- ments of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area. Low-density resi- Supp. No. 1 CDC:9 MFR- P¢rking b Permitted Uses SFR GHD MFR-L MFR-M MFR-H MHR CSC NC OP OBD PUD RSC A•1 LI 1 BP Group 0 521 Lumber and oth- P O P S S P P A 8 er build- ing ma- terial dealers 53 General • merchandise P P 0 P S P P P A 13 stores 54 Food stores P. P 0 P S P P I P A 13 55 Automotive dealers and gasoline service statioh$' (except as noted) 551 Motor vehicle, P 0 P S P P P 24 dealers (new and. used) . 5.52 Motor vehicle 0 P P 24 dealers (used only) 553 Auto;.and home P P 0 P S P P P A 13 Z n supply stores d d 554 Gasoline service P P 0 P S P P P 38 Cn stations O ? 555 Boat dealers: P 0 P S P P P 24 O 556 Recreational and P O P S P P P 24 C= utility trailer 0 dealers O d 557•;..Motorcycle.,deal- P P 0 P S P P P 14 M ers 56 Apparel,.and accessory P P O P S P P P A 13 stores 57 Furniture; home furnish- P P 0 P S P P P A 14 ings, and equipment stores. 4 .. 58 Eatirig.arid drinking plac- es 5812 Eating places P P 0 P S P P P P 26 �5813rD'rinkirig_places j P 0 S P P 26 59 Miscellaneous retail 591 Drugstores and P P 0 P S P P P A 13 proprietary stores 1. 592 ' Li uor stores P 0 S P 13 APPENDIX C=ZONING § 10 call of the chairman and at such other times as the board may determine. The chair- man or, in his absence, the acting chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.All meetings shall be open to the public. The board of adjustment shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if absent or failing to vote indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the board and shall be public record. t$. Hearings, appeals, and notices. Appeals to the board of adjustment concerning inter- pretation or administration of this ordinance may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer,department,board,or bureau of the city affected by the decision of the administrative official. Such appeals shall be taken within a reasonable time, not to exceed 45 days,by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof.The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the board all the-papers con- stituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. C. Notification and hearing process. Any request for an appeal, variance or special ex- ception shall require a public hearing before the board.A written notice of the hearing shall be sent to owners of property situated within 200 feet of the exterior boundary of the property with respect to which such appeal,variance or exception is requested j ten days prior to public hearing. It shall be sufficient that such written notice is addressed.to the owner appearing on.the most current tax roll of the city and ad- dressed to such owner at the address stated on said roll. If no owner is stated on the tax roll, or no address appears thereon, the written notice to such property owner shall not be required. The city council and planning and zoning commission shall be informed of any hearing for an appeal, variance or special exception of the zoning or sign ordinance.A processing fee as described in section 1C [14] shall be paid to the city in advance of the hearing. In the event the application is withdrawn prior to the mailing of the required written notification or publication in the official newspaper, the fee shall be refunded. i D. Stay of proceedings. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from,unless the officer[from]whom the appeal is taken certifies to the board of adjustment after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that,by reason I of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restrain- ing order which may be granted by the board of adjustment or by a court of record on application, on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. Supp. No. 1 CDC:53 § 11 FRIENDSWOOD CODE Section 11. The board of adjustment—Powers and duties. The board of adjustment shall have the following powers and duties: AAdministrative review. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order,requirement,decision,or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance.The board shall apply the following standards in deciding the appeal: 1. That there is a reasonable difference of interpretation as to the specific intent of the zoning regulations or zoning map. 2. That the resulting interpretation will not grant a special privilege to one property inconsistent with other properties or uses similarly situated. 3. The decision of the board must be such as will be in the best interest of the community and consistent with the spirit and interest of the city's zoning laws. B. Variance: conditions governing applications: authority and limitations. To authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. In exercising such powers of variance, the board may, in conformity with the provi- sions of this ordinance, reverse or affirm, wholly-or partly, or may modify the order, requirement,decision,or determination appealed from and make such order,require- i went,decision,or determination as ought to be made,and to that end the board shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the.appeal is taken. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may describe appropriate condi- tions and safeguards in conformity with this ordinance. Violations of such conditions and safeguards,when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance. Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permissible under the terms of this ordinance in the district involved;or any use, expressly or impliedly, prohibited by the terms of this ordinance in said district. C. Special exceptions. To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this ordi- nance upon which the board is required to pass under this ordinance. D. Vote required:appeals,variances,special exceptions. The concurring vote of four mem- bers of the board.shall be.necessary to reverse any order, requirements, decision, or j determination of an administrative official,or to effect any variation in the application of this ordinance, or to decide in favor of the applicapt on any matter or special exception upon which it is required to pass or decide under this ordinance. (Ord. No. 90-18, § 2, 7-23-90) Supp.No. 1 CDC:54 37. AGENDA ITEM # �� CITIZEN INFORMATION CARD FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE SENTENCE(S) : I wish to speak before the council regarding this item. I wish to address the council on another 'issue under "Communications From the Public" regarding NAME : l�f�W► ��a`� LOPLEASE RETURN TO BOX 0RGANIZATI0N N CITY SECRETARY ' S TABLE T I T L E : W ADDRESS : JO,�' � 76 �`7GtR TELEPHONE :� f i XA , 14ilk• „� , erg- , �, �. �/ �., ,�. . • - - CO g 4 ff cn - coc .� •Q .;,�,n � ti �'fir t � •.��. r.. •' ;,•f' ,I ram. ::r `r S" t,�^ ��: a a _ � Jv • s, sir. Y •r- ,£,,. .:cs� �� �5,6 "" » ��''' '4.- 4 �.. -{E x. f r. , �; ,,r 7V, -:; , . , . • U�..�.��s;. -yam r s `►! .t' Q Ac RES 'e1D '.S) l0 t .5N _ 3 >"r �s�` 2 6.39 H 5,4 9 1 2 H0549�0012- 0000 - 000 1 74 . 700 AC `� - �. - _ � 4 / CYO• ,r .•. � .� .._..? K`�.n� .. �e'SS.��.d _ ...- .'�.:f _ ,. _. - - .,� rr.stra.;�.. e � t�` t ,...-. • Forest Bend Homeowners .Association P. O. BOX 600 `L��4�0.15 j 6'171e��O FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 713 482-5749 p ®// 19 6 co November 19, 1996 Planning and Zoning Board 910 South Friendswood Drive M.& CC Friendswood, TX 77546 CITY MGR Dear Sirs, The few residents of our community who were informed about the inquiry by the owner of the strip center at Townes Road and FM 528, wish to express our alarm at the very consideration of opening a bar in this location again. We understand the city sent out only twenty letters to residents regarding this request . Those of us who have lived close to the old "Henry Wayne' s" located in this strip center, urge you to consider us, the residents, tax payer and voters of this subdivision. We have had enough of the unpleasant atmosphere created by a bar so close to our residences . The noise, the unpleasant persons coming and going from the bar, the music and fights that come tumbling out of the back door as it is left open, prevent some of us from even using our back yards and patios . The printout from the police department ; will show that there were frequent calls to this location. We understand the city charter offers us relief from these ' problems . However we were informed that Planning and Zoning can ' recommend that a variance be issued to set aside this regulation to again allow a bar in this location. We urge you not to do so. We appreciate what you do for our community and your attempt ' to protect our property values and provide for orderly growth for our city. Therefore, we ask that you consider the petitions , submitted to you, along with the police report of calls to the old , bar at this location, when making your decision. The residents of our community feel we need and deserve the ; protection of the city charter and ordinances in this matter. We feel sure none of you representing the city would appreciate ; such a nuisance twenty-five feet from your back yard. I Please, for our sake, say no to any variance of the charter orl ordinances regarding the opening of a bar in this location again. , Yours truly, �� J Margaret K. GeorgE business manager cc : Mayor and Council s t NOVEMBER 13, 1996 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD 910 SOUTH FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD,TX 77546-4856 TO-WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I AM NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 19, 1996 ON THE REQUEST BY SUNGHIN(3 LUNG,REQUESTING INTERPRETATION BY CITY STAFF OF PERMITTED USE PERMIT USE#5813,DRINKING PLACES NOT ALLOWED IN NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICTS AND SECTION 6.E.4. I WOULD LIKE TO RECORD MY PROTEST ABOUT ALLOWING SUCH A PERMIT. I AM A PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE THIS PROPOSED"DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT". I RECENTLY BOUGHT MY PROPERTY AND ONE OF THE REASONS I PICKED THIS AREA WAS THAT THERE WAS NO PLACES I=THIS IN THE NEAR AREA. I ALSO FEEL THAT IF SUCH A ESTABLISHMENT IS ALLOWED TO BE IN BUSINESS. IT WILL LOWER MY PROPERTY VALUES. I ALSO FEEL THAT SUCH A PLACE j WILL LEAD TO AN INCREASE IN CRIME IS OUR AREA. RIGHT NOW I FEEL SAFE WALKING i MY DOG IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD,BUT IF A DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT IS ALLOWED TO BE OPENED,I WOULD HESITATE TO DO SO. I DID NOT MOVE HERE TO BE IN FEAR OF EVEN WALKING OUTSIDE MYRESIDENCE. I ALSO WOULD FEAR FOR MY PROPERTY TO BE VANDALIZED,STOLEN,AND I WOULD EVEN BE IN FEAR OF MY LIFE. ALLOWING SUCH A j PLACE TO BE OPENED IN A RESIDa-41TIAL AREA IS ONLY ASTiiING FOR TROUBLE. I IF YOU NEED TO TALK TOME,PLEASE DO NOT HEST 1 A l r TO CALL WE AT HOME OR AT WORK. THANK YOU FOR ANY CONSIDERATION YOU MAY GIVE THIS MATTER IN NOT ALLOWING iiS PERMIT f SINCEREL V, 16 i 7 78i9�� JOY COOPER 41 FRIENDSWOOD, X 77546 Af®V 1996 281-992-3587 HOME rn CIWH�cEjVED 713-946-9133 WORK cc ECRrr SwooC 9s cc: m &cc�- CITY MGR B.O.A. L. Taylor r, -� CC: L.S.T. 4036 Laura Leigh Lane Friendswood, Texas 77546 November 10, 1996 Deloris McKenzie,City Secretary, City of Friendswood 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,Texas 77546-4856 Dear Ms.McKenzie: Yesterday I received a notice about a Docketed Public Hearing of the Friendswood Zoning Board to consider a request for a variance to the existing zoning code which does not allow drinking places in Neighborhood Districts. This public meeting is to be held on November 19, 1996. Although I strenuously object to granting a variance that would allow a drinking place virtually in my back yard,I will be out of town on that date,so unable to attend the meeting to state my objections. Therefore I am writing this letter to inform the Zoning Board of my feelings. I do not think that it is right to have a business licensed to sell beer and liquor by the drink in a residential community. I believe that the value of my property will decrease and the safety and quality of my life will suffer. When this area was unincorporated(before it was annexed by Friendswood),there was one such drinking place,Henry Wayne's,at or near the currently proposed location. I know of many { problems that arose from its presence. Police were called to this place of business numerous times ; because of violence. I was afraid when I walked my dog at night because of the type of people drawn to the drinking place just six to ten feet from a chain link fence separating the business from the townhouse drive. The back door was often left open and while walking the dog,I was visible I to the people drinking inside. Noise from this open back door was also a frequent problem. Trash (including empty bottles and cans)outside the back door was a constant eyesore and potential health hazard. There are many women living alone in the Forestb6nd Townhouse community who will feel threatened by the security risks resulting from type of customer drawn to a drinking establishment. Drunk driving is a problem everywhere,but especially in residential streets. Historically,Friendswood has had few liquor stores or drinking places; this is a tradition to be proud of and to continue. I do not believe a drinking place is of any benefit to any residential community, and this is especially true for a neighborhood in Friendswood which has always supported family values. I hope that the Zoning Board will consider these objections and not grant a variance to Sunghing Lung allowing a drinking place in this neighborhood district. Sin erely your i Lois W. Morgan �d�1121�is•�-�,, NOV t996 CC: M &CC CITY MGa RECEIVED IA. CROFFRIENDSWO M : T*a COYSECRETAjR, L L. Taylor 8Z tZ92�ti� r. , .......,� i � ' •. � a.;� .i -. 11/18/96 Dispersed to homeowners today. SHOULD ;T COPIE BACK? DID YOU KNOW? ° That for over a dozen years, we in the townhousos had a back door to a bar opening at our west driveway? That the bar was first shut down for a wAapons violation? That the city allowed the bar to reopen again in violation of the city charter provision that forbids drinking establishments within 200 feet of a residence? That planning to reopen the bar is underway again? That the owner of the strip center is goin^ be"cro the Planning and Zoning commission on Tuesday , November 1 t-) cbtain an "interpretation" of the statute that forbids drinking establishment within 200 feet of a residence? That Planning and Zoning wi;l not know we object unless we :ell them so? I I IaL ..v E...d.... -- FIGHTS LOUD MUSIC PATRONS DRINKING NEXT TO OUR DRIVEWAY BEER CANS THROWN ON OUR PROPEPTY That if you are concerned about the value of your home, the impression our neighborhood conveys to our guests, That if you want the City of Friendswood to realize we are homeowners and voting residents of Friendswood, WE MUST ATTEND THE PLANNWG ANC ZONING MEETING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19 AT 7 P.M. A-T— Cc c Come join your neigbors to convey our point of view o the Planning and Zoning Committee and City Council. g Cc: H. Taylor T m....I-__