HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2021-08-12 RegularCITY OF FRIENDSWOOD
THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 - 7:00 PM
AUGUST 12, 2021
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects
discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a
later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action)
No comments until after the public hearing items. The chairman suspended the rules to allow Mr.
Goeken to speak. He was concerned with the speeding and traffic surrounding the high school.
3.Public Hearing
A.Conduct a public hearing to receive comments both oral and written regarding proposed
amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table to
allow NAICS use #524 Insurance carriers and related activities, #541 Professional,
scientific and technical services, #551 Management of companies and enterprises, and
#561 Administrative and support services as "Permitted" in the Industrial (I) zoning district;
amend Section 8.I.2.Perimeter landscaping and screening to allow the Commission to
consider alternate screening plans for uses interior to a common development; Section
8.J.c. Lighting and glare to increase the foot-candles allowed interior to common
developments; Section 7.5 Community Overlay District (COD) boundary to reduce the
COD boundary on FM 2351 from 300 feet to 150 feet from Beamer Road to Clear Creek;
and Section 20. Definitions to add a definition of Common Development.
Bennett explained the proposed ordinance changes are a result of working with the developer of the
Panhandle PUD. She stated the thought process is for the city to tweak a few ordinances and the
developer to tweak their plans so a PUD would not be necessary. She said the subcommittee has
been working on the ordinance changes for several months, had presented the ordinances to the
full commission once and this presentation is for the final draft.
B.Conduct a public hearing to receive comments, both oral and written, regaridng proposed
amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 8.I.f Preserving Trees to amend
the tree mitigation requirements.
Bennett said the Ordinance Subcommittee had been working on the tree preservation ordinance for
months in response to public concerns with large trees being removed on Friendswood Drive. She
said there are limits to what the city can impose on private owners but the subcommittee increased
the mitigation requirements, added a multiplier for extra large trees, and will be offering credit for
the removal of invasive trees.
Ella Perry, 8 years old, spoke for more protection of Friendswood's large trees.
C.Conduct a public hearing to receive comments, both oral and written, regarding a zone
classification change for approximately 3.65 acres out of 18.0137 acres located along FM
2351 (address not yet assigned), the 18.0137 acres more fully described in 4 tracts:
16.592 acres out of and part of Tract B and C of Lot 63 of the Coffman and Hoidale
Subdivision, .0918 acres out of and part of Tracts B and C, of Lot 63, of the Coffman and
Hoidale Subdivision, and .1119 acres of land out of and part of Division B, of Lot 63 of the
Hoidale-Coffman Addition Subdivision, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas out of the
Perry and Austin League, Abstract 55, Harris County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 3,
Page 6, of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas; and 1.218 acres known as
Restricted Reserve I within the Partial Plat of Industry Park Friendswood, Film Code
688395, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas to change from Community Shopping
Center (CSC) to Industrial (I) so that the entirety of the referenced tracts will be zoned
Industrial (I).
Harbin said the applicant is proposing to change the Community Shopping Center (CSC) frontage
along FM 2351 to Industrial (I) zoning so their whole property would be the same zoning district.
She said the property is currently vacant and the commission will see the project once site plans
are submitted.
D.Conduct a public hearing to receive comments, both oral and written, regarding a zone
classification change for 183.386 acres of land located along both sides of future
Friendswood Lakes Boulevard/Friendswood Parkway, being 183.386 acres of land
consisting of several tracts including 96.224 acres of land in the Mary Fabreau Survey,
Abstract No. 69 and 86.442 acres consisting of Tract 1: 59.521 acres of land situated in
the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract Number 69 and Tract 2: 26.921 acres of land situated
in the I&GNRR Company Survey Number 5, Abstract Number 622, all located in
Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, to change from Avalon at Friendswood Planned
Unit Development (PUD) 2019-37 (156.4717) and unassigned zoning (26.921 acres) to a
revised Avalon at Friendswood Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 183.386
Harbin explained the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment is to include the
portion of land annexed from League City into the Avalon PUD.
Kathryn Parker/META Planning presented a slideshow of the Avalon development including the
additional 27 acres. She said the lot sizes range from 60-foot, 70-foot, and 90-foot lots. She stated
the open space increased from 26% to 39% including the lake area. Parker stated the subdivision
will include a recreation center on the north side of the lake.
Harbin added the city is requiring a street connection from Avalon to the Lakes of San Joaquin but it
would be for emergency personnel only with no pedestrian access.
4.Consent Agenda
These items are considered routine or ministerial in nature and will be enacted with one motion. There will
be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner so requests in which case the item would be
removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.
**Commissioner Catherine Koerner moved to approve items A., B., and D. on the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Tom Hinckley. The motion was approved unanimously.
A.Consider the approval of the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting held
Thursday, July 22, 2021.
B.Consider the approval of the replat of Industry Park Friendswood Reserve I.
C.Consider the approval of the replat of Friendswood ISD High School Campus.
**Commissioner Richard Sasson moved to approve item C. on the Consent Agenda, with
conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Tom Hinckley. The motion was approved unanimously.
Harbin said the school plat is showing a pipeline easement that transects the property but a release
of easement had been located by Bennett late that afternoon. She explained the pipeline has been
sold to a salvage company and will need to be removed from the ground. The applicant needs to
revise the plat and then the commission can reconsider it.
Harbin added that this meeting was to discuss the plat for the school and another meeting will be
held to consider the school's construction plans. She said the plans would be posted on the city
D.Consider the approval of the Replat Reserve A5 of Forest Creek Subdivision.
5.Action Items
According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2019-15), all action of the Commission shall
be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such
Commission meetings.
A.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council regarding
proposed amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use
Table to allow NAICS use #524 Insurance carriers and related activities, #541
Professional, scientific and technical services, #551 Management of companies and
enterprises, and #561 Administrative and support services as "Permitted" in the Industrial
(I) zoning district; amend Section 8.I.2.Perimeter landscaping and screening to allow the
Commission to consider alternate screening plans for uses interior to a common
development; Section 8.J.c. Lighting and glare to increase the foot-candles allowed interior
to common developments; Section 7.5 Community Overlay District (COD) boundary to
reduce the COD boundary on FM 2351 from 300 feet to 150 feet from Beamer Road to
Clear Creek; and Section 20. Definitions to add a definition of Common Development.
**Commissioner Tom Hinckley moved to approve Consideration and possible action regarding a
recommendation to City Council regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table to allow NAICS use #524 Insurance carriers and
related activities, #541 Professional, scientific and technical services, #551 Management of
companies and enterprises, and #561 Administrative and support services as "Permitted" in the
Industrial (I) zoning district; amend Section 8.I.2.Perimeter landscaping and screening to allow the
Commission to consider alternate screening plans for uses interior to a common development;
Section 8.J.c. Lighting and glare to increase the foot-candles allowed interior to common
developments; Section 7.5 Community Overlay District (COD) boundary to reduce the COD
boundary on FM 2351 from 300 feet to 150 feet from Beamer Road to Clear Creek; and Section 20.
Definitions to add a definition of Common Development.. Seconded by Commissioner Catherine
Koerner. The motion was approved unanimously.
B.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council regarding
proposed amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 8.I.f Preserving Trees to
amend the tree mitigation requirements.
**Vice-Chairman Richard Sasson moved to approve Consideration and possible action regarding a
recommendation to City Council regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance Section 8.I.f Preserving Trees to amend the tree mitigation requirements. Seconded by
Commissioner Tom Hinckley. The motion was approved unanimously.
The commissioners thanked Miss Ella Perry for speaking during public comments.
C.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council for the
requested zone classification change for approximately 3.65 acres out of 18.0137 acres
located along FM 2351 (address not yet assigned), the 18.0137 acres more fully described
in 4 tracts: 16.592 acres out of and part of Tract B and C of Lot 63 of the Coffman and
Hoidale Subdivision, .0918 acres out of and part of Tracts B and C, of Lot 63, of the
Coffman and Hoidale Subdivision, and .1119 acres of land out of and part of Division B, of
Lot 63 of the Hoidale-Coffman Addition Subdivision, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas
out of the Perry and Austin League, Abstract 55, Harris County, Texas, as recorded in
Volume 3, Page 6, of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas; and 1.218 acres known
as Restricted Reserve I within the Partial Plat of Industry Park Friendswood, Film Code
688395, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas to change from Community Shopping
Center (CSC) to Industrial (I) so that the entirety of the referenced tracts will be zoned
Industrial (I).
**Commissioner Travis Mann moved to approve Consideration and possible action regarding a
recommendation to City Council for the requested zone classification change for approximately 3.65
acres out of 18.0137 acres located along FM 2351 (address not yet assigned), the 18.0137 acres
more fully described in 4 tracts: 16.592 acres out of and part of Tract B and C of Lot 63 of the
Coffman and Hoidale Subdivision, .0918 acres out of and part of Tracts B and C, of Lot 63, of the
Coffman and Hoidale Subdivision, and .1119 acres of land out of and part of Division B, of Lot 63 of
the Hoidale-Coffman Addition Subdivision, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas out of the Perry
and Austin League, Abstract 55, Harris County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 3, Page 6, of the
Map Records of Harris County, Texas; and 1.218 acres known as Restricted Reserve I within the
Partial Plat of Industry Park Friendswood, Film Code 688395, City of Friendswood, Harris County,
Texas to change from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Industrial (I) so that the entirety of the
referenced tracts will be zoned Industrial (I). Seconded by Commissioner Catherine Koerner. The
motion was approved unanimously.
D.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council for the
requested zone classification change for 183.386 acres of land located along both sides of
future Friendswood Lakes Boulevard/Friendswood Parkway, being 183.386 acres of land
consisting of several tracts including 96.224 acres of land in the Mary Fabreau Survey,
Abstract No. 69 and 86.442 acres consisting of Tract 1: 59.521 acres of land situated in
the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract Number 69 and Tract 2: 26.921 acres of land situated
in the I&GNRR Company Survey Number 5, Abstract Number 622, all located in
Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, to change from Avalon at Friendswood Planned
Unit Development (PUD) 2019-37 (156.4717) and unassigned zoning (26.921 acres) to a
revised Avalon at Friendswood Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 183.386
**Commissioner Catherine Koerner moved to approve Consideration and possible action regarding
a recommendation to City Council for the requested zone classification change for 183.386 acres of
land located along both sides of future Friendswood Lakes Boulevard/Friendswood Parkway, being
183.386 acres of land consisting of several tracts including 96.224 acres of land in the Mary
Fabreau Survey, Abstract No. 69 and 86.442 acres consisting of Tract 1: 59.521 acres of land
situated in the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract Number 69 and Tract 2: 26.921 acres of land
situated in the I&GNRR Company Survey Number 5, Abstract Number 622, all located in
Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, to change from Avalon at Friendswood Planned Unit
Development (PUD) 2019-37 (156.4717) and unassigned zoning (26.921 acres) to a revised Avalon
at Friendswood Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 183.386 acres. Seconded by
Commissioner Tom Hinckley. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mann told the developer they need to be very upfront with potential buyers since the majority of this
subdivision will be zoned to Friendswood ISD and a small portion will be zoned to Clear Creek ISD.
Sasson commented that the annexed lots around the lake are smaller than the ones on the original
PUD. Parker responded that lot sizes are in response to marketability. Sasson also commented that
the lake is being included in the open space percentage when the lake is part of a detention
requirement and is misleading.
E.Consideration and possible action regarding a request to extend the 30-day period for the
processing of the preliminary plat of Industry Park Friendswood Phase II per LGC Chapter
212 Section 212.009.
**Commissioner Marcus Perry moved to approve Consideration and possible action regarding a
request to extend the 30-day period for the processing of the preliminary plat of Industry Park
Friendswood Phase II per LGC Chapter 212 Section 212.009. Seconded by Vice-Chairman Richard
Sasson. The motion was approved unanimously.
Harbin explained state law allows for an applicant to request a 30-day extension during plat review.
She explained the developer is working through some civil engineering.
F.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Industry Park
Friendswood Phase II a subdivision of 15.0127 acres, 5.7179 acres of land being a replat
of Reserve A of the BSR Subdivision No. 1 out of Lot 63 Divisions "B" & "C" of Hoidale-
Coffman Addition, Volume 3 , Page 6 Harris County Map Records in the Perry and Austin
League, Abstract 55, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas (missing remainder of
legal description).
**Vice-Chairman Richard Sasson moved to table Consideration and possible action regarding the
Preliminary Plat of Industry Park Friendswood Phase II a subdivision of 15.0127 acres, 5.7179
acres of land being a replat of Reserve A of the BSR Subdivision No. 1 out of Lot 63 Divisions "B" &
"C" of Hoidale-Coffman Addition, Volume 3 , Page 6 Harris County Map Records in the Perry and
Austin League, Abstract 55, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas (missing remainder of legal
description). Seconded by Commissioner Travis Mann. The motion was approved unanimously.
G.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council to amend
Resolution 2020-17 Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure.
**Vice-Chairman Richard Sasson moved to discuss Consideration and possible action regarding a
recommendation to City Council to amend Resolution 2020-17 Planning and Zoning Rules of
Procedure.. Seconded by Hinckley. The motion was approved unanimously.
Harbin said City Council just updated their rules of procedure and staff is updating the commission's
rules to be the same format. She said the major changes are to reduce public comment speaking
from five minutes to three minutes. The rules of procedure also set out the template for public
hearings allowing a staff presentation followed by an applicant presentation limited to 15-minutes.
After the presentations, public comments for that particular item would be five minutes.
Fischer mentioned that council changed the order of their agenda to allow the public hearing
followed immediately by the action item. Harbin said she would discuss with the City Secretary on
how to make the same change for the commission.
Mann said he was unsure about limiting general public comments to three minutes. Matranga said
the chairman has the authority to allow more or less time, as well.
6.Discussion Items
A.Receive an update from the Planning Subcommittee regarding progress on the Future
Land Use Map update.
Perry presented a slide show of the subcommittee's proposed changes to the Future Land Use Map
following public input. He said there was one property that received a lot of push back, the Todd
property at the corner of Winding Way and FM 518. Perry said the property will be left designated
on the map as low density residential due to push back from the neighbors. He said the property
owner will need to apply for a zone change if they ever want to develop it differently, either way.
Perry talked about property along FM 528 that backs up to residential homes in the Sunmeadow
subdivision. He said the property owner requested it be identified as future commercial use.
Hinckley agreed he did not see someone building a home on the property along FM 528.
Koerner expressed concern with updating the Future Land Use Map from residential to commercial
without notifying the adjacent neighbors. Harbin explained the Future Land Use Map and the
Comprehensive Plan are long range planning tools that the city is required by law to have. She said
this process is not zoning and should a property owner wish to apply for a zone change, the
properties within 200-feet would then be notified.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
A.Consider setting the next Planning and Zoning Commission regular meetings for (i)
Thursday, August 26, 2021, and (ii) Thursday, September 9, 2021.
A.Receive information from Commissioners to include but not limited to suggestions for
future agenda items, general comments and/or updates from liaison assignments.
No comments.
B.Receive an update on tasks from the Planning Subcommittee.
No comments.
C.Receive an update on tasks from the Ordinance Subcommittee.
No comments.
D.Receive general comments and communication from City Council Liaison, Trish Hanks.
Hanks provided an update from City Council including a flat tax rate of 48 cents. She also
mentioned today had been declared Colonel Drew Morgan Day in Friendswood and the morning's
reception was a great celebration. Hanks announced for Movies in the Park, the movie Trolls, would
be playing on Friday.
Hanks said the TxDOT sidewalks project had begun to be followed by upgraded traffic lights. She
said the ribbon cutting for Friendswood Lakes Blvd (Friendswood Parkway) has been delayed due
to rain.
E.Receive information from Staff regarding the June 2021 DRC Report, commercial and
residential project updates, City Council action and ordinance updates.
Harbin said the June 2021 DRC report had been sent out. She added that the TxDOT project would
see 6-foot concrete sidewalks plus 1-foot brick ribbons on each side. Harbin said the six
intersections through Downtown would be getting black, powder coated traffic signals and make a
huge improvement.
This meeting was adjourned at 08:35 PM.