HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2020-09-10 RegularCITY OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 ­ 7:00 PM Minutes MINUTES OF A FRIENDSWOOD REGULAR MEETING HELD AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD  DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXASFRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS,  STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 1.Call to order MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THAT WAS HELD ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2020, AT 07:00 PM 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS CHAIRMAN JOE MATRANGA VICE­CHAIRMAN RICHARD SASSON COMMISSIONER BRETT BANFIELD COMMISSIONER TOM HINCKLEY COMMISSIONER LISA LUNDQUIST COMMISSIONER MARCUS PERRY DIRECTOR OF CDD/PLANNER AUBREY HARBIN DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BECKY BENNETT  COMMISSIONER CLARK, CITY ATTORNEY FISCHER, AND COUNCIL LIAISON GRIFFON  WERE ABSENT FROM THE MEETING.  2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action) No comments. 3.Public Hearing A.To receive comments, both oral and written, regarding: A zone classification change located at 213 E. Heritage Drive, 2.504 acres, of land out of and being part of Lot 12, Block 2 of Friendswood Subdivision, a map or plat thereof recorded under Volume 7, Page 20 of the Galveston County Map  Records (G.C.M.R.), being that certain tract of land described in deed to Friendswood Realty under File No. 2010040672 of the Official Public Records of Galveston County, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, to change from Single Family Residential (SFR), Multi­Family Residential Low Density (MFR­L), and Multi­Family Residential Low Density / Specific Use Permit to allow an Institution for the Aged (MFR­L/SUP Institution for the Aged) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Harbin explained the applicant is proposing a single­family residential development where the  former Friendswood Health Care Center has been demolished. She said the property will need to  be platted to create the smaller lots and that will also clean up some right­of­way issues. Harbin  said Heritage Drive is not constructed within the dedicated ROW. She stated the applicant is  proposing to use the Multi­Family Residential­Low Density (MFR­L) zoning district as a base which  allows 6 units per acre for a total of 12 lots on the project. She said the proposed lot size starts at  35­feet wide with elevated structures. Harbin said the applicant still has a few items of note to work  out such as fire hydrant spacing and an approved fire truck turn around on Shady Nook.  Harold Benson/applicant presented a slideshow including a letter from the city to the previous  owner regarding elevating the structures. He explained the ground level would be garages at about  1500 sq ft. He said the PUD would allow the homeowner to own the land and maintain it instead of  creating a Property Owner Association to manage common areas. He said the proposal is the same density as what is allowed in the existing zoning district. Benson said the smallest lots would  be on Quaker Drive and the development would yield over 60% green space. Benson said five of  the lots would be larger than the minimum garden home lot sizes. Benson showed pictures of a  development in San Francisco called the Painted Sisters.  4.Consent Agenda These items are considered routine or ministerial in nature and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner so requests in which case the item would be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. A.Minutes of the regular meeting held Thursday, August 27, 2020 **Vice­Chairman Richard Sasson moved to approve Minutes of the regular meeting held Thursday, August 27, 2020. Seconded by Commissioner Tom Hinckley.  The motion was approved unanimously. 5.Action Items According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2019­15), all action of the Commission shall be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such Commission meetings. A. Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council for the requested zone classification change located at 213 E. Heritage Drive, 2.504 acres, of land out of and being part of Lot 12, Block 2 of Friendswood Subdivision, a map or plat thereof recorded under Volume 7, Page 20 of the Galveston County Map  Records (G.C.M.R.), being that certain tract of land described in deed to Friendswood Realty under File No. 2010040672 of the Official Public Records of Galveston County, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, to change from Single Family Residential (SFR), Multi­Family Residential Low Density (MFR­L), and Multi­Family Residential Low Density / Specific Use Permit to allow an Institution for the Aged (MFR­L/SUP Institution for the Aged) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) **Commissioner Brett Banfield moved to approve the Consideration and possible action regarding  a recommendation to City Council for the requested zone classification change located at 213 E.  Heritage Drive, 2.504 acres, of land out of and being part of Lot 12, Block 2 of Friendswood  Subdivision, a map or plat thereof recorded under Volume 7, Page 20 of the Galveston County  Map  Records (G.C.M.R.), being that certain tract of land described in deed to Friendswood Realty  under File No. 2010040672 of the Official Public Records of Galveston County, Friendswood,  Galveston County, Texas, to change from Single Family Residential (SFR), Multi­Family  Residential Low Density (MFR­L), and Multi­Family Residential Low Density / Specific Use Permit  to allow an Institution for the Aged (MFR­L/SUP Institution for the Aged) to Planned Unit  Development (PUD)   Seconded by  Commissioner Lisa Lundquist.  Banfield said he is in favor of the proposed PUD because the density would be lower, have an  increase in green space, and not increase the impervious cover. Banfield said Friendswood needs  other types of housing for citizens other than 90­foot lots. He said he has no flood concerns since  the buildings would be elevated. Banfield stated redevelopment of in­fill lot using a PUD is good so  the neighbors know what is coming.  Lundquist said she has no issues with the use and thinks it would be a huge improvement. She  asked what would become of the green space across Heritage Drive. Benson answered there is  not enough room to build a structure but would be some type of green space for the residents. He  said the Property Owner's Association would be responsible for that land.  Perry stated he was torn based on the aesthetic changes it would bring to the neighborhood plus  the smaller lot width. He said a deviation from a 7000 square foot lot to a 4000 square foot lot size  was concerning.  Sasson asked Harbin what the deviations from existing zoning district were. She said the  applicant is asking for narrower lots from 45' down to 35'; smaller lot area from 7000 sq ft down to  4000 sq ft, and to build single family units instead of multi­family units. Sasson said he appreciates  the approach of building elevated homes but worries about what it will look like in the  neighborhood.  space. He said the proposal is inconsistent with surrounding properties and 12 homes seems very dense. Hinckley stated he had mixed opinions. He said he does not like the narrow lots but that is would be nice to see the area developed. He said the fire truck turn around at Shady Nook is a big concern that has not been addressed. Harold Benson stated they would be proposing a t­head to meet the lot frontage requirements but that he does not have an answer for fire truck turn­around. Edwin Benson stated the current road does not meet code either. He said as the property is zoned they can put 12 units but those units would be on one lot. He said Friendswood wants their own piece of dirt and they are asking for a variance so you can own the dirt. Hinckley asked if they would be selling the lots or developing the lots. Harold Benson stated he is not a builder. Hinckley expressed concern with not having a consistent builder across the lots. Perry said the current zoning would allow for the proposal if the units were sold condominium style. Harold Benson said the homes are more marketable to own the land and the building. Edwin Benson said they could push the units together and add common stairwell to meet code but their sales people didn't like that idea. Harbin confirmed the current zoning would allow condo style without any exceptions. Harold Benson said the land was not cheap and he wants to get the most out of the land. Matranga said he is also torn. He stated he would like to see it developed and would be receptive to a developer needing help with a difficult piece of property. Matranga said what gave him pause is the fact that the Bensons said they want to maximize lots. Matranga also said the conceptual drawings look nice but are not locked in with the zone change. He said the homes being only 10 feet apart is also concerning. Harbin said staff can include the conceptual drawings as an exhibit which would become part of the PUD. She said West Ranch and Friendswood Trails are developments with 5­foot setbacks. Matranga explained he is more concerned with three story buildings being only 10­feet apart. Matranga stated a PUD cannot be used to get around the zoning ordinance. He said the PUD met some of the requirements of a PUD but not all. Hinckley expressed concern that approving 35­foot lots would open it up for others and was worried for future consequences. Banfield amended his motion to include the first floor must be fully enclosed and require a 10­foot building line from abutting properties. Lundquist seconded the motion. Edwin Benson/son showed a picture of townhouses in Seabrook. He said he has lived here a long  time and swam down FM 518 in the 1979 flood. Benson said they need to build up and their  proposal is a new idea that is pushing the edge. Sasson clarified that they all appreciate building up in a flood plain but the only vote on the agenda is in regards to allowing smaller lots. Sasson explained the zone change runs with the land and is not tied to the applicant. He said the density feels tighter after subtracting the road and green space. He said the proposal is inconsistent with surrounding properties and 12 homes seems very dense. Hinckley stated he had mixed opinions. He said he does not like the narrow lots but that it would be nice to see the area developed. He said the fire truck turn around at Shady Nook is a big concern that has not been addressed. Harold Benson stated they would be proposing a t-head to meet the lot frontage requirements but that he does not have an answer for fire truck turn-around. Edwin Benson stated the current road does not meet code either. He said as the property is zoned they can put 12 units but those units would be on one lot. He said Friendswood wants their own piece of dirt and they are asking for a variance so you can own the dirt. Hinckley asked if they would be selling the lots or developing the lots. Harold Benson stated he is not a builder. Hinckley expressed concern with not having a consistent builder across the lots. Perry said the current zoning would allow for the proposal if the units were sold condominium style. Harold Benson said the homes are more marketable to own the land and the building. Edwin Benson said they could push the units together and add common stairwell to meet code but their sales people did not like that idea. Harbin confirmed the current zoning would allow condo style without any exceptions. Harold Benson said the land was not cheap and he wants to get the most out of the land. Matranga said he is also torn. He stated he would like to see it developed and would be receptive to a developer needing help with a difficult piece of property. Matranga said what gave him pause is the fact that the Bensons said they want to maximize lots. Matranga also said the conceptual drawings look nice but are not locked in with the zone change. He said the homes being only 10 feet apart is also concerning. Harbin said staff can include the conceptual drawings as an exhibit which would become part of the PUD. She said West Ranch and Friendswood Trails are other developments with 5-foot setbacks. Matranga explained he is more concerned with three story buildings being only 10-feet apart. Matranga stated a PUD cannot be used to get around the zoning ordinance. He said the PUD met some of the requirements of a PUD but not all. Hinckley expressed concern that approving 35-foot lots would open it up for others and was worried for future consequences. Banfield amended his motion to include the first floor must be fully enclosed and require a 10-foot building line from abutting properties. Lundquist seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-1 with Commissioner Perry opposed. 6.Discussion Items A.Discussion regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance "Section 7. I. Downtown District (DD), general purpose and description" to add a reference to Section 20. Definitions, "Section 7.Q.2. Commercial Regulation Matrix" to add subnote l defining height maximum, "Section 7.Q.3. Area and Height Exceptions" to amend the height exceptions, and "Section 20. Definitions ­ Height" to remove a duplicate requirement Harbin presented the final draft of proposed changes to the building height ordinance.  Matranga said he has no further comments past the previous meetings. Perry said he could not  support the changes because it opens the city up to unintended consequences. Lundquist stated the language looks as good as it is going to get and she has no issues moving  forward. Sasson stated he cannot improve on the proposed change. Sasson said he does not think  it is the correct course of action and will not be supporting the change. Banfield said staff did a  great job on the unicorn of ordinances. He said he would not support the ordinance change on a  matter of principal. Banfield stated using an SUP was the way to go from the beginning to allow the  church a special exception.  Harbin said staff will move forward with the newspaper notice for the hearing and come back next  month.  7.Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates A.Regular meeting ­ Thursday, September 24, 2020 Regular meeting ­ Thursday, October 8, 2020 8.Communications A.From Commissioners ­ suggestions for future agenda items, general comments and/or updates from liaison assignments Banfield said they would be firing up the planning subcommittee soon. He said the planning  subcommittee consisted of himself, Perry and Lundquist. Banfield announced that Jerry Ericsson  had passed away. He said Ericsson was a 3 term City Councilman and President of the Rotary.  Banfield said the memorial service would be held Saturday at Stevenson park, with a flyover and  then he would be buried in Arlington. Banfield said Ericsson would be missed.   Sasson also stated he would miss his friend. He said the service time would be at 10:30am.  Sasson said the ordinance subcommittee would be meeting soon. He said he attended the  GCCDD meeting and found that 83,510 truckloads of dirt had been removed from the Imperial  Estates detention area so far. He said the drainage district is making lots of progress.  B.From Planning Subcommittee – update on tasks No further comments. C.From Ordinance Subcommittee – update on tasks No further comments. D.From City Council Liaison, Robert Griffon ­ general comments and communication from City Council Not present.  E.From Staff ­ Commercial and residential project updates, City Council action and ordinance updates Harbin said the Friendswood Link zone change had been withdrawn and would not be on City  Council's agenda for Monday.  9.Adjournment This meeting was adjourned at 08:44 PM.