HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2019-05-06 Special, Joint Public Hearing w/ City Council PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Joint Public Hearing 1. The Joint Public Hearing began at 7:05pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Joe Matranga Commissioner Brett Banfield Commissioner Richard Sasson Commissioner Eric Guenther Commissioner Dick Clark Commissioner Lisa Lundquist Mary Kay Fischer, City Attorney City Council Becky Summers, Development Coordinator Morad Kabiri, City Manager Aubrey Harbin, City Planner/Director of CDD Absent: Perry 2. Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding: a. Proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8. N. 1. Geographic limits” regarding proposed amendments to the established boundary of the Downtown District Harbin stated the ordinance changes had been discussed with Council previously in a work session. She explained a resident requested the Downtown District boundary be expanded to include their property at 110 Whispering Pines Ave. She said the boundary is currently tied to the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and the Downtown District 4B sales tax. b. Proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8. F. Off-street parking and loading regulations” to relocate DD related language to “Section 8.N.3. Parking” and amendments to reduce the head in parking distance requirement from 400 feet to 75 feet, including minor grammatical corrections Harbin said the subcommittee recommends reducing head in parking from a 400-foot to 75-foot distance from FM 518. She explained the distance requirement would then correspond to driveway spacing requirements in the Design Criteria Manual. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL & REGULAR MEETING HELD MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS & 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 May 6, 2019 P & Z Meeting c. Proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 7.I.” and “Section 8.N.4.” to allow cement fiber board installed as lap siding in the Downtown District (DD); “Section 8.N.4.” to change the fenestration requirements in the Downtown District (DD), and “Section 8.N.4.” to restate that service laterals must be installed underground, prohibit garage bay doors from fronting FM 518 in certain situations, limit exterior building colors to earth tone colors, require that screening materials match the main structure and add a reference to dumpster screening requirements, including minor grammatical corrections Harbin stated the proposed change would allow cement fiber board be used as façade material in the Downtown District. She said the material must be installed as lap siding and would not allow flat sheets of the material. Harbin said the subcommittee recommends reducing fenestration requirements. She said the other amendments would add the same requirements as the Community Overlay District to the Downtown District. d. Proposed amendments Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8.N.8. Adjacent property, buffer maintenance and installation” duplicating requirements for buffering from “Section I.2. Perimeter landscaping and screening;” and amendments to “Section 8.N.3. Parking” duplicating requirements for parking from “Section I.2.c. Off-street parking landscaping;” and relocating language PUD modification from “Section 8.H. Modification of standards proposed within a PUD” to “Section 7.J. PUD, planned unit development, general purpose and description,” including minor grammatical corrections Harbin said this section of proposed changes were staff “clean up” items plus relocating sections to make more sense. e. Proposed amendments to Appendix A Sign Ordinance “Section 9 Prohibited Signs” to prohibit LED storefront lights in the Downtown District boundary Harbin said the proposed change would prohibit LED lights in storefront windows in the Downtown District. She said any business with existing lights would be notified with a timeframe to come into compliance and remove the prohibited lighting. 3. The Joint Public Hearing adjourned at 7:12pm. Regular Meeting 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:15pm with the same people in attendance minus the City Attorney, City Manager, and City Council. 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) 3 May 6, 2019 P & Z Meeting None. Action Items According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2010-09), all action of the Commission shall be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such Commission meetings. 3. Consent agenda These items are considered routine or ministerial in nature and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner or citizen so requests in which case the item would be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. A. Minutes from April 18, 2019 Motion to approve: Clark Second: Sasson Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Action Items According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2010-09), all action of the Commission shall be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such Commission meetings. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8. N. 1. Geographic limits” regarding proposed amendments to the established boundary of the Downtown District Motion to approve: Sasson Second: Banfield Vote: 1 to 5 Matranga in Favor Motion Failed Sasson said he was not in support of changing the boundary for a single individual. He said the Harris’ had other avenues they could pursue. Banfield said ditto. Lundquist said she felt the same way. Matranga stated he was in favor of the change. He said the Harris’ made a credible argument that the land would be more valuable if both were in the Downtown District. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8. F. Off-street parking and loading regulations” to relocate DD related language to “Section 8.N.3. Parking” and amendments to reduce the head in parking distance requirement from 400 feet to 75 feet, including minor grammatical corrections Motion to approve: Guenther Second: Lundquist Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed 4 May 6, 2019 P & Z Meeting Harbin said the change would be consistent with the Design Criteria Manual. Sasson said the subcommittee felt it was a good distance. Banfield stated the change was common sense. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 7.I.” and “Section 8.N.4.” to allow cement fiber board installed as lap siding in the Downtown District (DD); “Section 8.N.4.” to change the fenestration requirements in the Downtown District (DD), and “Section 8.N.4.” to restate that service laterals must be installed underground, prohibit garage bay doors from fronting FM 518 in certain situations, limit exterior building colors to earth tone colors, require that screening materials match the main structure and add a reference to dumpster screening requirements, including minor grammatical corrections Motion to approve: Sasson Second: Lundquist Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Sasson said the subcommittee had talked about the changes in depth. He said he was personally excited for the underground utility requirement. Sasson supported all the changes. Clark asked what colors were considered “earth tone” colors. Harbin stated a definition of earth tone colors was being proposed with this ordinance change. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance “Section 8.N.8. Adjacent property, buffer maintenance and installation” duplicating requirements for buffering from “Section I.2. Perimeter landscaping and screening;” and amendments to “Section 8.N.3. Parking” duplicating requirements for parking from “Section I.2.c. Off-street parking landscaping;” and relocating language PUD modification from “Section 8.H. Modification of standards proposed within a PUD” to “Section 7.J. PUD, planned unit development, general purpose and description,” including minor grammatical corrections Motion to approve: Clark Second: Banfield Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Clark said the Commission had spoken about this for a while and he intended to support the motion. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix A Sign Ordinance “Section 9 Prohibited Signs” to prohibit LED storefront lights in the Downtown District boundary Motion to approve: Guenther Second: Clark Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed 5 May 6, 2019 P & Z Meeting Harbin said she received an email from a resident/business that was in favor of prohibiting LED storefront lights in the Downtown District. 9. Consideration and possible action regarding site plan approval for an addition to the Salem Square Apartments building located at 107 Clearview Ave. Motion to approve: Lundquist Second: Guenther Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Harbin said the existing apartment complex was proposing to add a porch to help identify the main office area. She explained the complex was located on two sides of a public street and the office was hard to locate. Lundquist said it was a lovely change. Sasson asked if the structure would be free- standing or attached. Jontè Fleming/Regional Manager said it would look attached but the cover is actually free-standing. Banfield stated his father built the complex in 1971 and that is where they use to run their corporate office. He said it brought back memories. Clark asked what the front building setback was. Harbin said the front setback is 25-feet and the structure would sit 47-feet back. Sasson asked if there was an apartment behind the new porch. Fleming answered the door shown was for the maintenance room. 10. Consideration and possible action regarding site plan approval for an addition to the building located at 407 S. Friendswood Drive. Motion to approve: Clark Second: Banfield Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Harbin explained the existing building was used by Gilbreath Outdoor Advertising, who was proposing to add onto the left side of the building. She said the plan complies with the Downtown District requirements and staff had no outstanding comments. Sasson said there were some magnolia trees in the area of the proposed addition and asked if they were keeping the trees. Sean Rives/Designer said they were keeping any trees they physically could. Lundquist asked if they were making it one big building. Rives answered yes, there would be one entrance but multiple exits. Clark asked if the new portion would be for the current tenants. Jim Peterson explained that he and Brett Gilbreath own, and office, from the building. He said they need more room to hire more staff. 11. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission 6 May 6, 2019 P & Z Meeting meeting dates Harbin said the next regular meeting would be on Thursday, May 16th at 7:00pm. She said beginning in June, the Commission would meet on the second and fourth Thursdays. She said there should be a couple zone changes on for June 13th. 12. Communications from the Commission a. Commissioners – no comments. b. Ordinance Subcommittee Update – On hold. c. Planning Subcommittee Update – On hold. d. Staff – No comments. 13. The regular meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Summers Becky Summers Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary