HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2019-01-03 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING 1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance: Commissioner Joe Matranga Commissioner Richard Sasson Commissioner Lisa Lundquist Commissioner Brett Banfield Commissioner Marcus Perry Commissioner Eric Guenther Becky Summers, Development Coordinator Commissioner Dick Clark Aubrey Harbin, Director of CDD/Planner City Attorney Mary K. Fischer 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) No public comments. 3. Consent agenda These items are considered routine or ministerial in nature and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner or citizen so requests in which case the item would be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. A. Minutes from December 6, 2018 Motion to approve: Sasson Second: Lundquist Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Action Items MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2019 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS January 3, 2019 P & Z Meeting According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2010-09), all action of the Commission shall be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such Commission meetings. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the site plan for Chick-Fil-A to be located at 1757 S. Friendswood Drive Motion to approve with staff comments: Banfield Second: Perry Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Harbin said Chick-Fil-A was proposing a new restaurant to be built left of the Virgata Commons buildings under construction. She said staff had a few clerical comments on the plans and the developer was in the middle of replatting the property. She said the property was located in the Community Overlay District (COD) and the design met the COD requirements. Harbin also mentioned the restaurant would be exceeding the parking requirements. Lundquist asked if they would be making corrections on the lighting. Harbin said the lighting must be in compliance. Clark questioned the parking requirements and stacking spaces. Harbin said the plan exceeds the City’s required parking spaces and anything in excess would be determined by the business owner. She said the City has technical specifications for aisle widths ,etc. but stacking spaces for a busy fast food place would be defaulted to the restaurant operator. Guenther asked if Chick-Fil-A would be installing a sidewalk. Harbin said the development would be installing a sidewalk to match the adjacent properties. Guenther commented on the poor maintenance of the nearby detention pond. He asked who maintained the pond and if they were still going to install a trail system. Harbin answered the pond was owned by Virgata Properties and maintained by a property owner association. Guenther asked how to drive them to make it look better. Harbin said the closer the buildings are to being completed, the pond will be addressed. She said the property owner will want their entire development to be aesthetically pleasing. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Roberston Estate, 12.15 acres out of Tracts “A” and “B” of division of Lot 3 and 4, Block J, Central Park Subdivision in the Sarah McKissick or J.R. Williams League, Abstract 151, Galveston County, Texas, according to the plat of Central Park Subdivision recorded in Volume 105, Page 151, in the Office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Clark Second: Sasson Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Harbin stated this was a 12 acre tract of land zoned Single Family Residential. She said some of the Commissioners had questioned why a single lot would be platting. Harbin explained property must be platted or qualify for a platting exemption before permits can be issued. She said the exemption was for properties five acres or less and without creating January 3, 2019 P & Z Meeting easements. She said staff had minor corrections that needed to be addressed but they were labeling issues, not design issues. Lundquist said the plat had a note regarding the 1999 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) but the City had adopted new ones. Harbin answer staff would have it corrected. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Industry Park Friendswood, 7.9874 acres out of Lot 64 Division “D,” of Hoidale-Coffman Addition Volume 3, Page 6 Harris County Map Records in the Perry and Austin League, Abstract 55 City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas Motion to approve: Guenther Second: Lundquist Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Harbin explained this plat was to divide eight acres into seven commercial reserves. She said the property is zoned light industrial and located off of FM 2351 by the Timber Creek Golf Club. Harbin said access would be gained through private access easements. She said the City is currently working with the land owner to improve the road to the adjacent City water plant. Stephanie Canady/Coastal Bend Development stated they have one business looking forward to moving to Friendswood already. Clark asked if access would be through the same road as the golf club. Canady answered this tract was about a block down from the golf club road and they would be widening and improving the road. Lundquist said this plat also referenced the 1999 FIRM to which Harbin explained that the 1999 map is the version FEMA recognizes. Perry mentioned the lot was very wooded and asked if they would be paying into the City’s tree fund. Harbin said tree mitigation is reviewed during site plan review. Guenther asked when they planned to start development. Canady said they are looking to be done with the first building in 2019. 7. Presentation of the “Downtown Improvement Plan” by Ron Cox on behalf of the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation Harbin explained the FDEDC had hired a consulting firm to formulate a plan for public property. Ron Cox presented a condensed Power Point of the Downtown District Improvement Plan to the Commission. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance, Section 8. Supplementary District Regulations to add landscaping requirements and dumpster screening requirements Motion to approve: Sasson Second: Clark Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed January 3, 2019 P & Z Meeting Summers stated the City is due to renew its Scenic City application and staff had found several areas to gain points by adding language into the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. She stated many of the requirements are “low hanging fruit” being items the City already practices but does not have in writing. Summers read through the proposed changes regarding landscaping and dumpster screening. Sasson said the subcommittee discussed the changes and thought the items were “no brainers.” Lundquist commented none of the items seemed controversial and they made sense. 9. Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix B, Subdivision Ordinance, Section IV. Parkland Dedication, f. Additional Requirements Motion to approve: Banfield Second: Clark Vote: 7 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Summers said the proposed language would specify a maximum of twenty percent impervious cover in parks unless otherwise approved by the City. She said the change would gain the City five points on the Scenic City application. Summers said the current ranking of Friendswood was Bronze level and with all the proposed ordinance changes, the City could qualify for not only Silver level but most likely Gold level. 10. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Harbin said the next regular meeting date was Thursday, January 17th. She said there would be a Joint Public Hearing on February 4th to discuss the ordinance changes for the Scenic City application. 11. Communications a. Commissioners – none. b. Ordinance Subcommitte – Sasson said the subcommittee would be bringing for discussion changes to public hearing schedules. He said the other item to think about was changing meeting days from Thursdays to Mondays. c. Planning Subcommitte – No comments. d. Downtown District Subcommittee – Matranga said they had one more meeting before bringing items to the Commission. e. Council Liaison – Branson said tonight’s agenda was like Christmas for her with lots of subjects near and dear to her. f. Staff – No comments. January 3, 2019 P & Z Meeting 12. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Summers Becky Summers Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary