HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2019-01-17 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING 1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance: Commissioner Joe Matranga Commissioner Richard Sasson Commissioner Lisa Lundquist Commissioner Brett Banfield Commissioner Marcus Perry Commissioner Eric Guenther Becky Summers, Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin, Director of CDD/Planner City Attorney Mary K. Fischer Absent: Clark 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) No public comments. 3. Consent agenda These items are considered routine or ministerial in nature and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner or citizen so requests in which case the item would be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. A. Minutes from December 4, 2018 B. Minutes from January 3, 2019 C. Howard Subdivision Partial Replat No. 2 Motion to approve: Sasson Second: Lundquist MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS January 17, 2019 P & Z Meeting Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed Action Items According to the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedure (R2010-09), all action of the Commission shall be made by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the Commission present at such Commission meetings. 4. Discussion regarding the difference in Joint Public Hearings and separate Public Hearings and public hearing notice requirements as they pertain to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance Section 15. Amendments and the Local Government Code Chapter 211, Municipal Zoning Authority Motion to discuss: Sasson Second: Banfield Harbin said the Ordinance Subcommittee had been discussing a change from joint public hearings to holding separate public hearings. She said state law allows for either one and the City currently holds joint public hearings. Harbin explained that City Council use to meet twice a month and the City also employed outside legal counsel which allowed for multiple attorneys to attend meetings. Harbin said the intent is not to delay developers but to allow the Commission to research large applications such as Planned Unit Developments. She read the list of pros and cons the subcommittee presented along with a table benchmarking other cities. Harbin said the City of Pearland holds Joint Public Hearings and Councilperson Branson clarified that Pearland does not hold their regular Commission meeting following the Joint Public Hearing while Council is meeting. Sasson said the subcommittee had met and discussed the benefits of holding separate hearings and they now wanted to get the full Commission’s opinion. He said the biggest upside of holding separate hearings would be having legal counsel present. Sasson said he also feels Council should be briefed on the Commission’s recommendations. Banfield said, as a Commissioner, he thought separate hearings was a great idea. He said if Council adjourns before the Commission makes a recommendation then a developer would be postponed 30 days anyway. Banfield said he also dislikes meeting upstairs. Banfield explained, as a developer, he has no problem with the time frame, as long as it is disclosed upfront. Guenther asked if staff was okay with having an additional meeting for public hearing items. Harbin said the pros outweigh the cons. Summers agreed the benefit of having the City Attorney present and the formality of Council Chambers were huge. Harbin added that emailing applicants directions on which meeting to attend, where it is held, when to go back down to Chambers, etc. was very confusing for applicants. 5. Discussion regarding Planning and Zoning Commission meeting days and times as they pertain to Resolution 2010-09 Rules of Procedure for the Planning and Zoning Commission Motion to discuss: Guenther Second: Sasson January 17, 2019 P & Z Meeting Harbin said another idea that had been discussed along with public hearings was to move the Commission’s meeting date. She said if the process remains to hold joint public hearings, moving the regular meeting day to Monday could make sense. The commissioners discussed and decided to tackle the public hearing item for now and possibly revisit changing meeting days in the future. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Harbin said the next regular meeting date was Thursday, February 7th but there would be a Joint Public Hearing on February 4th to discuss the ordinance changes for the Scenic City application. Motion to move the regular meeting to February 4: Banfield Second: Sasson Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion Passed 7. Communications a. Commissioners – Lundquist said the Keep Friendswood Beautiful tree giveaway had been postponed until January 26th. b. Ordinance Subcommittee – No comments. c. Planning Subcommittee – Banfield said the Planning Subcommittee would reconvene when the Downtown District subcommittee was no longer meeting. d. Downtown District Subcommittee – Matranga said the subcommittee was still working. e. Council Liaison – Branson said when she was a Commissioner, she did not enjoy holding meetings upstairs without legal counsel. She said now that she is on City Council, she would like to hear the Commission’s comments regarding public hearing items. She stated the benefits of separate public hearings would be of better service to the citizens. f. Staff – Harbin told the Commission that several elected officials and volunteers had received a letter from a concerned West Ranch resident. Harbin explained the writer is concerned about a possible real estate purchase in West Ranch. She said if property is sold between plats, staff would review the replats for compliance, once submitted. Harbin directed anyone with questions to contact herself or Becky Summers. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Summers Becky Summers Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary