HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2017-06-15 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in
Chairman Craig Lovell Commissioner Brett Banfield
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Tony Annan
Commissioner Richard Sasson Commissioner Rich Borghese
Becky Summers, Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin, City Planner
Morad Kabiri, Director of Community Dev.
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent agenda:
a. Minutes from June 1, 2017 regular meeting
Motion to approve: Sasson
Second: Neel
Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion passed
4. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Mills Estates , a
subdivision of 10.615 acres in the A. Jackson Survey, A-625, also being a replat of Lot 6
of the George Van Pelt’s Subdivision recorded in Volume 14, Page 34, Map Records of
Galveston County, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
Motion to approve: Banfield
Second: Borghese
AT 7:00 PM
June 16, 2017 P & Z Meeting
Harbin explained this was a preliminary plat and the Commission would see it again for
final plat. She said the applicant is requesting to subdivide 1702 Lundy Lane into two lots.
She said the lots meet the City’s minimum lot size requirements and staff only had some
clerical comments remaining to be addressed.
Motion amended to approve subject to staff comments: Banfield
Second: Borghese
Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion passed
5. Consideration and possible action regarding the site plan for Lidl Grocery Store to be
located at 1743 S. Friendswood Dr.
Motion to approve subject to staff comments: Borghese
Second: Annan
Harbin explained the proposed project was a grocery store to be located behind Jack-In-
The-Box at FM 518 and FM 528. She said the site is located in the Community Overlay
District and the applicant had met all COD requirements. She stated the applicant was
requesting to pay into the Sidewalk Fund due to the limited space between the edge of
pavement and the open drainage ditch.
Borghese said the adjacent urgent care facility was approved to construct the public
sidewalk on their private property and suggested the grocer do the same. He commented
that the Sidewalk Fund had been in place since 2008 and no sidewalks have been built out
of that fund yet. Kabiri said three projects had paid into the fund but all sites still had open
ditches at this point. Harbin commented there was a 10-foot water line easement on the
private property that a sidewalk could not be located on top of. Annan asked Brian
Gillis/Kimley-Horn if they would be willing to install the sidewalk on private property.
Gillis said they would work with City staff to make the sidewalk fit.
Lovell said the shared access point off FM 528 was currently used as the drive-thru lane for
Starbucks and asked Gillis if they had a solution for the increase in traffic the project would
bring. Gillis said the FM 528 drive was an existing easement but the main driveway would
be located on FM 518. He said there is a median break that would maneuver left hand turns
into the site. Neel said most drivers prefer a right hand turn versus a left hand turn. Gillis
said they do not have a way to prohibit use of the existing access easement. Neel asked if
they could remove the access point and use only FM 518. Kabiri explained shutting of the
secondary access would push more traffic onto FM 518. He said most drivers will use the
path of least resistance.
Sasson asked what the plan was for the open green space. Gillis said that area was excess
land the store was not utilizing.
Motion to amend including the installation of the sidewalk and to work with City staff
on the FM 528 shared access point: Borghese
Second: Annan
Vote: 6 to 0 Unanimous Motion passed
June 16, 2017 P & Z Meeting
6. Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance Section
7.P.6. Permitted Use Table to allow indoor automobile sales in the Community
Shopping Center (CSC) district
Motion to discuss: Neel
Second: Sasson
Harbin reminded the Commission of a public comment from the last meeting where a
resident requested the consideration of adding a use to the Permitted Use Table. She said
the gentleman was interested in opening an indoor, luxury car sales location but the use
was not permitted in the largest commercial district, Community Shopping Center (CSC).
Banfield said he thought the use was too broad and worried about the future of such a use
in CSC.
Neel asked how the use would be restricted to indoors only. Harbin said the use could be
listed specifically as “indoor.” She said staff could also include a footnote or require a
Specific Use Permit for auto sales.
Annan said there was currently auto sales use allowed in zones other than CSC and
suggested the applicant consider other locations in the allowed zoning districts. Lovell
agreed the change would not be beneficial to the City and stated a concern over future
tenants that may not sell such high end cars as Mr. Espino.
7. Work Sessions:
a. Proposed updates to the Future Land Use Map (2008)
Harbin said the subcommittee met three times in May to bring the map up to date; the last
version was dated 2008. She said the color scheme was changed to meet American
Planning Association (APA) standards.
Harbin presented the six areas of change suggested by the subcommittee. Banfield
explained the Future Land Use Map was a “roadmap” for the City and did not actually
change any zoning on the ground. He said the areas of Special Study were too vague and
thus changed. Borghese explained the area around the future Friendswood Lakes Blvd
intersection could be a big commercial spot.
Banfield stated, to move forward, the subcommittee would be gathering input from other
city groups followed by public comments and town hall meetings to get the public’s input.
He said following those sessions, the map would be presented to the Commission again
then ultimately up to City Council for final approval.
Neel asked why the area at Leisure Lane was Office Park District when the Commission
had previously met and agreed a zone change to retail would be beneficial to the City.
Banfield said that with all the controversy surrounding that property, the subcommittee had
not updated that portion. Lovell said the application in question has since been withdrawn
but regardless, the Commission needs to utilize the Future Land Use Map as the tool it is
meant to be.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
June 16, 2017 P & Z Meeting
meeting dates
Harbin said the next regular meeting was July 6th and a Joint Public Hearing was slated for
July 10th. Sasson said he would be out of town for both meetings. Annan announced the 6th
would have been his last meeting since he was moving out of town. The Commission
agreed to combine both meetings on July 10, 2017.
9. Communications from
a. Commissioners – Annan said his goodbyes to the Commission and thanked Staff
for their assistance over his 2.5 year term. Lovell thanked Annan for his service on
the Commission as well as part of CEDC.
b. Planning Subcommittee – nothing further.
c. Ordinance Subcommittee – Neel stated the subcommittee had met that night and
began reviewing the updated Zoning Map. She said the map was administrative in
nature and was prepared to workshop the item with the Commission on July 10th.
d. Council liaison – Councilman Rockey thanked Annan for volunteering and
described how impressed he had been with Annan’s contributions. He updated the
Commission on recent interviews of commissioner applicants and said the Mayor
will bring the Commission’s recommendations before the rest of Council for
Rockey said Council would be holding a workshop to review their liaison schedule
next Saturday.
e. Staff – Harbin thanked Annan for his contributions. Harbin said she would be
emailing out the recent DRC report soon.
10. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary