HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2016-03-24 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm with the following people in
Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Tony Annan
Commissioner Sally Branson Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Becky Summers, Dev. Coordinator
Absent: Borghese, Triplette
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) March 7, 2016
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Lovell
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding the zone classification change request of
262.15 acres from Single Family Residential (SFR) and Multi-Family Residential-
Medium (MFR-M) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) (Friendswood Trails) and
2.238 acres from Multi-Family Residential-Medium Density (MFR-M) to
Neighborhood Commercial (NC), property commonly known as the old Sunmeadow
AT 7:00 PM
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Golf Course, being nine tracts of land situated in the William Henry Survey, A-84 & the
Mary Sloan Survey, A-184 Galveston County, Texas, and the R.A. Magee Survey, A-349
& the H. Stevens Survey, A-595, Brazoria County, Texas
Motion to discuss: Annan
Second: Branson
Harbin explained the developer changed Phase 3 of the development to be 90’ lots and
they removed the emergency access through Windsong Lane. She said the road
connection through Dorado Drive would remain due to requirements set forth in the
International Fire Code. She stated the developer wrote a memo addressing the concerns
raised at the last meeting, also.
Parke Patterson, developer, said they changed Phase 3 to 90’ lots in order to meet the
City’s minimum lot size and they also limited the number of lots to 74 maximum. He said
the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Police Department both required a secondary point of
access which is why he left the Dorado Drive connection in the plan.
Neel asked if Phase 3 would utilize the City’s standard building setbacks or the 5’
setbacks shown on the plan. Sel Thint, designer/engineer, said they would use the City’s
standard setbacks and the regulation matrix on the plan was an oversight on his part.
O’Farrell asked the developer why they limited Phase 3 to only 74 lots. Mr. Patterson
answered that decision was made in response to public feedback about traffic concerns.
He said he was sensitive to the residents wants and proposed less impact all around.
Patterson then said drainage and traffic studies would be performed closer to platting.
Lovell asked if the developer had spoken with the school district. Patterson stated he had
a meeting scheduled with the superintendent on March 29th. O’Farrell said he would like
to hear the results of that meeting before he would be comfortable making a
recommendation for/against the project. Patterson said that school planning should
already be in place since the property was currently zoned for residential use. He
mentioned again the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) would remove the
currently allowed, multi-family portion.
Patterson said a variety of product (lot sizes) would appeal to multiple buyers and cited
West Ranch as a great example. He stated the PUD would not include a maintenance or
management district that would increase taxes.
O’Farrell asked the Assistant City Manager, Morad Kabiri, to explain how the
surrounding areas must not be impacted by watershed from the new development. Kabiri,
former City Engineer for the City of Friendswood, said any new development must meet
the City’s standards as well as the Drainage District’s standards and must ensure no
additional watershed. He explained how the City’s utility systems worked and said the
new development would be required to extend utilities to their property.
Thint said they were designing for their 270 acres plus the Sunmeadow subdivision. He
explained the developer was modeling for over 500 acres and would spend in excess of
one-million dollars for drainage.
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Bob Garner, E. Castle Harbour Drive, asked if the Dorado connection would be open to
the public. Harbin answered yes. He said there were no sidewalks in that area and adding
traffic was unacceptable. He stated he was in favor of and understood development but
did not agree with the road access being proposed.
Linda Royder, E. Castle Harbour Dr., spoke against the project and said nothing should
ever be built on that land.
Kevin Sokora, Palmer Drive, said the developer should not take the horseshoe area into
account when calculating the proposed density. He further stated 55’ lots should not be
allowed in Friendswood. Sokora said the City told him that the creek bottlenecked in that
area and caused flooding. He said the drainage study for the area only included the
proposed development and the Sunmeadow Subdivision but not Windsor Estates. Sokora
ended saying he was not a fan of commercial being built along FM 528.
Jim Vogas, W. Castle Harbour Dr., stated he had lived in the neighborhood for 40 years
and that he had prepared a traffic and drainage analysis that he sent to the developer. He
said he would like to be helpful and offer his views to the developer. He said he served
on the Clear Creek Drainage District board for six years. He encouraged Mr. Patterson to
continue to work on the project.
Dan Jacobs, Windsong Lane, said his concern regarding the use of Windsong Lane as an
emergency access road had been addressed. He said he recognized the difficulty in
developing an old golf course but said having a plan did not mean it should be developed.
He stated the creek area was used heavily be the existing residents and wanted that area
to be kept open.
Diane Hecht, Windsong Ln, thanked the developer for removing Windsong Lane as an
emergency access point. She said the developer should consult with the high school and
that she, too, understood the difficulty in developing an old golf course.
Bill Grace, Fairway Drive, said 55’ lots would destroy the surrounding home values. He
said he bought his property because of the golf course and that had since been destroyed.
Roy Turner, Gleneagles Drive, said he had lived in Sunmeadows for 27 years and they
should not build houses on the former golf course.
Faye Roberson, resident, said the Home Owner Association (HOA) had met with Mr.
Patterson last summer at a local church and had a very big turnout. She said the drainage
was bad in Sunmeadow and always had been. Roberson said she knew the land was
difficult to develop and needed to see more information, further along. She said the
subdivision could not take more traffic. She stated she was glad everyone spoke and had
faith Mr. Patterson would not build something in bad faith.
Ralph Blough, W. Castle Harbour Drive, said he did not have a problem with the plan.
He said he would like to see some patio homes, though. He asked who previously
promised the Windsong residents that Windsong Lane would not be used for thru traffic.
He said adding a Windsong access would better split the traffic load and mentioned that
both Sunmeadow and Windsong residents were Friendswood residents. Blough asked if
the City or developer could install sidewalks along one side of Dorado Drive to increase
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
safety for kids.
Bryce Blackmon, resident, asked for a list of builders that would price their products as
high as Mr. Patterson quoted. He asked if the traffic study would be for only the new
neighborhood or for that area of FM 528. Blackmon asked if the drainage study would
account for Windsor Estates also.
Peggy Duncan, Dorado Drive, said she did not see how the drainage could improve, only
be impacted.
Parke Patterson, developer, addressed some of the public comments saying the 47 acre
horseshoe area was currently zoned for single family homes and his plan would remove
the allowed homes and be replaced with open green space. Patterson said the
development would create 175 million dollars in new value with 2.4 million dollars going
towards school taxes every year. He explained the 55’ lots were purposely down-zoned
versus the current multi-family zoning. He said the builders would set the tone for the
neighborhood but could not disclose which builders due to the competitive market.
Sel Thint, designer/engineer, explained how detention ponds would help alleviate the
existing drainage issues in addition to accounting for the new development’s needed
Commissioner Annan asked Assistant City Manager Kabiri if the new water lines would
help the low water pressure a resident spoke of, and if sewer was available. Kabiri
answered that the area currently had sewer service, including Lift Station #8.
Annan said Dorado Drive would provide egress and asked if the paving met City
requirements. Kabiri said the paving size met City code. Annan asked if on-street parking
could be restricted or if the road could be widened. Kabiri said the residents that live
there like to park on the street and like to have that option for their guests, as well. He
said widening the road would require the City to acquire private land. He also explained
how a traffic impact analysis was figured. Annan asked if Windsong residents were
promised Windsong Lane would not be used as a thru road. Kabiri answered he did not
have any personal knowledge.
Harbin addressed concerns from residents regarding how information regarding the zone
change was distributed. She said the Joint Public Hearing was advertised per state law
and subsequent meetings would be posted on the City’s website for residents to utilize.
O’Farrell said he felt a great deal of progress had been made during the night’s discussion
but said he really needed feedback from the school district.
Motion to table: Lovell
Second: Branson
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
5. Consideration and possible action regarding the site plan Fire Station #1 to be located at
1610 Whitaker Dr. (behind the Public Safety Building)
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Neel
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin explained this fire station would become the new main station to replace the one
currently next door to City Hall.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding the site plan amendment for Fire Station 4
located at 111 Woodlawn Dr.
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Neel
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Annan mentioned the rooftop equipment did not depict any screening to which Harbin
answered the property was not located in the Community Overlay District and did not
require screening.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Friendswood
Mary’s Creek, 13.3586 acres being out of Lot 5, Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision
(Vol. 215, pg. 394) transferred to (Plat Record 14, Map Number 48 G.C.M.R.) and being
out of Perry & Austin League, Abstract 20 Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
O’Farrell asked the applicant, Brett Banfield, to discuss the status of the project. Banfield
stated the project had been held up and he hoped to make the next agenda.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C
Zoning Ordinance Section 8. N. Downtown District 4. Architectural standards
Motion to table: Annan
Second: Lovell
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin presented the Commission with several options for decreasing the required
percentage of fenestration in the Downtown District. She explained that, as mentioned at
the last meeting, staff had come across several projects where designers had difficulty
meeting the ordinance. She said certain uses, such as pharmacies and banks, had security
concerns. Harbin presented wo options that lessened the percentage required while the
third option allowed the Commission discretion to approve alternate plans. Harbin
explained it would be more beneficial to developers to know what to expect, though.
Harbin presented a fourth option allowing siding back into the Downtown District. She
explained that façade requirements were another issue developers kept bringing to staff’s
attention. Lovell said he was okay with siding but needed more time to think about the
fenestration changes. Annan stated he was not in favor of allowing siding as a façade
material used in commercial developments.
9. Update from the Subcommittee regarding a possible ordinance amendment and a
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
recommendation to City Council regarding whether or not to require a Specific Use
Permit for retail uses 100,000 square feet or larger
Lovell said the subcommittee was working on benchmarking other cities to see how they
handled large retail developments. He explained since assembly uses required Specific
Use Permits (SUP) that there was some precedence to require a SUP for large retail
buildings, as well. He said the subcommittee was seeking input from the Commercial and
Economic Development Committee (CEDC) in regards to requiring an economic impact
analysis by the developer. He stated there was not much support for this requirement for
fear of impeding development.
Lovell said the proposed ordinance included expanding the time frame for public
comments and allowing social media comments, too. He said the subcommittee had been
consulting with the City Attorney since public comments had guidelines set forth in state
law. Lovell said the social media comments could prove to be too problematic to be
accepted. He said verifying the commenter’s identity and residency would be difficult.
Lovell spoke about an item the subcommittee wanted to include that was not in the
original proposal by Councilman Rockey. Lovell said they were discussing the need for
architectural relief in the structural design should the building ever be repurposed. He
said the City of Frisco had a similar requirement the subcommittee was researching.
Lovell ended by saying the ordinance was a work in progress and estimated another two
subcommittee meetings before having a solid proposal.
10. Consideration and possible action regarding electing a new vice chairperson
Motion to elect Lovell as Vice-Chairman: Branson
Second: Annan
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
11. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates.
Harbin said the Commission would be having a Joint Public Hearing with City Council
on April 4th. After some discussion, the Commission decided to combine their regular
meeting for April 7th with the JPH on April 4, 2016.
12. Communications from the Commission
O’Farrell thanked the Commission for allowing public comments to extend past the
normal three minute time limit each.
13. Reports
A. Council Liaison – none
B. Staff – none
14. The meeting was adjourned at 9:14pm.
March 24, 2016 P & Z Meeting
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary